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2� 17� 184� <br /> DEED �F TRLJST <br /> Lvan Nv; 'I�'I 3�'i�79 ��ontinued} Page Z <br /> secures, in additian tv �he amounts speci�Eed in the Note, all future amaunts Lender �n its discretion may loan to <br /> Trustar,toge�her with a�i in�erest the�ean. <br /> Trustor presen�ly assigns to Lender �also known as Benef�ciary in this Deed �� Trust} a!I of Trustar's right, titfe� and <br /> �nterest in and to aif present and future �eases at the Proper�y and all Rents from the Property. En addi�ion, Trustor <br /> grants�v Lender a Uniform Commerc�al Cvde s�curity�n�erest in�he Persvnal Prop�rty and Rents. <br /> TH1S DEED�F TRUST, 1NCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT aF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY. 1S GIVEN T� SECiJRE �A} PAYNIENT �F THE INDEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERF�RNiANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLIGATi�NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND TH�S DEED �F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED �F TRUST. INGLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST �N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, �S ALS� GIVEN TQ SECURE ANY AND ALL �F TRUST�R'S �BLIGATlONS UNDER THAT <br /> CERTAIN CaNSTRIJCTI�N L4AN A�REEMENT BETVIIEEN TRUST�R AND LENDER �F EVEN DATE HEREWITH. ANY <br /> EVENT �F �EFAULT UNDER THE C�NSTRUGT��N L�AN AGREEMENT. �R ANY �F THE RELATED D�CUMENTS <br /> REFERRED T� THEREIN. SHALL ALS� BE AN EVENT DF DEFAULT UNQER TH15 DEED �F TRUST. THlS DEED �F <br /> TRUST 15 GiVEN AND ACCEPTED qN THE F�LL�WING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as atherwise pra�id�d in this Deed of Trust, Trustar sha[[ pay to Lender alI <br /> amounts secured by �his �]eed o� Trust as th�y become due, and shall stricf�y and in a timely manne� perfarm aE� v� <br /> Trustor's abligatians under the Nofie, this ❑eed v�Trus�, and fihe ReIa�ed ❑ocuments. <br /> P�5SES51�N AND MAlNTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trustar agrees tha� Trustor's pvssessian and use af �he <br /> Property shall bs ga�e�ned by th�fvllowing pro�isions: <br /> Possessian and Us�. Un�i� the accurrence �� an E�ent of Default, Trustor may ��} remaEn in possessian and <br /> contrvi of the Property; �2f use, operate or manage�he Property; and {3} coilec�the Rents�rom the Proper�y. <br /> Duty to Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the P�oper�y in tenantable �ondE�ion and prompt[y per�orm al� repairs� <br /> replacements, and maEntenance necessary�a preser�e its�alue. <br /> Comp��ance With Environmental Laws. Trus�or r�presents and warrants �a Lender�ha#: {�} During th� period of <br /> Trustvr's ❑wnership o��he Property,�here has been no use, generation, manufacture, s�orage,trea�men�, dispasal, <br /> reLease ar threatened release of any Hazardous Subs�tan�e by any person ❑n, under, about �r fram the Pr�per�y; <br /> �2� Trusfior has na knawledg� ❑f, or reasvn to be��e�e�ha��here has heen, except as previvus�y disclosed to and <br /> aGknowiedged by Lende�- in writing, ta� any breach or �ivIation at any En�ironmenta� Laws, tb} any use, <br /> generation, manufactur�, storage, treatment, d�spasa�, release or threatened release o� any Hazard�us Subs�ance <br /> on, under, abou� vr f�vm th� Property by any privr �wne�s �r occupants of fihe Properfiy, vr {cy any actua� or <br /> threatened litiga�ion ❑r c�aims of any k�nd by any p�rson re�ating to such matte�s; and t3} Except as pre�iaus�y <br /> disclvsed to and acknowledged by Lender in writ�ng, �a} neither Trustor nor any tenant. can�ra�tor, agen�ar vther <br /> au'thorized user o��he Prvp�rty sha[I use, generat�, manu�a�ture� s�vre, treat� d�spose of or release any Hazardous <br /> Su�stance on, under, abau�or from�he Propertyi and �by any such a�ti�ity sha�� be conducted in comp��an�e with <br /> af� applicable federal, state, and ioca� laws, regulatfvns and ordinances, including wi�haut �imita��an aIl <br /> En�ironmental Laws. T�ustor authori�es Lender and its agents tv enter upvn the Property to make such <br /> inspect�ons and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate tv determine cvmpiiance of the <br /> Property wEth this sectivn v�the Deed o� Trus�. Any inspecfiions or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purposes anly and sha11 not be construed�o creat� any responsibiiity ar EiabilEty on the part of Lender tv Trustor or <br /> ta any other person. The �epresen�ations and warran�ties contained herein are based vn Trustor's due diligence in <br /> �n�estigating fihe Praperty �vr Hazardaus Substances. Trustor herehy ��} releases and waives any future claims <br /> against Lender far indemnity or cantribu�tion in th� event Trus�f�r �e�omes liable �or cleanup nr �ther costs under <br /> any such �aws; and �2} agrees to indemn�fy, defend, and hold harm�ess Lender against any and all claims, losses, <br /> i�abilities, damages, penalties� and expenses which Lender may direCfi�y�r indirect[y sustain Qr suffer result�ng fram <br /> a b�-each o��h�s section o��he ❑eed ❑t Trust or as a conse�uence af any use, genera�ivn, manutacture, storage, <br /> dispasaI, reEease ar threatened release o�curring prior to Trustor's ownership❑r interest in the Property, whether or <br /> no� the same was ar should have heen knawn to Trustor. The pro�isEons of this section of the Deed of Trust, <br /> inciuding the abEigation�o indemni�Fy and detend, shaE! sur�i�e the payment v�the Indeb#�dness and the sa�is�action <br /> and re�on�eyance af the lien ❑f this Deed o�F T�ust and shall not be a��ected by Lende�'s acquisition of any interes� <br /> in�he P�aperty, whether by foreclosure❑r atherwise. <br /> Nuisan�e, Waste. Trus�ar shall nvt �ause, �onduct ❑r permit any nuisance no� commit� permE�, or suffer any <br /> stripping of or waste on or �ta �he Property v� any pvr��on vf the Praperty. Without iimiting the generality of the <br /> foregoing, Trustar will nvt remo�e� or g�ant ta any o�her party�he right�o remo�e, any timber, minerals �including <br /> oil and gasy, coaf, cEay, scoria, sail, gra�e��r ro�k products without Lender's prior written cansen�. <br /> Removal of Improvements. Trus�or sha�l nat demo[Esh or remo�e any�mprv�em�nts�rom the Rea! Property withvut <br /> Lender's priar written �ons�nt. As a cvndition ta the removal o�any Improvements, Lender may require Trustor ta <br /> make arrangements satis�actary ta Lender tfl replace such �mpro�ements wE�h impro�ements of at least equai <br /> �alue. <br /> Ler�der's R;ght tv Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and repres�ntati�es may en�er upan the Rea! Property at all <br /> reasonab�e times to attend to Lender`s Enter�s�ts and ta inspect the R�al P�operty �or purposes o� Trus�or's <br /> compliance with the terms and conditions vf this De�d�f Trust. <br />