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<br /> � . 90-i0102�J
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<br /> . � (p} ItTrustorlsnotantndtviduaf,theiaauanc.e,sale.trenatar,asaignmen�cnnveyantearertcumb�anceotmorethanatatal
<br /> ot_a/a_parcent of(if a corporation)it�i�sued and vutstanding stock or(if e partrtershtp)a total ot�!a pereentof
<br /> p3tfiefehfp lntare�b durtnp the period thia OePd cf 7n.ist•remains a iien on the Properfy.
<br /> � 12. R�dN�;AecaNr��ore Upon OMauN.in the event of any Event of Detault Lendar may,withe�t natice excepi as requt�ed by
<br /> law,declare aDl Indebiednes�secured hereby to bs due and payabte and the same shall thereupon become due and payabie
<br /> wfltiout ony pretentrrsertt,demend,protest or notiCe o!any ktnd.�'hete8iter Lender may:
<br /> (a) Demand that 7rustee exercfse the POWER pF SALE grahted herein, and.Teustee sAa1t thereai!er cause Trusto�s
<br /> Inierest in tt�e FropBrty to be sotd antl the�tocaeds ta be disfibuted.ali in 4he mart�er prav€Qeei in tha Hetxaska Trust Qeed�
<br /> Act �
<br /> (b) Exercise any anQ all ri�hts provided tor in any ot ihe loan instrumenta or by law upon occurrence o}any Event oi
<br /> Delsul�end
<br /> (c) Commertce an action to ta�ectose this Deed o!Trust as a rrtortgage,eppoint a receiver,or speciticalty entorce any ot tAe
<br /> coYenants hereof.
<br /> No�emedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive oi any other remedy herefn.in the
<br /> Laan fnstrumenta at by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumutative.shall be in addition to ev�ry ather remedy gtven '
<br /> hereunQer,tn the Loan fnsUuments or now or hereatter existlrtg at law or In eQuity or by statute,and rttay be exercised concurrentty,
<br /> independenUy or successively,
<br /> 13. TrustN.The Trustee may resign at any tirtte withoui cause,and Lender may at any time and witfiout cause appoint a
<br /> successar or substitute 7rustee.Trustee shal�not be liabfe to any pa►ty,inctuding without limitafion Lender,Borrnwer,Trustor or any
<br /> purchaser otihe PropeRy.tor any loss or damage unless due to reckless or w(Itfu1 misconduct,and sl�all not be required to taks any
<br /> aation in conneCtion with the enforcement of this Deed ot Trust unless indemnitied, in w!iting,for all costs�compensation or .
<br /> expenses which may be assoc�ated therewith.tn addition,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Froperry(�udicial or �
<br /> undgr the power,af sals granted herein);pcstpone the sale af all¢f an�r poRion of the Praperry,�provideti by taw;ar se[I the �
<br /> , Properry as a�rhote,or in separate parcets or Iots at Tnsstee's�'€s�r�C�Qn.
<br /> 14. FMS aad Exparu�.ln the event Trustee sells tfte Fe�ge.^�y by exercise of RQNer of sate,Trustee shaEE Etesnti"'ed Eo apply
<br /> ; any sai9 proceeds first to payme�t of all costs and expenses�`exercising power af s�[e,including atl Trustee's fe��and�er,der's
<br /> and Trusiee'sattorriey's fees,ac4v��ty incurred to extent pe�cr:`.°�d tsy apgti�abte law.Ia the event Borrawer orTnc�+'.�rexes����n�
<br /> right p�ovi�ed by law to cure an Event of Ootault,Lender s�aU be ent�c�E to recover irom Trustor all costs artd ex���?�es��.iy;y
<br /> . incurred as a resu+t�f Trustors defauit,including without limitatien Gt�rustee's and attorney 5 tees,to the exte:�t�-^.rz:�by
<br /> applicabfs law.
<br /> � 1�_�ulRrr�Advtnces. Upon request of Borrower, Lr�rt�r may,at its option,make additional and future 2�v�ces and re-
<br /> advar.�ta Borrower.Such advances and readvances,wi�i��rest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Tr��Ai rto rime shall
<br /> the p:�-�.�pal amownt oi the indebtedrtess secured by this Q2ed of Tr��i_,�=^i includirtg sums advanced to protect the sec�rity o}this
<br /> �eed af Tcust e�the original principal amount stated herein,cr� ���.000.00 ,whichever is greate�.
