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2� 17� 1755 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ���nt�t1 U��} Page � <br /> autharized user of the Prc�perty shalf use, gen�rat�, manu�acture, store, trea�, dispose of or release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance on, under, about�r-Fram the Property; and tb� any suGh acti�i�y shall he conducted in compliance with <br /> all app�icable federal, s�ate, and loca� laws, regulations and ordinancesr including without limitation all <br /> En�iranmentai Laws. Trustor auth�ri�es Lender and its ag�nts ta en�er upon the Prope�ty ta make such <br /> inspe�tivns and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropria�e t❑ determine compliance o� the <br /> P�aper�ty wEth this sectivn of the ❑eed ofi Trus#. Any inspectians ar tests made by Le�der shall l�e for Lender's <br /> purpvses �nly and shall nat be construed#o create any r�sponsibility or lia�aility on the par�of Lender tv Trustor or <br /> �v any other person. The representations and vvarranties contained herein are based on Trustar's due di�igence in <br /> in�estigating �he Property far Hazardous 5ubstances, Trustor hereby �1} re�eases and wai�es any future c�aims <br /> against Lender for indemni�y �r cvntribution in the e�ent Trustor becomes liab�e fvr cleanup ❑r ❑ther �osts under <br /> , any such laws; and �23 agrees to indemnify, defend, and hoid harmless Lender agains�any and alf c�aims, lasses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses which Lender may dire�tly or indirectly sustain vr suffer resulting from <br /> a breach of �his section af the ❑eed vf Trust or as a consequence o� any use, genera�i�n, manufacture, starage, <br /> disposal, releas�or threatened release oG�urring pr�or to Trustor's ownership ar interes�in�he Property, whether or <br /> nvt �he same was ❑r should ha�e been known to Trustor. The pro�isivns o� this sec�ion of the Deed o� Trust, <br /> including the obligativn to indemnify and defend, sha[I sur�i�e th� payment o�the Indeb�e�ness and th�satis�activn <br /> and recon�eyan�e o�the fien of this Deed vf Trust and shail not b� af�ected by Lender's acquisitian of any ir�terest <br /> in the Property, wh�the�by fioreclosure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Vllaste. Trustvr shall na� cause, cvndu�t vr permit any nuisan�e �or camrnit, permit, or su��er any <br /> stripping af or waste on or to the Proper�y vr any portian of the Pr�perty. VV�thout �i�iting �he genera[ity o� the <br /> foregving, Trustor wi�! not remo�e, �r grant tv any other party the right to remo�e, any �imber, minerals �inc�ud'€ng <br /> oi� and gas�, �oal, clay, scoria, soil, gra�el or rock products without Lender's pri�r written consent. <br /> R�mv�al af�mpro�emen#s. Trust�r sha�1 nat demvlish ar remo�e any lmpro�em�nts from the Rea! Prvperty with�u� <br /> Lender's p�ior writ�en consent. �4s a condition to the rema�al of any Imprv�emen#s, Lender may require�rus�or to <br /> make arrangemen�s satisfactory to Lender ta replace such Impro�ements with Impr��ements o�r a� �eas� equaf <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right#o Enter. L�nder and Lender's agents and representa�i�es may enter upc�n the F�eal Prop�rty at all <br /> reasar�ab�e times �o a��end to Lend�r's interests and to inspec� the Real Pr�perty f��r purposes of Trus�or's <br /> compfiance with the terms and conditians of this Deed o#Trust. <br /> Cvmpliance w�th Ga�ernmental Requirements. Trustor sha�� prompt�y comply with all laws, ordinances, and <br /> reguiations, now ❑r her�atter in ef�ec�, of a�ll go�ernmental autharities appficable to the us� or occupan�y o� �he <br /> Property, �ncluding withaut limitation, the Americans INi�h Disabilities Act. Trustar may contest in good faith any <br /> such law, o�dinance, or regu[at�vn and withhaid cvmpliance during any praceeding, in�luding appropriate appeals, <br /> so long a�Trustor has notified Lender in wr�t�ng prior tfl dv�ng so and sa long as, in Lender's sol��pinion, Lender's <br /> in�erests in the Property are na� �eopardized. Lender may requ��e Trustor to post adequate se�urity o� a surety <br /> bond, reasonably�atis�ac�ory�v Lender, to prote�t Lend�r's interest. <br /> Duty to Pra�ect. Trust�r ag�ees neither to abandon or �ea�e unattended �he P'roperty. T�ustor shall d� al� other <br /> acts, in addition to those acts set for�h a�a�e �n this sec�ion, which#rom the character and use of the Property ar� <br /> �easonably necessary tv pr�tect and preser�e�he Prvper�y. <br /> DUE[]N SALE-CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lend�r may, at Lender's optian, de�lare �mmedia�ely due and payabie all sums <br /> secured by this ❑eed o�Trust upon the sale or transfer, ��n►ithout L�nder's pr�vr wr�t��n conser�t, of all or any part ofi the <br /> Real