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2� 17� 1791 <br /> Payn�ent of Pr�n��ipa�and Inter�s�; ��h�r�harges.Bor��ower�hal�promp�ly pay when due th�princ�pal of and <br /> interes�on t�e deht awed under the�on�ra�t and late charg�;s or any other f�es and charges due under�h��antract. <br /> Ap�licable La�v. As used in this Secux�ty �nstrument, t��e terr�. ",�.pplzc�ab�e Lav�" shall mean a1� c�n�ro�ling <br /> applicable federal, state and �oca� s�atutes, regula��ons, ord.inances and administrative rules and arders ��hat have <br /> �he effect of law}as wel�as all appl�cable f�na�,non-appea���b1e ju��c�a�op�a-z�ons. <br /> �harges; Lie��. Borrow�r shal� pay a�� �a�.�s, assessme�xts, charges, fzn�es and �mposzt�ons a�t�r�butab�e ta the <br /> Property which may attain priori�y over th�s Security�nstr�.�ment, and Ieas�.h��d payments or grc�und�ents, �f any. <br /> At the request of Lender,B�rrower sha��pr�mp�l�furnish tt�Lender receip�s evidencing�he payr�en�s. <br /> Borrovver sha�I pr�ampt�y d�sc��.arge any l��n v�hich has priorit�o�er this Sf�curi�y Ins�rumen�un�ess�orro�er: �a} <br /> agrees zn wri�ing �o �he payment of the �bli�a�ion se�ur�;d by �he �ien xn a manner acceptable �a Lex�e�er; (b} <br /> contes�s �n g��d �aith the �ien by, or defends against enforcemen� of the lien �n, legal pro�eedings whi�� zn the <br /> Lender's apinion operate to prevent �he e�forcexnent of�l�e �ien; or �c} �;ecures fram �he holc�er of the ��en an <br /> agreement satisfac�ary to L,ender sub�rdin�.tin� �he �zen�� �:h�s Securxty�nC,trument. If Lenc�er determ�n�s t��a� any <br /> part of the Proper�y is subjec� to a lien which may at�ain prior��y aver�h��, Secur��y�nstrument, Lende��n.ay g�ve <br /> Barrower a not�ce identify�ng the 1ien. Borrav►rer sha�� sa�x��fy the �ien or one or more �f�he ac�iaxas set fflrth <br /> abave within �.{�d�ys af the gi�ing of notice. <br /> I3azard �r Pr�p�r�y Insurance. Bflrrower shall keep the impr��ements n.��r e�isting or hereafter erected on the <br /> Proper�y�nsured against lass by f�re, hazards i�zc�uded with�:�the�erm"ex�ended co�erage" and�ny o�h�r ha�ards, <br /> including fl�ads �r flood�ng, for which Lender requires insuraz�ce. This znsurance sha�� be zr�a�n�a��aed �n the <br /> amoun�s and for t��e per�ods tha�Lender requires.The�nsurance carrier provzdxng the�nsurance sha��be chosen by <br /> Bonawer subject �o Lender's approval which sha11 no� be unreas�r�abXy ti�����ae�d. �f Borrawer fa��s to maintain <br /> c�verage descr�bed above, Le�der may, at Lender's op�z��n, obtairi ca��:rage �� pr�t�c� Lenc�er's r�ghts �n �he <br /> Property in accarclance with sec�ian t��Ied�ro�ecti�n of Le:nder'��tight5����he Proper�y. <br /> A�� insurance pol�cies and renewa�s sha�l b� acce�tiable to Lender and sh��ll include a star�dard mflrtg�ge c�ause. <br /> Lender shali have �he right�o hold the policie�and renevva:ls. �f I.,ender rec�uzres, Borrower sha�I pron�ptl��ive ta <br /> Lender all re�eip�;��f paid premxums and r�nevval notices. :�n the even�of Io�s, �3orrower sha�l gi�e prompt n�t�ce <br /> to tk�e�nsuran�e c�.rr�er and L,ender.Lender may znake proo�:of lo�s if nat m�ade prompt�y by Borr�wer. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrower flther�rise agree in wri�ing, insura�ce proc�eds sha�� b� applied to r�s�ora�zon or <br /> repair �f the Pro�erty damaged, if, in Lender's �fl�e d�scretion, �he restora.tion or rep�.ir is ec�n.orr�ically feasib�e <br /> and Lender's secur�ty is nnt �essened. If, in Lender's sole d.