2� 17� 1741
<br /> can be given effec�withvut�he confl�c�ing pr�vision. T❑t���s en��k�e�r�visions of this Security.�ns�rur.�.en�and the
<br /> C�ntract are dec�ared to be severable.
<br /> Borrav�er's��py�B�rrotiver sha1l be given��e capy of�:ris Secu.rity Instrurnent.
<br /> Tr�nsf�r�f the Prope�ty vr a Bene�cgal In��re��in Borrower.If alI ar any part�f the Property or any in�erest
<br /> in it is sold o�- transferred �ar if a benefici�.� interest in Borrower i� so�d ar �ransferred and Barr�v►rer �s no� a
<br /> r�atura� p�rson} ,t�ri�hou� Lender'� prior urritt�n �cor�sen�, L�ender may, at i1:s op��on, require immed�ate payrrr�en�in
<br /> full �f a�� sums secured by this 5�curity Ins�ru.m�n�. I�owever, �h�s option sha�I not be exercise� by Ler�der zf
<br /> exercise is prahibi�ed by federal la�v as of�he da�e�f this��ecurity Yn�trum.en�.
<br /> �f L.ender exercises this optiQn, Len�er sha�� giv� B orr�wer no�ice flf�cce�eratian. Th� no�xce shal� p���ride a
<br /> period �f not less than the minimum number of days es���.��ished by App�icab�e Law fram �he date the n�tice is
<br /> delivered �r mailed vvi�hin whi�h Borrov�er must pay aI1 sums secured by this Secur�ty �nstrurn�nt. �f�orrotiver
<br /> , fails to pay these sums prior to �he expira��on �f this per�iod, Lender may invoke any remedzes permi�ted by�his
<br /> Security�nstru�ne�t wi�hout fur�her�otzce or demand on Borrowe�-.
<br /> B�rrov�er's l�ght �o Reinstate, If Borrawer mee�s cer�ain �onditians, Borr�wer shall have the r�gh� t� have
<br /> enfarcement vf�his Secur�ty�ns�rumen�disc�n�in�ed at a:ny time pri�r to �he ear�ier vf: �a} 5 days �or su�h o�her
<br /> per��d as App��cable La�u may specify f�r reinstatemen�}��ef�re sa�e af�he Praperty pursuant to any pow�r of sa�e
<br /> contain�d in this Security Ins���-ument; or �b� ent�y of �� �udgmen� enf�rcing th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> condi�ians are �hat Barr�wer: �a} p�ys Lend�r aI� sums�rhich then vv�uld be due under this �ecur�ty�ns�rumen�
<br /> and�he�on�ract as�f no acce�er�.tion had occu.rred; �b�cua^es any default of an�other cavenan�s or agreem.ents;�c}
<br /> pays al�expenses i�curred in enfor��ng�his Sec�r��y Ins�ru.ment,inc�udi�.g,bt�t not Iimited�o,reas�nable a��arneys'
<br /> fees �o the ex�ent permitted by lavv; and �d} takes such acl�ion as Lender r.na�reasonably requ�re to assur��hat the
<br /> lien❑f�h�s Security�ns�rumen�, Lernder's righ�s �n the Pro��erty and�3�rro�wer's obliga�ian�o pay�he sums secured
<br /> by thzs Secur�ty Instru.ment sha�� c��.tinu� un��anged. Upfln reinsta�e�.�r�t by�orro�ver, �his Secur��y �nstru.men�
<br /> and �he abl�ga���ns secu.�ed her�by shall rexna�n ful�y eff�;ctive as if no a�ceelera�ifln had occurred. However, this
<br /> right��reinsta.�e shall no�apply in�ie case of accelera�ion.under�he se�ti��n t��Ied Transf�r of the Prope�-t��r a
<br /> Benefi�ia�Interest�n�orr�wer.
<br /> Hazart�ou��ubstan�es,Borra�aer�hall x�a��ause or permi�the pres�nce,us�, d�sposal, storage, or releas� of any
<br /> Ha�ard�us Subs�ances on or ita.�11e Prflper�y.�arrower shall not�.o,r�or a��our a�yon���se to da,any�Yiing affecting
<br /> �he Pra�er�y �hat is in violation �f any Environm�ntal La.vv. The pr�cedir�g tw� sen�ences sha�l n�� app�y �o �he
<br /> presence,use,or s��rage�n the Pro�erry�f sma1l�uantities of Ha�ardous Substances�hat are gen�ra�Iy recognized
<br /> �o be appropriate to norma�res��en��al uses and�o rx�ain�enance of�he�'rop�rty.
