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2� 17� 1923 <br /> EXH�B�T "A" <br /> A trac� of' �and coznpr�sin� a par� of the �ast �-���f' �f tl�e Southe�:�st ��.��rter af� fl�� Sout��w�st <br /> ��xarter ��a��SF�1'I4S'�1V�/�} of�ect�o� 'Tw�nty-thr�t �Z3}, 'I�av��nship �����en �1 �} Nar�h, Range Nine <br /> �9} VVe�t of� t�-�e G��� P.M., �-��a�l �oun��, Nebraska, and more part�cularly des�rib�d as fol�aws; <br /> 1�3��ir-�nin� dt th� So«thvvest �orner ��~sa�d Ea�t �-Ia�f of the Southeast C�uar�er of the Southwest <br /> Quarter (��'IzSE%S W`I�}, thence runnin� �a�th�rly along the West �i��e of said East Half af the <br /> Sau�heas� Quart�r of the Southwest �uarter �E'��SE1/45�1/�� a dis�ance af' Fi�e Hundred �5��.�} <br /> Fi�e�, thence running �asterly and para�lel tio �he S�uth Ixne of said East Half �f the S�utheas� <br /> �uarter of the Southw�st �uarter (E'/�SE1/4SW'I�� a di�f�.nce of Four Hundr•ed Thirty-f�� and Six <br /> "I'enths (435.�} Feet, thence running Southerly and paraliel to the 'UVest line of said East Half of <br /> th� Southeast �uarter of the Southwest �uarter �L:if2��1��35 YY �I4} a distance af Fi�e Hundred <br /> �50�.�} ��eet to a p�in� �n the Sauth line of said East Ha�f of �he Sautheast Qu�rter of �he <br /> So�.ithwes� �uar��r �E%SE'/�SW'/d}, then�e runr�ing �es�er�y al�ng th� So���h line �f� said Fas� <br /> �-�al f o� the Southeas� Quarter �f th� S�uthwest C�uar�er ���%2SE'I4S W'/�} a distance of Four <br /> I-���ndred r�~hir�y-fi�e a»d Six '�,enths �435.E� f�et to the pozr�t af��g�nnin�. <br />