�scret�an, �he r��torati�n or�epair is no� e�anom�cally <br /> feas�ble or Lender's securit�v��uld be lessene�.,the insu�ant�e pr�ce�ds shal�be applied�o�he sur�s se�u:red by�his <br /> Secur��y �nstrument, �hether ar not then du�, vvith any exces� pa�d to �3orrower. �f Borro�er abandons �he <br /> Property, or does�r�ot answer w�th�n�he numb�r of days pre��Gr�bed by Applicable Law as set fort�in a.natice from <br /> Lender�a Borrawer�ha�the insurance carrier has offer�d t�� settl� a claim, then Lender may collec��he �nsurance <br /> praceeds. L�nder may use the pro�eeds ta repair nr restor�: the �roper�y o�r �o pay sums secured by this Securit� <br /> Ins�rumen�,whe�h�r or n�t�hen due.The per�ad�f time for Borr��,ver to an�,wer as s�t far�h in�he notice w�11 begin <br /> when�he natice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borr�wer otherw�se agree �n vvritingy ar_�y a�p���at�on o��pr�ceeds to principal sha�l�o�extend <br /> c�r p���pflne the due date �f�he payments due ur�der�he �c�n�rac�flr chang:� �he amount af the pa�ments. �f under <br /> �he sec�ion titled�ccelerat�on; 1�emediQs, �he Pr�perty is acqu�red by Le�lder, Borrower's rzght to a�y insurance <br /> policies and proceeds resu��ing from damage �� the Prope�-ty pri�r t� the acquisitian shall pass �a Ler�der �� the <br /> e��en��f the sums secured by th�s S�cur�ty Ins�rurnent im.m�:diatel�prior to�he acqu�s�tz�n. <br /> Pre�ervatiun, Nl�.intenance and Prote��io� �f the Praper�y� �3orrov�rer's Lvan Applicat�an; L����ho�d5. <br /> B�rrower s�aa��not destroy, daxnage ar impair th�Praper�y, aXiow the Prop�er�y to deter�ora�e, or cammit vvaste on <br /> the Proper��r. Borro�er sha11 be in de�'aui��f any forfeitur�action or prnceeding,whether civ��or���m��al,is begun <br /> �hat in Lender'� �ood faith judgmen� could re�ult i� forfexture of�he Pr�p+�r�y or oth��-�v�se mat�riaily imp�air th� <br /> lien created by �his SeCurity �ns�rum�nt or Lender's secUri�y ��terest. B��rrotiver may cure s�ach a defau�t and <br /> reins�ate, as provided in section ti��ed Borrawer'�Raig�t tr� Reir�s�a�e, by causing the action or proceed�n� �o be <br /> dismissed w�th a r�uling that, �n I�ender's gaod fai�h determ�r.�at�a��,preclude��forfei�ure of the�3o�-ower's int�res�in <br /> th� �'roperty �r a�t�.er material ixripa�rm�nt of the ��en created by th�s Secur��y Instrument or Lender's s�curi�y <br /> xnterest.Bflrrawer sha�l also be�n default if Barrawer,durir.�g the�oan app�ication process,�ave ma�erzall�fa�se ar <br /> izaac�urate infor�na��on or s�atemen�s to Lender �ar faz�ed to provide Len.der tivith any materia� informat�fln) in <br /> connec�xan with�he loan evidenced�y the �o�tract. �f th�s Securi�y�ns�ru�m�nt zs on a lea�ehold, BarrQw�r sha11 <br /> comp�y with a���h�pro�isions of��e �ease. �if Bo�-ro�er acqu�res f�e t��le to the Proper�y,the�easehald and�he fee <br /> ����e shall no�merge unless Lender agrees���h�merger in w-ri�ing. <br /> Protection of Lender's R�ights in �he Proper�y. �f�3or�•ovver fa��s �� perfQrm the cavez�ant� and agreemen�s <br /> con��zned in thzs S�ecurity�nstrument, or�here �s a legal proceedi�g tha��x�a.y signif�can�ly affec�.Lend�rss r��hts�n <br /> ��e Property �such as a prflceedxng in baril�ruptcy, prabate. for c��demna�ion or forfeiture or t�� enforce �aws or <br /> regulations}, then Lender may d� and pay far whatever is nec�ssary ta protect the va�u� af�he Property and <br /> Lender's rights in�:he Property. Lender's ac��ans may�nc�ud{�paying ax�y suzns secured by a Ixen�vhich h���riority <br /> over this Securi�y�n�trumen�, appearing zn�o�r�,paying reasonable at�orney�'fees and en�e��ng an the Prop�er�y ta <br /> mak�repa�rs.Al�hough Lender�n.ay take a�t�an under�his sti�ctxon,Lender d�es nflt have to do so. <br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed b� Lender under �his sect�an sha�I became additiana� de�t of Bnrr��er secur�ed Uy this <br /> Security �nstrur�.emt. Unless Bonrower and L�nder agree ��o o�h�r �ern�.s �of payment, these anr�.ounts sha1� bear <br /> t�'�?�d4-?�i a Cnmpliance Systems.Inc.G[�A-�j��-?�I�.I?.3.i.1 I 1� <br /> Cnnsuiner Real Estate-Secu;-ity Insts•�aanent DL?0�G Pa��e?nf� �;n���.rompli�r�cesy�tems.���x� <br />