Property, or any interest in the Real Property. A "sale �r transfer" means th� con�eyance of Real Praperty vr any <br /> right, tit�e or interest in the Rea� Property; whe�her iegal, beneficiaf or equitable; whether �olun�ary �r in�oiuntary; <br /> whether by ou�right sale, deed, instal�men� sals can�ract, land cantract, contract f�r deed, leasehold interest with a <br /> term greater�han thre� �3y years, lease-option cvn�rac�, or t�y sale, assignment, or�rans�e� o�any benefi�ial interest in <br /> or�o any land trust holding title to the Real Property, or by any other method af con�eyance �� an interest in the Rea[ <br /> Proper�y. If any T�ustor is a cvrp�ratian, partnership or limited fiability campany, transfier afso includ�s any charage �n <br /> ownership of more than twenty-fi�e percent ��5°/0� a�th� �ating stock, partnership interes�s�3r fimited I�ahili�y company <br /> in�erests, as the case may be, of such Trustvr. Hvwe��r, this aption shal! nat be exerc�sed by Lend�r if su�h exercise <br /> is p�ahi��ted hy federal �aw or by Neb�-aska law. <br /> TAxES AND L�ENS. The fof�owing pro�is�vns rela�ing to �he taxes and li�ns on the Prapert� are part of �his Deed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustar shall pay when due �and in a[I e�ents prior to delinqu�ncy� all taxes, s�3ecial taxes, assessmen�s, <br /> charges �including water and sewer�, �rines and impositians le�ied against or on accvun��f the Praperty, and shall <br /> pay when due all cfaims �or wark done vn or for ser�ices rendered ar material furnished to the Property. Trustar <br /> shafl maintain the Property free o�all liens ha�ing priority��er vr equal to the interest o'�Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, except �or the lien of tax�s and assessm�nts not due and excep� as ��herwis� pro�ided in this Deed vf <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to Contest. Trustor may wi�hhold payment of any tax, assessment, or �l�im in �onnection with a g�ad faith <br /> dispute o�er the ab[igation to pay, so fong as Lender's interest in the Prop�rty is not�eop�rdized. �f a lien arises o� <br /> is f�led as a result of nonpaym�nt, Trustor shall within �if�een {��y days after th� lien �rise� or, if a lien is filed, <br /> with�n �i�teen t�5� days after Trustar has notice vf the filing, secure the dis�harge of the lien, or if r�qu�sted by <br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash�r a su��icienfi corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender in an <br /> amount sufffcient to discharge the lien plus any costs and attarneys' fees, vr vther charg�s that coufd acc�ue as a <br /> result of a foreclosure or sale under�he lien. In any contest, Trustar shaif de€end its�l�an� Lender and shafl satis�y <br /> any ad��rse judgment b�fore en�orcement against the Prvperty. Trustor shall name Lender as an addi�ional obfige� <br /> und�r any surety bond furnished in the cantest praceedings. <br /> Evi�lence of Paymen#. Trus�or shall upon demand furn�sh �v L�nder satis�actory e�idenc� of payment ❑f�h� taxes <br /> or assessments and shall authorize the apprvpriate gQ�ernmental ❑���cia� �o de�i�er ta Ler�der at any time a written <br /> stat�ment of the taxes and assessments against the Property. <br /> Natice of Cons�ruction. Trustor sha11 noti�Fy Lender at leas� fif�een ��5y days before any work is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any materia�s are supplied to the Praper�y, if any me�hanic's I€en, materialmen's iien, or <br /> ❑th�r �ien cvuld be asserted on a�count o� the wv�k, ser�ices, or materials. Trustor wilf upvn request of Lender <br /> �urnish ta Lend�r ad�ance assurances satis�actory t� Lender that Trus�or can and will pay the cos� of such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE �NSURANCE. The fvllowing pro�is3ons relating to insuring the Proper�y .�re a part o�this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenan�e of Insuran�e. Trustor shall procure and maintain policies o� �ire insu�anc� wi�h standard �xtended <br /> Ga�e�age endorsements on a replacemen� basis �or the full insurab�e �alu� c��ering all Impra�ements on �he Real <br /> Prape�ty in an amvunt su��ic�ent to a�vid applica�ion vf any �oinsurance cCause, and w�th a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa�ar af Lender. Trustor shall also procure and maintain comprehensi�e general lia}�ility insurance in such <br /> co�erage amoun�s as L�nder may request wi�h Trustee and Lender being named as a�ditional insureds in such <br /> liability insurance policies. Add�tional�y, Trus�or shall maintain such other insu�ance, including bu� nvt [imited to <br /> hazard, business interruptivn, and bviler insurance, as Lender may reasanab�y �equire. P�licies shall be writ�en in <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> ��`` ' <br />