2� 17� 1771
<br /> DE�D �F TRU�T
<br /> 4��nt111ugd� Pege �
<br /> Posssssivn and Use. t�ntil the occurren�e ❑t an Event �f I]e#au�t, Trustor rnay �1� remain fn p�ssessiQn and
<br /> cantrol af the Prop�erty; {2y use,oper�te ar manage the Praperty; and t3� eolle�t�he Rents frvm the Property. `
<br /> Duty #o Maint�+n. Trustor shall maintain ths Prtop�erty in tenantable �ondition and promptly pertarm all rspairs�
<br /> replacem�nts, and maintenance necessary to preser�e its�aiue.
<br /> Complian�e With En�irv�r�mentel L�ws, Trustar represents and warran�s tv Lender that: �1 j During th� periad af
<br /> Trustvr's ownersh�p vf the�roperty, �here has been na us�, gene�ration, manufacture, storage. treatment, disposal�
<br /> rel�ase vr threatened reiease of any Ha�ardvus 5ubstance by any person Qn, undsr, abou# vr from the Prvp�rty;
<br /> �Zf Trustor has na knowledg� of, or reasan to be�i�we that ther� h�s been, except as pre��ouS�y disclosed to and
<br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, {�j any breach ❑� viviation �� any En�irQnmental Laws, ��y any use,
<br /> generation, manufacture, storage, treatment, disposal, rel�as� or threatened rel�ase vf any Hazardous Substance
<br /> on, under, about vr fram the Prvperty by any privr ❑wners or ❑c�upants of the Prvperty, �r �cf any a�tual or
<br /> threatened litigation or claims o# any kind by �ny person relating �v such matter�; and �3y Exc�pt as pre�ivusiy
<br /> discla�sed ta and acknowledged by Lend�r in writing, �af neith�r T�ustar nor any tgnant, contra�tor, agent or vther
<br /> authorized user a�f the Property sha11 use, generate. manuf�cture. store, t�eat, dis�aase�f or release any HazardQus
<br /> SubstanG�on, under, abaUt or frvm the Property; and �b} any such acti�ity shall be�ondu�ted in compliance with
<br /> all applEcabie federal, state, and �o�al �aws, regulativns and ordinances, including without limit�tion a!I
<br /> En�ironmenta! Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agents tv enter upon the Prvperty tv make such
<br /> inspections and tests, at Trustor's expense� as Lender may deem apprQpriate to determine cvmp�is�n�e of the
<br /> Pr�perty with this se�tion of the Deed a�f Trust. Any inspectEons vr test� made by Lender shali be �or Lender's
<br /> purposes vnly and shall nat be eonstrued to create any responsibility o��iability vn the part c�f Lend�r tv Trustor ar
<br /> to any other persan. The representativns and wa�ranties contained herein are based an Trustar's due diligence in
<br /> in►►estigating the Property for Ha�ardous Substanc�s. Trustor hereby �1 j re��ases and wai�es any �uture �la�ms
<br /> against Lender for indemnity or �vntr�bution in the event Trustor becomes Itable fvr cle�nup or other costs under
<br /> any such laws; and �2y agrees to indemni#y, de#end, and hvld harmless Lender against any and ali��aims, losses,
<br /> liabilities, damages, pen�l#i�s, and expenses r►uhich Lender may dire�t�y or�ndirectly sustain ar suffer resulting t�vm
<br /> a breach a�this s�ction of ths aeed of Trust or as a conset�usnce o��any use, generation, m�nu#acture, storage,
<br /> dispos�l, release or threatened release vccurring pri�r tv TrustQr's ow►nership ar interest in th� Pr�operty, whether ar
<br /> not the same was or shvuid ha�e been known tv Trusto�. The pra�isions o� this se�tivn ❑f the Deed of Trust,
<br /> in�iuding the obligatian to indemnify and defend� shal�sur►►i►►e the payment❑f the Indebtedn�ss and the satis�action
<br /> and r�con�eyan�e of the lien of this Dee� af Trust and shall nat�e a�f���ed by L�nder's��quisitivn of any�n�ere5t
<br /> in�he Property. whether by foreclosure or otherw�se.
<br /> Nuisance. W��#e. Trustar shal! no� caus�, conduct or permit any nuisance nvr commit, p�ermit, or suffer any
<br /> stripping of or waste on or t❑ the Property ❑r any p�rtian of th� Property. Vllithout lim�ting the g�n�rality of the
<br /> foregving. Trustor wi�l not r�mo�e, ❑r gr�nt to any vthe� party the right to rerr�o�e� any timber, rninerals �including
<br /> oil and gas�, c�af, clay, sco�ia, sail, gre�el or rock produc#s withvut Lender's privr written cansent.