<br /> ' 16. A�ti��Nartw�rs Pravislons. � - � .
<br /> (a7 8orrawer Not R�Nas�d.Extension of the time for payment�:-aCiFC:�ti.�n��`amortization of the sums secured by this ,
<br /> � . ��of Trust granted by L�der to any successor in in;pres!oi Borrower shail�c�:c���•ate to�elease,in an�rnanner,the liabitity '
<br /> o`tis�originat Borrower and�onawer's successorE in;�:erest Lender shal!no2 Lr:!�=quired to commence proceedings against ;
<br /> � strw:�suCCessar or�a�.ise to extend time for payment or otherwise modiiy amortizaUon oi the sums secured by this Qeed of Trust , -=
<br /> by reason of any demands made by the orlglnal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest ; ;.�_-
<br /> (h� land�r'a Powfn.Wlthout affecting the liabili;,�af any ofher person liabte for the payment ot any ob��gct.on t�erein -
<br /> ! rsa•���.:�zned,and without aftecting the lien or charge of tfti:s l�aed of Trust upon any po�tion of the Property n�4 Yh.n orK��:-�':�fore ��-
<br /> � rd,L�:.;2dassecurityforthefullamountotallunpaidoB!«��:°.�s,Lendermay,fromtimetotlmeandwithout�acce(i}re:easeany . -
<br /> ; p��::��so liabte,(li)extend the maturity ar alter any of�e.���c`any such obligation�,(iii)graM other indutgences,(�.).rc�ase
<br /> • or reconvey,or cause to be reteased or reconveyed at ar.y�::�-c:�:luanders option any pacr,�-.,:ortion or all of the Rr��a�ty,
<br /> , (vy take or release any ather or additio;.a.l sacuriry for any obi�ya+.Tc!�herein mentioned,cF;.i; �ake campositions c:=��^ --_
<br /> arrangements with debtors�R retation ther�to. _�
<br /> (c) Forb�arane�by E�r12r Not a Watvar.Any f¢��_aarance by Lender in rrFS�c-sing any right or rcar�-�Sy hereunder,�r 4
<br /> o��.�vwise aftorded by apF`i�3ote law,shall not be.��vs9ive�01 or preclude Ut�r-n+;,�ase o1 any such rigf�i or rem.dy.Tha
<br /> procurement of insurance or the payment ot taxes cr u�i�•ar liens or charges by�r.rr�,a-�T�1.S not be a waiver a9��rCer'�,nt�;�tto
<br /> accelereie the maturity of tha indebiedness securest L�this Oeed of Trust
<br /> (d) Suoc�s�on and Mti�ns Bound;Jotnt anc8 Ssveral Llab(Ilty;CapUons.The covenants and agree;-.s,-:�s�icrcan con-
<br /> q9ned shall bind,and the rir,hts hereunder shall fnur�a to,the respective succ$ssors and assigns of Ler:dkr��d reus,or.All
<br /> Co•1Qnants and agreement�af Trustor shatl be joint�ncf several.The captions and headings of the paragrr�ls�a4�his Deed ot �
<br /> Tru�are for convenience oniy and are not to be usES:to interpret or define tije Rrovlsions hereof.
<br /> , {e) Re��.�t sor Natk�s.The parties hereby raqs�est thai a copy ot any ncticc r,°detault hereundor and a eopy of�ny notico �
<br /> of sate hereunder be maited to each party"o this Deed of Trust at fhe ac;dre:�set forth abave in the martner pre�cn.b�d by =
<br /> applicabl9 law.Except tor any other rtalice required under apptic2ble taw to be given in another manner,any notice�ru��:ded , ?�
<br /> for in this Oeed oi Trust shall be given by mgiling such notice by certified mail addressed to the other parti�:t�,at the eQdr�;ss se1
<br /> tonh above.Any notice provided for in this Oeed o4 Trust shall be eNective upon mailing in the manner d��ignated tTC��:��►.If �
<br /> Trustor is more than one person,notice sent to the address sei forth above shall be notice to all such persona.
