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EXHIBIT "A" <br />201 701897 <br />Fractional Lot One (1) in Fractional Block Twenty (20) in Russel Wheeler's Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />and part of Fractional Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Fractional Block Two (2), in H.G. Clarks Addition to the City <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, and part of Fractional Lot Two (2) in Fractional Block Eight (8), in Gilbert's Addition <br />to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; all being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, to <br />wit: Beginning at the North - Easterly corner of Block Twenty (20) in Russel Wheeler's Addition, said point being <br />the intersection of Eddy and Eleventh Streets, running thence Westerly, on the Southerly line of Eleventh Street, <br />for a distance of Seventy -Seven (77) feet; thence at right angles, in a Southerly direction, parallel with Eddy <br />Street, a distance of Sixty -Six (66) feet; thence at right angles, in an easterly direction, parallel with Eleventh <br />Street, a distance of Seventy -Seven (77) feet to the Westerly line of Eddy Street; thence Northerly, along the <br />Westerly line of Eddy Street, for a distance of Sixty -Six (66) feet to the point of the place of beginning. <br />