<br /> Rsmo��l vf Impra�ements. Trustar shall no�d�mQlish or remv�e any Impra��ments from the Real Prop�rty without
<br /> Lend�r's priar written consent. As a condition t❑the remv�al of any Imp�a�ements, Lsnder may r�quire Trus�ar ta
<br /> make errsngements satisfactory t❑ Lender to replace such Impravements w�th 4mprvvements of at least �qua�
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right to� En#er. Lender and Lender's agents and repres�ntati�es may enter upon the f�eal Property at all
<br /> reasonable times to attend to Lender's int�rests and to inspect the Re�� Praperty for purpvses of Trustar's
<br /> cvmplianc�with the terms and conditions ot this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Campliance with �o�ernment�i Requirements. Trustor sha11 prompt�y compiy with all lav�s� vrdinances, and
<br /> regulations� naw or hereaf�er in e�fect, vf a!� g��ernmental authQrities appli�able ta the use or vc�up�ncy a�f the
<br /> Praperty. including withaut limit�tivn, the Amer�c�ns With �isabilities Act. Trus#vr may cantest in good faith any
<br /> such law, ordinance. or re�ulation and wiihhvld complian�e during any pra�eeding, inc�uding appropriate appeals,
<br /> sQ Ivng as Trustvr has natified Lend�r in writing prior�a dving so and sa iong as, in Lender's sole vpinion. Lender's
<br /> interests in the Pr�perty are n�t jevpar�iz�d. Lender may require Trustvr tv post �dequate �e�ur�ty or a surety
<br /> band, reasonably satis�actory to Lsnder, to pro�ect Lender's interest,
<br /> Duty tv Pratect. Trustvr agrees neither to abandvn or lea�e unattended the Pr�per�y. Trustor shall do a�i other
<br /> acts, in additivn tv thase acts set�Qrth aba►►e in this section, which from the chara�ter and use of the Prop�rty are
<br /> re�sonably ne��ssary to protect�nd�reser�e th�Property.
<br /> �UE Q1V SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's option� de��are imm�diately due and payable alt sums
<br /> s��ur�d hy this Q�ed of Trust upvn#he sale Qr transfer, without Lender's prior written cvnsent, of a!l or any part afi th�
<br /> Reel Prop�rty, or any interest in the Reai Properfiy. A "sale or transf�r" me�ns the con�eyan�e t�f Real Pro�erxy ❑r any
<br /> right, title or interest in th� Real Prvperty; whether legal, henefi�ia[ ar equitable; whether �oluntary or in�atuntary;
<br /> whether by vutright sale, de�d, installment sa�e cvntract, land cvntract, cantraGt for deed, leasehold �nterest with a
<br /> term gr�ate�th�n three t3} ye�rs, leas�-optic�n contra�t� or by s�ie, assignment, �r transfer of any beneficial interest in
<br /> ❑r to any I�nd trust ho�ding title ta th� Real Property, or by any vther method vf con�eyanc� of an interest in th� Rea!
<br /> Prop�erty. �f any Trustar is a cor�oration, partnership ar limited liability company, transfer als❑ in�ludes �ny �hange in
<br /> ownersh+p o�mare than twenty-�i�e perc�nt ���°�� of the �oting stack, partnership interests or limited fiahi�ity�ompany
<br /> interests, as the case m�y he� of�uch Trustor. Hawe�er, this vption sh�l� not be�x�rcised by Lentier if such e�terc�se
<br /> is prohib�#ed by�ederal law vr by Nebraska�aw.
<br /> TAXES AND LlENS, The follc��v�ng pro�isipns relatin� t� the taxes �nd liens on the Prop�rty are part of this fl�ed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paymen#. Trustar shal! p�y when due tand in al!e��nts prior tv delinquencyf all tax�s, s�ec'ral taxes, assessrnents,
<br /> �harges tinc�uding water and sewerj. fines �nd impasitians ie�ied against or on accvunt of the Prvperty, and shali
<br /> pay when due �II claims �vr wvrk �one on or far serr�ice� rendered vr material furnished tv the Pr�perty. 7'rustvr
<br /> shall maintain the Prvperty free af all liens ha�ing priari#�o�er or equal to#he interest of Lender under#his Dee�i vf
<br /> Trust, �xcept fvr the fien of taxes and assessments not due, exc�pt fvr the Exis�ing lndebtedness referred to
<br /> befow, and except as❑therwise �ro�ided in this De�d�f Trust.
<br /> Right tv Contest. Trustar may withhold payment ot any tax, assessm�nt, or claim in cvnne�tion w+th a good #aith
<br /> dispute ov��the ob�igation to pay, sn ivng as Lender's int�rest in the PrvpertY is not�eopardized. It� lien arises or
<br /> is f+led as a result ❑f nanpaym�nt, Trustar shall within fi�teen �15� days after ths �ien arises or, if a li�n is filed�
<br /> wtthin f��teen �15y days a�-ter Trustar has notice vf the filing� s�cure the dis�harge af xhe lien, or if request�d by
<br /> Lender,dspasit with Lender cash or a suf#icient corp�arate surety bond or other securEty satis�actory to Lender in an
<br /> am�unt suffsc'rent ta discharge the iien plus any c�sts and attvrneys' fe�s, or❑ther�harges th�t cau�d accru� as a
<br /> result of a i�oreclasure or�a1�und�r the lien. In any contest,Trustar shall de�end itself and Lender and sha11 sa�isfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgment befare enforcement against the Property. Trustar shal�name Lender as an additivna�v�bligee
<br /> under any surety bond#urnished in the Gantest pro�eedings.
<br /> E�idenc� of Payment. Trustar shall upan demand #urnish to Lgnd�r s�tis�F�ctvey e�iden�e of p�ayr�ent o�the taxss
<br /> or assessments and sha�l authorize th� appropriate ga�ernmenta! o#�icial to deli�er tv Lender at any time a written
<br /> statemen�af the'taxes and ass�ssments against the Praperty.
<br /> Natice o�Cvnstruction. Tru�tor shall noti�y Lender at least #ifteen t�5� days hefore any wark �s cvmmenced, �ny
<br />