<br /> (Q Intp�ctbn.Lender may make or cause to be made►easonable entries upon and inspections o1 the Rropetty,pravided
<br /> that lender shall give Trustor notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonabte cause therefor related to Lendor's
<br /> interest in the Property.
<br /> (g) il�conv�yanc�.Upon paymen!of all sums secured by this Deed olTrust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey tho
<br /> Propert}t and sha!1 surrendet tttis Dsed of Trust and atl notos ovidencing indebtednoss secured by this Oeed otTrustto Truste�.
<br /> Trustee shall reconvey the�Prnp�ty,yvithqut warranty and withou!charge to Iho person or persons legally entitted thereto.
<br /> � Trustor shall pay alt costs�f re}COrdation,if any.
<br /> (h) P�rwKal Prop�rty;S�curlly AqrNm�n1.As�dditionat SBCUrity tor the payment ot the Nute,Trustor hereby�rnnts
<br /> lender under lhe Nebraska Uhfform Commercl8l Code a security interest in all fixturAS,equipment and oth8r persona!property
<br /> used in connectlon with the real estate or improvements located thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part ot
<br /> the reat estate secured hereby.This instrument shall be construeA es a Securlty Agreemer+t under said Cflde,and the Ler+der
<br /> shall have all the rights and remedios ot A secu�od party under said Code in ad�ition to the rights and romed�es croat.sd undo►
<br /> end aGCO►ded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust;provided that Lender's riflhts and remedies under this paragraph shall
<br /> be cum�tativ9 with,end in no way a timitation on,Lender's righta and remedies undor anl other secunry�greement slgned by =-` �
<br /> Borrower ar T�ustor. '
<br /> (i) IJ�n!and Ertcumbr�ne�s.Trustat hereby warrants and represants that there is no default under tho provisions of any .
<br /> mortgage,deed of trusf,leaSe ar purcha�contract descnbmg all or any part of the Proporty,or other contracT,instrument or .
<br /> agreement constituting a lien or encumbrance against all or any part of the Proporty(collecUvely,"L�ens'},Qristing as ot th� �
<br /> t4niv Gi 4Yri5�366t3 t���T�R,ai�ii iirai 8f�y 6fiti 61i 6�it5tifry LfQI'iS r6fi18iit u«4�iifird ERC6�ii b5 Efr9Giv5Qd f0�8t�c�ci err TfU31vi'S
<br /> written CiSClosure of liens and enCUmbrances provided tor herein. Trusto► shall timely periorm all o}trustor's oDtigations.
<br /> covenants,reprgsentations and warranties under any and atl existing and futura Liens,shall prompttylotwerd to lender copies
<br /> L ot all notiCes o1 detautt sent in canndCtion w�th any antl ell existirtg or luture Llot►s,and shal!not v�ithoul l.ender's prior written
<br /> Cansent in any manne►mod�iy tho provis�ons ot or allow any luture advanCeS under any oxisting or futur��Iens.
<br /> �) Applicaton o/P�ynNnt�.Unte5s otnerwisereqwred by law,aums paid to Lender hereunAer,mcluding w�ihouthm;tdt�on �,,,
<br /> payments ot princ�paF and irtterest,insurance proceed9,tondemnation proceeds and rents and p►o}�ts. shall be appl�ed by q�
<br /> Lender to the amounts due end ow�ng itom Trustor artd Bo�rower in such order as lender in�ts so'o discretion dearrs de9irable. i�
<br /> (ky 6!vlrabWry. It any Rroviyion of th�s Oeed ol 7rust ca�lbcts w�th appt�cable iaw or �s dec►ared m�ahd or otherw►�e �
<br /> un�nftrrt�3btE�.saCA canffrot dr irnat�d�ty shatt not aHett thg oNre►provisbrts af thrs Qeed of Trust or the Nate+vhitf�car b4 �- Q
<br /> g►ven atfect w►thnut 1he cnntl�ttmg prav+s�on,end ta this gnd the prav�s��ns of th�s beed bt Trust�rd the Nate are detlarad t�d�
<br /> sFtvaraGiC
<br /> �
<br />