<br /> B�rrow�r shal�prompt�y g�ve L�nd�r wri��en notice of any in�res��gat�on,c�aim, demand,�av�rsu��ar ot�i�r a��ivn by
<br /> any governmen�al �r r�gu�atory ag�n�y or��va�e par�y ���v��ving the Pr�per�ty and any Hazardaus Substa.nc� or
<br /> En�riranmen�a� Lavv Qf whi�h Bo�ravver has actua� kn.ovsrledge. �f Br�rr��ver learns, or is no�zf ed l�y any
<br /> gtivernr�ental or regulatory auth�ri�,tha�a.�y r�moval or o�ther remed�.atio��f any Ha.zardflus Substance affecting
<br /> �he Praperty �s necessary, B�rrower shal� pr�mp�ly ta.��e a�� necessa.r�,� remedial acti�ns �n a�cflrdance ��h
<br /> En�ironmenta.�Lav�.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "�Ia�ardous 5ubs�anc�s" are th+�se substar�ces d�fined as t�xic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Env�.rflnmenta� Law and the follavv�ng substances: g��soline, kerasen�e, �ther flammab�e ar ��xic petroleum
<br /> praduc�s, to�ic pest�cides and �.erbicides, �o�a��Ie solvents, mater�als can�aining asbestos ar formaldehyde, a�.d
<br /> radioac�ive ma�erials. As used in�his paragra�h, "Er�viran�nen�al Law"rneans federa��av�s ari�iaws af the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebras�a tha�re�a�e ta heal�h,safet�or environmer�tal pr�t:ection.
<br /> Ac�eie�°at�on; Rem�d�es. Lender �hal� �i�e not��e �o �3flrraw�r pri�r �o ��celerati�n fallowing I3orrower°s
<br /> breach nf arny covenant Qr agr+eenrnent ir�this Se��r�ty I:nstrum�nt or�l�e Contrac�under wh�ch a�celerat�nn
<br /> is�ermitt�d tbut r�ot pr��r tn ac���eratia� �nder th� s��cti�r�t��led Transfer of th�Prtiperty vr a Iienefic�a�
<br /> Int�res�in Borrnwer, u��ess A..ppii�able Law pr�v�des otherwise�. Th� n�ti�� sha��spec�fy: �a� the defau��;
<br /> �b� the a��ion required to cure the defauit; �c� a ��ate, nvt �ess �Iha� the m�n�mum num��r �f days
<br /> es�a�Iished by Ap�li�able Law fr�m the d�te the n4ti�E?is given to�orrow�r,by wh�ch the defau�t xnust be
<br /> cured; �nd �d} th�t fai�ure tfl cure th� de��u�t �n ar �fef�re �he date specif�ed i� the notice may r�su�t im
<br /> accelera�i�n af �h.e sums secured by th�s Secu�rfty In=str�urn�nt and �a�e of th� Pr�perty. Tv the exte��
<br /> per�rutted by Iaw, the �o�ice sh��l fu��her inforr�B�rrower of the ri�ht�o reins�ate after acce�erat�an an�
<br /> �he r�ght ta bring a court a�t�on t�assert the n�n-exist�;nc��f a d�fauit ar any other defense of Borr�wer to
<br /> accelera�i�n and sale. If the d�faul�is no� �ured �n or before the dat� specif�ed Yn the not�ce,Lend�r at its
<br /> aption may r��uire immed�atP paymer�t i� full of all sums �ecured by �his Security Instrument �v�th�ut
<br /> f�r�her d�mar�d and rr�ay in�oke �he pnva�� �f��le an�i any ather re�ed�es per�.itted by Ap�li�ab�e La�v.
<br /> T'v the exten� p�rmitted by Ia�vv, ]Lender shall be ent�tled to �ollect ail e�penses incurred �n pursuing the
<br /> remedies�rovide�i in this Sect�on,including,bu� nat li��nited tv, reasomable at�orn�ys' fees ar�d cost�of t��Ie
<br /> ev�dence.
<br /> If the p�wer�f sale�s ir�v�ked, Trustee sh��l re��rd a���ti�e�f d�fault in each c�unty�n which any part�f
<br /> the Pro�erty i�Io�ated and shal�rnaai�copi�s �f�uch no��ice�n the marnner prescribed by Applica��e Law to
<br /> Borra�ver an� ta the oth.er pe�son5 pres�rib�d lby App�licabie Lawe �ft�r the t�me requ�red by Appli�able
<br /> Law, T�-u��e� shall gi�e publi� not��e of sal� �o the pe�rs�ns and in the manner prescr�bed b� Appl��abl�
<br /> Law.T�us�ee,wfthvut demand. on Borr�vv�r,shall sell th�Pr�per�at pubii� auction to �he hzghest b�.dder
<br /> at the time and place an�under the terms de�ignated�r.�th�n�tice�f s�le in one or more par�e�s and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee determ�nes. Trust�e m�ay postp�ne sal.e �f a�1 or any p�.rcel a� the Property by public
<br /> C 2404-24 i 5 Comp�iance Sys#ems,Inc.61 SA-3 09�-�Q15.t 2,3.1.1 i l 5
<br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Security Insttument DL203G Page 4 c>f 5 www.�ompliancesystems.cvm
<br />