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2� 17� 1741 <br /> Borro�w�r vvarrants and u��� def�nd g�nerally the tit�e �0 1.he �roper�y against a�I claims and dernand�, s�b�ect�o <br /> any enc�m�rances flf record. <br /> Bnrrow�r and Lender c�venant a�n.d�gree as follows: <br /> Pa�ment�f Princ�pal and Interest; �th�r�harges.Bo��rv�ve�s�aall pr�xnpt�y pay urhen due�he prin�ipal of an� <br /> interest�n the deb���ve�.under�he�ontract and�a�e charg;es or any�ther fees and charges due under�he Contrac�. <br /> Appli��b�� Law. A.s used in this Securi� Ir�stx�u�er�t, 1�he ��rm "�pplicable Law" sha�l mean aI� co�trol�ing <br /> app�icable federa�, state and Ioc�a.� s�a.tute�, regulati�ns, ord�na�Ges ar�d a�m�nistrative ru�es and a�ders �that have <br /> the effe��of lavv}as well as aIl app�i�able f na�,no�--appeal.ab��judicia�opini�ns. <br /> Charge�; L�e�S. Borra�rer shal� p�.y ail �a�es, assessm��nts, charges, fines and imposi�ions a�tributable �o �h.e <br /> Prapert�tivhich may a�ta�n pri�rity over�his 5e�urity Inst�umen�, and �ea�ehold payments or ground r�nts, if any. <br /> At the r�quest�f Lender,Borrourer shail proz�.p�ly�urnish�to Le� receipts ev�denc�ng the payme�ts. <br /> Borr�W�r shall promptly discharge�.ny lien vvhich has priority fl�er�is �'ecurity Ins�rumen�unless Borrawer: �a� <br /> agr�es �n wri�ing ta �ie payme�lt �f the obligation secu��ed by the lien in a mann�r ac�eptab�e �o Lend�r; �b} <br /> contests zn go�d fai�h the li�n �y, �r defend� �gainst ex�f�rcemen� of the lie� in, l�gal proce�dings vvhxch in �he <br /> Lender's opzn��n operate to prevent the enforcement ❑f��he tien; or �c} secures fram the halder of the �zen an <br /> agreemen�sat�sfac�ory to Lendei�subardi.�.a�xng the �ien ta th�s Security Ir�s�rumen�. If Lender determines �ha� any <br /> part of�he Prvperfiy is subj�c��o a �ien which may attain priority �v�r this Secu.rity I�.s�ruament, Lender may give <br /> B�rraW�r a notice identifying�he���n. B�rro�wer sha�I sat�.sfy�he lien�r take one or more of the act�ons set for�h <br /> abave vv�th�n 1�days flf�he giving of notice. <br /> Ha�ard or Property Insuran�e. B�rro�r�r�hall�eep the improven-�ents�.aw exis�ing or hereafter er�cted on th� <br /> Froper� agains�loss by f�re,hazards in��uded yvit�iin�.he t�rrn"ex�e�ded coverage" and an�other hazards, <br /> including flaads or flao�ing, for v�rhich Lend�r requires �nsura�ce, Th�s insura�a.ce s�al1 be maintained in �he <br /> amounts and far�he periods tha�Lender r��u�re�. The insurance carri�r pr�v�ding t�e in�urance shall���hasen by <br /> Borrow�r subject ta Lender's appr�va� w�iic� sha�l nat b�: unreas�na�ly wi�hheld. If Borravver fa�ls �o ma�ntai.n <br /> coverage described a�ove, Len�der may, a� �,end�r's opt�an, obtain coverage �� pr��ec� Lender's rights �n �he <br /> Property in a�c�rdance v�ith section ti�Ied Pr��ect�on af L�Ynder�s Rights in�he Pr�p�r�y. <br /> All insurance policies and rene�wals sha�l b� accep�ab�e tta Lender and s1���.1I inc�ude a standard rr�or�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender sh�.��have�he r�gh�to h�id�he po�icies �nd rene�wt�.Is. If Lender re�uir�s,Borravver shali prom�tly g�ve t� <br /> Lender a11 receip#s flf paid premiums and rene�v�ral natices. In the �vent of 1flss, Borrav�er sha�l giv�prompt r�atice <br /> �o�he insuranc�carrier ar�d Lender. Lend�r may pr���f�f�oss if not�ad�pramp���by Barrower. