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2� 17� 1839 <br /> ASS[GNMENT DF RENTS <br /> Loan No: 1��3��679 �Continued� Page Z <br /> AND ALL C3BLt�AT1�NS �F GRANT�R UNDER THE N�TE, TH15 A551GNMENT, AND THE RELATED D�CUMENTS. <br /> TH[5 ASSIGNMENT 15 GIVEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE FDLL�W�NG TERMS: <br /> PAYNiENT AND PERFDRMANCE, Excep� as fltherwise pro�ided in this Assignment vr any R�lafi�d Dacuments, �rantor <br /> shall pay to Lender a�l amaun�s secured by this Assignment as they b�come due, and shal[ strictly perfarm all of <br /> Gran��r's ab�igations under this Assignmen�. Unless and untiE L�nd�r exercises ��s right to coEiect the Rents as pro�ided <br /> below and so �ong as there is no defaul� under this Assignment, Grantor may remain in passessian and �antrv! a� and <br /> operate and manage the Property and collect�he Rents, pro�ided fiha�the granting af�he right�v collect the R�nts shal� <br /> not canstitute Lender's consen�t❑the use❑f cash col[atera[in a bankruptcy pr�ceeding. <br /> �RANT�R'S REPRESENTAT[QN5 AND 1NARRANTIES. Grantar warrants that: <br /> �wnership, Granfior is en���led �o rsceive the Rents �ree and Glear ❑f a11 rights, �oans, liens, encumbranc�s, and <br /> ciaims excep�as discEvsed�o and accepted by Lender in writing. <br /> Right#o Assign. Grantar has �he fu�! righ�, powe� and au�harity �o enter into this Ass�gnmen# and #n assign and <br /> c�n�ey the Ren�s to L�nder. <br /> No Prior Assignment. Gran�vr has nat pre�iously assigned or conveyed the Rents to any oth��- persvn k�y any <br /> instrument now in force. <br /> No Fur#her Trans�er. Grantor will nat se��, assign, �ncumber, or a�herwise dispose o�any❑�Grantor's rights in the <br /> Rents except as provided in�his Assignment. <br /> LENDER'S RIGHT TD RECEIVE AND C�LLECT RENTS. Lender sha�i ha�s the right at any time, and e�en thvugh no <br /> defauEt shall have occurred unde�this Assignmen�, to coilect and re�eE�e#h� R�nts. Far this purpase, Lender is h�reby <br /> given and granted th��ollawing righfis, powers and authority: <br /> Notice #o Tenants. Lender may send notices �o any and all �enan�s of the Prope�-�y advising �hem of this <br /> Assignment and direc�ing a[[ Rents tv be paid direc�Ey t� Lender or Lender's agent. <br /> En�er�he Property. Lender may enter up�n and take passession vf�he Property; demand, co�fect and re�ei�e�rom <br /> the tenants or�rom any ❑ther persans �iable there�or� a[[ af the Ren�s; insfiitute and carry on a1i legai proceedings <br /> necessary ��r the pratec�ivn o� the Property, inciuding such prace�dings as may be necessary fio reGv�er <br /> possession o��he Properfiy; callect the Ren�s and remvve any tenant ar�enants or ather persons from�he Proper�y. <br /> Main#ain�he Proper#y. Lender may enter upon the Property to maintain th� Pr�perty and keep the same in repair; <br /> to pay the costs thereo�and of a[[ ser�rices af a!� employees, including fiheir equipmentr and vf al! continuing cos�s <br /> and expenses a�main�aining the Property in proper repair and condi�inn, and a[so to pay all�axes, assessments and <br /> wa�er u#ilities� and the premiums vn�ire and�ther insurance e#fected by Lender an the Prope�ty. <br /> Campiiance wi�h Laws. Lender may da any and aII fihings to execu�e and comply with the �aws of the State o�F <br /> Nebraska and aiso al� other laws, rules, o�ders, ordinances and r�qu�rements �f al� o�her go�ernmentai agencies <br /> affecting the Prop�rty, <br /> Lease the Property, Lender may rent or�ease th� whoie ar any part af the Property for such�erm or terms and an <br /> such conditions as Lender may deem apprvpriate. <br /> Employ Agen�s. Lender may engage such agent or agents as Lender may deem appropriate� e��her in L�nder's <br /> name or in Grantor's name��o rent and manage�he Praperty, inciuding the cvE�ection and applicatian a�R�nts. <br /> flther Ac#s. Lender may do ail such o�her things and acts wi�h respect to �he Proper�y as Lender may deem <br /> appropriate and may act excfusi�eiy and soIeiy in the piace and s�ead of Grantor and to ha�e aI� of the powers o# <br /> Grantor far the purpases s�a�ed abv�e. <br /> No Requirement tv Act. Lender sha[E not be required to da any o�the ��regoing a�ts �r things, and the �ac�thafi <br /> Lender shall ha�e perfo�med one or more o�fhe foregoing acts or�hings shal! n�t require Lender �o do any nther <br /> spe�E�ic act or fihing. <br /> APPLI�ATI�N �F RENTS. Ail costs and expens�s incurred by Lender in connectivn with �he Property sha�1 be far <br /> Grantor's acc�un� and Lender may pay suGh cos#s and expenses from the R�nts. Lender, in its sole discre�ion, shall <br /> determine �hs applicativn o� any and a!I Rents re�eE�ed by it; howe�er. any such Ren�s �eceE�ed by Lender which are <br /> na� applied ta such cosfis and expenses shali be app�i�d �o �he �ndebtedness. AII expenditures made by Lender under <br /> this Assignment and not reimbu�rsed �ram the Rents sha�� hecvme a part of the Indebtedness secured hy this <br /> Assignmenfi� and shali be payable on demand, with inter�s�a�t the Nate rate�rvm date❑�F expenditure until paid. <br /> FULL PERF�RNIANCE. If Gran�or pays ali of the indebtedness when due and vtherwise per�orms all the �biigafiions <br /> imposed upon Grantor under this Assignment.�he Note, and the Related Documen�s, Lende�shaIi execute and deli�er tv <br /> Grantar a suitable sa�isfact��n a��his Assignment and suitable statements o�termination o�any financEng statement an <br /> fii� ev�dencing Lender's security �n�erest En �he Rents and the Praperty. Any termEnati�n �ee required by �aw shall be <br /> paid by Grantvr, i�perm�tted by app��cable �aw. <br /> LENDER'S EXPEND�TURES. [�any actian vr �raceeding is commen�ed tha�wauld materEaliy atfec# Lender's interest in <br /> th� P�operty or if Grantor�ails�o compfy with any pro�isian of this Assignment❑r any R�la�ed Do�uments, incEuding bufi <br /> nvt limited to Grantar's failur�to discharge or pay when due any amoun�s Grantor is required ta d�scharge or pay under <br /> #his AssEgnment flr any ReEated �ocuments, Lender on G�antor's behal� may {but shaii n�t be ab�igated to} ta�e any <br />