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2� 17� 1841 <br /> aEEa oF -r�usT <br /> Loan No: 7�7 3�'I�79 {Con�t�nued} Page 2 <br /> REFERRED T� THEREIN. SHALL ALSD BE AN EVENT �F DEFAl3LT UNDER THIS �EED �F TRUST. THiS DEED �F <br /> TRUST iS G�VEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE F�LL4W�NG TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Ex�ept as otherwise pra�ided in this ❑eed o�Trust� Trustor shali pay tv Lend�r aIi <br /> amounfis s�cured by this i]eed v� Trus� as they �ecvme due, and shall sfiric�ly and in a tim�ly manner per�orm all o# <br /> Trustor's❑bliga�ions under�the Na�e,this ❑eed of Trus�, and the Re�ated Documents. <br /> P�SSESSI�N AND NlAINTENANCE DF THE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees tha� Trustar's possessian and use vf �he <br /> Property shall be go�erned by the fv�lawEng pro�isions: <br /> Possession and Use. Un�i1 the occurrence vf an E�enf ❑f �e�ault, Trustor may �7} remain in possession and <br /> controi of the Pr�per�y; �2� use, operate❑r manage�he Proper�y; and �3y cof[ect the R�nts#rvm the Praperty. <br /> ❑uty #o Ma�ntain. Trustar shafi maintain �he Property in fienantabie cvndition and promptly per�arm af� repairs, <br /> rep[acements. and maintenan�e necessary fiv pr�ser�e its�alue. <br /> Camp[iance V�i�h Environmental Laws. Trustar represen�s and warranfis to L�nder�ha�: �1 f Du�ing the perivd of <br /> Trustor's o►nrnership o�f�h� Pr�p�rty, th�re has been no use, generation, manu�acture, storage, tr�atment. dispasai, <br /> re�ease or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance by any person an, under, about or ��rom the Property; <br /> {2} Trustor has nv knawledge vf, or reasan ta b�EEe�e that ther� has been, excep� as pre�iously dEscEased ta and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in wrifiing, �a� any breach ar �ialation ot any En�irvnm�ntal Laws, �b3 any use, <br /> generafiion, manu�ac�ure, storage, �reatment, dispvsal, release ar threa�ened reiease o� any Hazardaus Su�stance <br /> on, under. about or #rvm �he Proper�y by any prior owners ar occupan#s of the Property� ar ��} any actual ar <br /> �hreafiened �E�Ega�ion ar claims o�F any kind �y any person relating to such matters; and {3� Except �s pre�iausEy <br /> d�sclosed to and acknowledged �y Lender in writing, {a� neither Trustor nor any tenant, contrac�o�, agent or other <br /> authorized user v�the Property shali use, genera�e, manufac�ur�, star�, trea�, dispvse o�vr release any Hazardaus <br /> 5ubstance on, und�r, abvut vr from the Praperfy; and �b� any such acti�ity shaiE be condu��ed in comp�iance wi#h <br /> a�� applicabie federa�, state, and Io�ai Iaws, �egula��vns and vrdinances, inciuding without EimEtation a�� <br /> En�ironmentai Laws. Trust�r authorizes L�nder and �ts agents t❑ enter upon the Prvperty tv mak� such <br /> inspectivns and �esfis, at Trus�ar's expense, as Lender may deem appropr�ate �o determine comp�iance o� the <br /> P�operty with �his sec�Eon o� the Deed af Trust. Any �nspectEnns vr tests made by Lender shaIl be for Lender`s <br /> purposes only and shal� not be construed ta create any respvnsib���ty o�liabiiity on the par�of Lender fio T�ustor or <br /> tv any other p�rson. The repres�n�ations and warranties Gontained h��ein are has�d on Trustor's due di[igence in <br /> investiga��ng the Property �or Haza�dvus Subs�ances. Trustor he�eby t'�y �eleases and wai�es any �utur� claims <br /> agains� Lender for indemnity vr con�rihu�ion �n the event Trustar becvmes 1iable for cfeanup ❑r ❑ther cvsts under <br /> any such �aws; and {2} agrees ta indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and aii c�aims, Iasses, <br /> liabilifiies, damages, penalties, and expens�s whieh Lender may dire�tIy or Endirectly susta�n ar suffer resu���ng �rom <br /> a breach of this se�ti�n af the D�ed af Trust ❑r as a �onsequence vf any use, genera�ivn, manufac�ure, storage, <br /> d�sposal, r�lease vr threatened release accurring prior to Trustor's ownership or interesfi in fihe Proper'ty, whe�her�r <br /> not the same was or shouid ha�e been knvwn ta Trustor. The pro�isians o� this sectian a� �he Deed ot Trus�, <br /> Encluding the❑hligati�n to indemnify and defend, sha!!su��i�e the paymen�o�the lndebtedness and the satis�action <br /> and recon�eyan�e af the lien o��his ❑eed of Trust and shaEf nafi be affected by Lender's acquisition of any Enterest <br /> in the Property, wheth�r by foreclvsure vr atherwise. <br /> Nu�san�e, Vllaste. Trustor shall nvt cause, conduct or perm�fi any nuisance nor cammit, permit, ❑r su�Ffer any <br /> stripping of ❑r waste ❑n or t❑ the P�oper#y or any portian of the Proper�y. Wi�hou� l�miting the generaiity o��he <br /> �oregoing, Trus�or wil� nat rem��e, or grant�o any o�her party the right tv remove, any timber, minerals �inc[udEng <br /> oi� and gas�, �oal, �lay, scoria, s�il,gra�ei or rock products without Lender's prior wri�ten consen�. <br /> Remo�al of[mprovements. Trustor shail nvt demv�ish or remo�e any Impr��ements from the Reaf Property wi�hau� <br /> Lender's prior writ�en consen�. As a condition ta�he remo�al a�any Impro��ments, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangements sat�sfac�o�y to Lender ta rep�ace such Impr�v�ments wi�h Improvements of at Ieast equal <br /> va�ue. <br /> Lendsr's Righ#to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representatives may enter upan the Rea[ Property at a[� <br /> reasnnab�e times �o attend to Lender's Enterests and to insp�c# the Real Property f�r pu�poses o� Trustor's <br /> camplian�e wi�h th�terms and conditions o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Camplian�e with Go►►ernmental R�quirements, Trusfivr shaii prompt[y comply with ali Iaws, o�dinanc�s, and <br /> reguiations, now or hereatter in e�fect� of aE� go�ernmental authorities app�icable �o the use or ac�upancy af the <br /> Property� inc[uding wi�hout �EmEtation, the Ame�icans With Disabilities Ac#. Trus�or may cont�s� in good faith any <br /> such law, ordinance, or regu�atEvn and withhv�d compE�ance during any praceeding, inc�ud�ng app�qpria�e appeals, <br /> so lvng as Trustor has noti�ied Lender in writing priar to d�Eng s� and so Iong as, �n Lender's sale op�nion, Lender's <br /> interes�s in the Prvper�y ar� not jeopardized. Lender may require Trustor �o pvst adequate security or a surety <br /> bond, reasonabiy sa�isfactory to Lender,ta protec�Lender's inter�s�. <br /> 1]uty to Pratect. Trusta� agrees nei�he� �o abandon ❑r lea�e unattended the Proper�y. Trustor shai� do ail other <br /> acts, in addition�o thvse acts set�orth abo�e in�his sec��an, whEch�rom the character and use of fihe Property are <br /> reasonabEy necessary to protect and preserve the Praper�y. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fol�owing pro�isions relating to the taxes and liens on the Property are part ❑f�his Deed of <br /> Trust: <br />