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2� 17� 1921 <br /> ��H lBfT "A" <br /> �� trac� c�f' l�nd �:��nprisir�� � �art �f� t�ze F�ast �--�alf� of, t}�e ���.�th�as� ��iar�er of t��� 5o�.�t���vest <br /> ���art�r �L1`/��I;'�4S W'I�� of Se�ti��r� �T�v�pty-t��x-�:e �23�, �I��awn���ip ��leuer� {l �} Nar�h, �an�e Ni��e <br /> ���} 'Vy'�st of thc 6t�' �'.M., ���all �ounty, N�braska, �nd more particul�rly des�ribed as fo��ows: <br /> �3���i�p i t�� at th� Sou�hw��t �:�rner o f sa�d �a�t �-�al f of the � �uarter af the Sou�h�ves� <br /> �uart�� �F'��S�'��S�`I�}, then�e runnin� I�`�rtherly alr�n� �he V�est 1 in� �f sa�d East Half �f the <br /> �outheast �L�ar�e1- of �he 5ou�hwe�t �uar-ter ��'��SE'/aS����} a dis�ai»E of Fi�e �undr�d �5�fl.�� <br /> �{e�t, thence ru�.nir�g L:ast�rly ar�d paral��i t� the So�.�th lin� o�� said �ast �-�a�f af� th� �outheast <br /> C��lar�er of`rh� Sou�Mwest ��art�r �E���E'/��W'/4} a distat�c� of Four Hupdred Thirty�fi�� a�d Six <br /> �T�r�ths �435.b� Feet, thenc� runn�n�; Sauthe�'�y and par�ll�I to the ��st lin� af said �ast Half of� <br /> �h� So���hea�t �r.��rt�r of the �c������v��est Q��arter ��'��SF'�aS�V��4� a �istance �f Fiv� Hundre� <br /> ����.�} �'�et to a paint on �he �oti�h line af said �asf Half of the ��utheas� �uart�r of th� <br /> �c�Ll�hwest �uarter ��`/�SF'I�S�`��}, then�e runl-�in� �1Ves��rly ato��� th� S��.zt�7 lin� �f sai� Fast <br /> �-���f o�" the Southeast Q�xar�er o�` the ��L�thwe�t �L�a�cr ��:'��5�'I4��V'��� a distance af F�ur <br /> �--��i���red �I�hlr���-t1V� c'�.I�� SI�C ��ptl�5 ����.�]� f���. �C] �h� �C�II�� 0���e�innin�. <br />