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<br /> ._....__.:--�r."`sa4�Y�'-` i cur.��h71�f�a,�.H��Y ��h.a��'Y•'�;<;���i aRil:3�l� �c ��4. C� z zb,;. -•;41 u2., ._L;aG-e{�(r�: � rr' ,��4•�F'l :••A'�i�,.A?• _2�. _.
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<br /> � � g�._; 101Q6� � �
<br /> � 5. If any� term, covenant, restrictian or provision of this .�Ag�eempnt is dt��r.�
<br /> � mined to be uaid. inualid or t�nenforceable. the remainde: of tl�e terms. covenants.
<br /> reStri.ctions or provisians of this Agreement- shall remain in full farce a�d effect,
<br /> and the Rravisions of the tVote and MortgagejCeed of Trust aminendsd or modi�f�d by
<br /> such uoid, invaZid or unenforceable part hereof shall be reaffir�rted and enforceable
<br /> to the same extent as if this Aqreement h3d nat been execute�. '
<br /> IN WITNESS (�MEREOF, the undersigned have executed this instreiment on this ���;�„
<br /> aay Qf Qecember , 1� 89. THE GRAND ISLAND TRLlST C�mPANY �F GEiAAIU�•.Iu AND,
<br /> AEll�CABL TRUST � .
<br /> % ' "
<br /> t „
<br /> ' By: Ernest J -� ayer�, �res' ent �
<br /> . � . : �
<br /> . �
<br /> � � �e osse n � .
<br /> �
<br /> � Fred H . Bosse2man "F�rchasers° �
<br /> . , . .;,;:.
<br /> � � ay � �� : �
<br /> "Na Fe �ral" �
<br /> ST�TE QF NEBRpSKA )
<br /> �§
<br /> ; COUMTY DF �� ) =
<br /> � , ;��fore me, a Notary Public qua2ifi�� in said County, per�onally came ERNEST J_ �THAYER, ".
<br /> . PRE�����UT QF THE GRAND ISLAND TRUST COmPF�NY knawn to me to be the identical per- • �
<br /> son(g who siyned the foregning laan r�lodificatian and Assumption F!�reement with Release, ��—
<br /> � and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his/her/their valu�taLy� act and deed.
<br /> . . .
<br /> � , Witness my hand and Notarial Seal on December 22 1 89. �
<br /> ,t
<br /> , ���+�a�ANO T� � ��.;-%=-- �
<br /> ������ No�ary Publi . �
<br /> ..�
<br /> ; SF��'� OF NEBRASKA ) � �'
<br /> �§ .
<br /> COUNTY OF ►.� ) `
<br /> Before me. a NotaTy Public qualified in said County, rersonally came FradT�Ck A_ BOSSE�R3tl
<br /> , and �red H . Bosselman kno�sn �o me t� be the identical per-
<br /> son s who siartpd the foregoinc� l.oan �ludiffcatian and As�umption Ac�:eement witi� Release,
<br /> � and aelcnowle����the executian L-hereof ta be his/h��r/their �c:.untary� act and deQd.
<br /> W' � c �.r+�i aria: 5cal o� December 2Z , 19 .
<br /> �
<br /> , ��Allll'YM�O►���� -�---% .
<br /> Not�ry Puhlia
<br /> � 5TATE OF NEBRA5KA )
<br /> �§ �-=-=_
<br /> ; COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> B�Fore me, a Notary public qualified in said County, personally came 9arry G. Sandstrom �
<br /> � ',lics t'sesid��L of ii�rt�e �edera2 �avinc}s a�ici Lc�an i�ssc��i- : .
<br /> at or► of Gtand Island, �� savings and ln�n �s�or,iation, kn�wn tn m� to be the same �
<br /> and identical persnr7 wh� signed the fnregoiny Lo�n f�odiPication and Assump- �
<br /> Ltion Ayreement with Rele�se, ar�d acknowl�dged tha �xecution thereof to b� hi� v��lunt�ry
<br /> act ar�d d�ed �s such officer and thr� voluntary act and deed df s�id assnciatian.
<br />, r�
<br />. t�litn��s my hand and Notarial 5ea2 an D�CE��ti�lEl' 2� . �� E�t ��
<br />: �<< —1'`� � , �t i . � ,
<br /> �G�Nf�,1l AJit-r�r.g+�.�t f:-"rr,;k� t'lot�� yj�� t � .
<br /> 1;t�,��ric K t� , rj r �►.zl ic
<br /> � (f(
<br />� f��a'�_r3�fi.j IS, ��`,�i�� ..�..
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