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agre� in wri�ing, insurance p�oceeds shal� be applied �o restoratian ar <br /> repair af�he Prop�r�y damaged, if, in Lender's sole d�scr���ifln, the restora�i�n ar repair is ecanomically feas�bl� <br /> and Ler�der's s�curity is nat�ess�ned. �f, in L�r�der's sole discre��on, the r��storati�n or repair i� nat economica�ly <br /> feasible or Lender's security tivau�d be�esser�ed,the insurar�ce pr�ceeds sha��l be appli�d to�he sums secured by this <br /> S e cur�ty �nstrument, vvh��her or n�� then d�e, wi�h any �X.0�55 p aid ta �orro�wer. If B�rrawer abandons �he <br /> Prapert�r, or d�es not answer with�n the number af days pr��scribed by Applicable Law as se�fQr�h in a nat�ce from <br /> Lender�n �3orr�wer that the insurance carri�r h�.s offered�a set�le a c�airrx, then Lender may�o�lect��ie insurance <br /> pr��eeds. Lender ma�use �he pnaceeds �� repair or re�ta��e �he Proper�y �or�a pay sums secured�by�his 5ecur�ty <br /> Instrum�nt,whether or not then c�ue. The period of�.me fflr Borra�ver to ar��wer as set for�h i.n the n�tice Uv�I�begin <br /> when�h�natic�is given. <br /> Unl�ss Lend�r and Borrov�rer��xerwise agree ir�wri�ing, any applicati�n o�pr�ceeds�o principa�shal�no�extend <br /> �r postpone the due da�e�f�he pa}Tm�n�s due und�r the ��ntrac�or chang� the amoun�of�h�payments. If under <br /> the s�ction���1ed Ac�eler�tivn; Rern�edies, th� �roperty is: ac�uired by Lender, B�rrower's right�o an�r insurance <br /> pnlicies and praceeds resu��ing �rom damage to the Prop�;rty pri�r �v �he ac�uisi��on shal� pass to Lender ta the <br /> ex�ent of t.he sums�ecured by th�.�S�curity Ins�rumer�t immediately pr�or t�the acquisi�ion. <br /> Preservat�vr�, Ma�ntenance arnd Protect�o� of �he Pr�nperty; Barro�ver's I�aan Appli�at�an; Lea�eha�ds. <br /> Bor-r�vcr�r sha�l no�destroy, damage or impa�.r�he PropertST, a11o�v the Prop��y ta deter�orate, or con�.t�raste an <br /> the Proper�y. Borrovver shall be in default�f a�.y farfeiture��c�i�n❑r proce�ding,vv�.e�.her c�vil flr crim�nal,�s begun <br /> �ha� in Lender's g�od faith judgment c�u�d�es�l�in fQrfeitur� af the Prop�rt�r�r otherwise ma�er�ally�mpair the <br /> lien crea�ed by this S�curity Ins�xumen� or Lend�r's sec�ur�ty �r�teze�t. �orr�wer may cure such a defau�t and <br /> reins�a��, as pravid�d in�ec�ion�itled BarrQ�er's lZigh� 1:0 laeinsta�e, b��a�six�g the action flr proceeding ta be <br /> dismiss�d wi�h a ruling tha�,in Lend�r's g�od faith de�ermina�ivn,pre��ude�forfeiture�f the Borr�wer's�nteres�in <br /> the Praper�y ar ��her material impairm��.t �f the lien cr�ya�ed b� �his S�cur��y� ar Lender's security <br /> interest.Barr�Uver shal�also be�n defau�t if�orrower,�iuring th�loan applicatian proGess,gave ma�eriaXly fa�se�r <br /> inaccura�e informati�n or statemen�s to Ler�der �or fa��ed: tv pr�vide Lender wi�h any mater�a� informa�i�n} i�a. <br /> canr�ec�ian with�he loan evid�nced by�he �an�ract. If thi;� Securiry�nstrumen�is on a Ieasehold, Borrower sha�l <br /> comply�wi�h al��he provisions of t�e lease. �f Barr��ver acc�u�r�s fee t�tle to the Praperty,the leasehold and the fee <br /> �i�le shall no�ncaerge ur��ess Lender agrees t��h��nerger in��itix�g, <br /> Protectian vf Lender's Rights �n the Pr�per�y. �f Bfl��ro�re� �ai1s tfl per�'Qrm the covenan�s and agreements <br /> can�ained in�h�s Security�ns�en�, or ther�is a�ega�pr+�c�eding�ha�may signif cantly affec�Le�.der's righ�s in <br /> the Pro�erty �such as a proceeding �n bankrupt�y, prflba��y, fo� cand�rr�nat�on ar forfeiture or �o enfarce �a�s or <br /> regula�ions}, then Lender ma� do and pay f�r vv�.atever is neces�ary �fl protec� �he value of th� Property and <br /> Lender's r�gh�s in the Property. Lender's acti�ms ma�i.nclu��e paying any su�ms secured by a Iien vvhich has�r�flri�ty <br /> �2444-2�15 Camplian�e Syst�ms,Inc.d 18A-3fl94-2415.I 2.3,1,I i 15 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument AL2a3f Page 2 af S�iancesys�erns.c�nr� <br />