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2� 17� 1838 <br /> ASS�GNMENT �F RENTS � <br /> Lvan Na: 1 D 7 3D333� ��ontinued� Page � <br /> AND ALL �BLlGATI�NS �F GRANTDR UNDER THE N�TE, THIS ASSIGN�VIENT. AND THE RELATED D�CUNiENTS. <br /> THlS ASSIGNMEN7'IS GIVEN ANQ ACCEPTED QN THE F�LLa1NING TERNiS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFQRi1J�ANCE. Except as otherwise pro�ided in this Assignm�nt or any Relat�d D��uments, Grantor <br /> shall pay to Lend�r all amounts secured hy this Assignm�nt as they became du�, and shaEl strictiy per�arm all of <br /> G�antor's abligatians under this Assignment. Unless and un�i4 Lender exerc3ses its righ��� co��ect�he Rents as praWided <br /> below and so iong as there is no default under this Ass�gnment, Grantar may remain in possessian and cvntral �� and <br /> aperate and manage th� Property and co�lec�the Ren�s, praWEded tha�the granting of�he right t� c�l�ect the Rents shal� <br /> n��cons�i�ute Lender's consen��a the use of cash colla�eraf in a �ankruptcy pro�eed�ng. <br /> GRANT��i'S REPRESENTATIDNS AN❑WARRANTIES. Grantor warrants that: <br /> �wnership. Gran�or is en�i�led �o rec�i�e the Ren�s #ree and clear ❑f all rights, ioans, liens. encumbrances, and <br /> �1a�ms except as disclosed�o and a�cepted by Lender in writing. <br /> Right to Assign. Gran�or has the full right, power and authori�y t� enter inta this Assignment and �o assign and <br /> conWey the Rents ta Lender. <br /> No P�ior Assignment. Gran�or has not pr���vusly assigned vr ��n�eyed �he Rents to any ather person by any <br /> in�trum�nt now in farce. <br /> No Fur�her Trans�er. Grantor will nv�seii, assign, encumber, vr otherwise dispvs� af any of Gran�or's righ�s in the <br /> Rents excep�as prvvided in�his Assignment. <br /> LENI]ER'S RIGHT T� RECEIVE AND C�LLECT RENTS. Lender shall ha�e the right at any time, and ��en though no <br /> default shaf I ha�e accurred under�hi�Assi�nment, �o coilect and reeeE�e the Rents. Far this purpose, Lender is hereby <br /> gs�en and gsan�ed the fo44ovving rfgh�s, pawers and authority: <br /> Natic� ta Tenants. Lsnder may send nv�ices to any and all �enants of the Proper�y ad�ising �hem ❑f this <br /> Assignmen�and disecting aIS Renxs to be patd direc-�fy ta Lender or Lender'� agent. <br /> En�er the Property. Lender may en�er upon and take possessian o�the Prvperty; demand, cvllect and r�cei�e �r�m <br /> the tenan�s o� #�om any oth�� pe�sons 14able there#or, all a��he Ren�s; ins�i�u�e and carry an a1� legal proceedings <br /> necessary �or the protection af the Property, Encluding such praceedings as may be necessary to reca��� <br /> possessi�n vf�he Praperty; callect the Ren�s and remo�e any tenant or tenants or other persons fram the Praperty. <br /> �Uiainfain the Proper�y. Lender may enter up�n �he Property ta ma�ntain the Property and keep the same in repair; <br /> �a pay the casts �herea� and of all ser�ices a�all employees, inciudin� their equipment, and a-F ail continuing �osts <br /> and expens�s❑�main�aining the Property in proper repair and �onditivn, and aEso to pay a�l�axes, assessments and <br /> water u�ilities, and the premiums❑n fire and❑ther insurance e##ec�ed by Lender vn the Praper�y. <br /> Gompliance wi#h Laws. Lender may do any and all things to exe�ute and comply with the laws vf �he 5�ate of <br /> Nebras�a and als❑ ali other laws, ruies, orders, ordinances and requirem�nts ofi aE! other go�ernmenta! agencies <br /> at�ecting�he Property. <br /> Lease the Praper#y. Lender may rent or lease�he whole or any part of the Property#vr such�erm or terms and an <br /> such condi�ions as Lender may deem apprvPriate. <br /> Employ A�ents. Lender may engage such agent ar agen�s as Lender may deem appropriate, either in Lender's <br /> name or in Gran�ar's name,tv rent and manage the Property, including the coflectian and applicatian af Rents, <br /> �ther Ac#s. Lender may da all such other �hings and a�ts with respect �o the Praperty as Lender may deem <br /> appropriate and may act exclusi�ely and salefy in the place and s�ead o� Grantor and �❑ haWe af� o�the pavtirers of <br /> Grantor for the purposes s�a�ed abn�e. <br /> Na Requiremen�tv A�t. Lender shafl not be required to do any a#the �oregaing ac�s or thingst and the fact that <br /> Lender shall ha�e performed vne or more o�the foregoing a�ts or things shalE no� require LEnder to da any ❑ther <br /> speci�ic act❑r�hing. <br /> APPLIGATIDN DF RENTS. Ali costs and expenses incurred hy Lender in connectivn with the Property shaii be �ar <br /> Grantvr's acc�unt and Lender may pay such cas�s and expenses from �he Rents. Lender, in i�s sole discre�ion, shall <br /> dete�mine �he applicati�n af any and all Ren�� recei�ed by it; hvweWer, any s�ch Ren�s received by Lender which are <br /> not applied �❑ such costs and expenses shall be app[ied ta the lndebtedness. A1� expendi�ures made hy Lender under <br /> �his Assignment and nat reimhursed from �he Rents shall becvme a part o� the lndebtedness se�ured by this <br /> ►Assignmen�, and shal[ b� payable on d�mand, wEth interest at the Note rate�rvm da�e o�expenditure until paid. <br /> FLlLL PERFQ�IVIANCE, I� Grantor pays alf a-� �he indebtedness when due and ❑therwis� per�orms a!I the abligatians <br /> impvsed upon Grantvr under�his Assignment, the No�e, and the Re�ated Documents, Lender shall execu�e and deli�er to <br /> Gran�ar a suitable sa�is�activn af this Assignment and suitabEe statements af�erm�nation of any�inancing s�atement an <br /> fiie e�idencing Lender's securi�y interest in the Rents and �he Praperty. Any terminat��n fee requ4�e� k�y �aw sha�l be <br /> paid by Grantar, i#permi��ed by appli�aE�le iaw. <br /> LENDER'S EXRENDfTURES. 1-�any act�an ❑r proceeding is ��mmenced that would ma��ria��y a��ec� Lgnde�'s int�rest in <br /> fihe Property❑r i�Gran�o�fails to comply with any prv�Esion ❑f this Assignmen�or any Related Docum�nts, including but <br /> n��limit�d to Gran��r's��iiure f�discharg� �r pay when due any amvun�s Gran�or is required to dis�harge ar pay under <br /> fihis Assignment or any R�lated aocuments, Lender vn G ranfior's behal� may �bu� shail nflt be ob�igated tv} �ake any <br />