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2� 17� 1722 <br /> Property Cond�txon, Alterat�ons an� Inspect�on. Trus�or will ke�p the Property in goad conditian and <br /> make a1I repairs that are reasonably necessary. Trustor shall no� commit or a.I�ow any waste, impairment, or <br /> deteriora�ian �f the Property, Trustar agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use wxXl not <br /> change wi�hout Beneficiary's prior written �onsent. Trustar will not permit any change in any li��nse, <br /> restric�i�� cQ��nant ❑r �asement wi�hou� Ben�ficiary's pr�or writ�en cansent. Trustar wi1� no�ify Benefi�iary <br /> of aII demands, proceedings, claim�, and actions against Trust�r, and of any loss or damag�to the Praper�y. <br /> B�n�fYCYary ar Benef�ciary's agents may, at Beneficiary's option, en�er the Property at any r�asonabXe txme for <br /> the purpose of inspecting the Proper�y. Beneficiary shall giv� Trustor natzce at the time of �r bef�re an <br /> znspection specifying a reasonable purpase for�he inspectian. Any inspection of the Property shail be �rntxre�y <br /> for Beneficiary's ben�fit and Trustor will in no way rely on Benefi�iary's inspec�ion. <br /> Authorxty ta Perform. rf Tru.stor fails to perform any duty or any af�he covenants contained in this Security <br /> Znstrument, Beneficiary ma�, wxthout notice, perfarm or �aus� them to be performed. Trustor appo�n�s <br /> Benef�ciary as attorney in fact ta sign Trustor's name or pay any amaunt necessary for performance. <br /> Benef��iary's right to perfarm for Trustar shall not create an a�ligation to perform, and Benefzcrary"s failure <br /> to perform will n�t prec�ude Beneficiary from �xercising any af Benef�ciary's ather rights under the Iaw or <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> Leaseho�ds; Candomin�ums; Pianned UnYt De�el�pments. Trustor agrees to comply wYth �he gra�isions af <br /> any lease if this Se�urity �nstrum�n� zs on a leasehold. �f the Property includes a un�� zn a candominYum or a <br /> planned unit de�v�lapment, Trustor w��l p�rform al� of Trustnr's duties under th� co�enants, by-laws, ar <br /> regulations ❑f the condom�nium or planned un�t deve�apment. <br /> �ondemnati�n. Trustor wili give Beneficiar�y prompt notice of any pending �r�hreatened actron, by private <br /> or pub�ic en�i��es ta purchase ar tak� any or all af the Property thraugh condemnatian, eminent d�main, ar <br /> any other means. Trus�or au�harizes Beneficiary to int�rvene in Trustar's name in any af the abov� descri�ed <br /> actions or claxms. Trus�ar assxgns to B�n�ficiary �he proceeds af any award ar claim far damages conn�cted <br /> with a candemnation ar other taking of a�l or any part of �he Proper�y. Such proceeds sha1l be considered <br /> payment� and will be app�ied as pravided in �his Security Instrument. This assignment ❑f�roceeds is su�j�ct <br /> �o the terms of any pr�ar mar�gage, deed of�rust, security agreement or other lien dacument. <br /> Insurance. Trustor sha11 keep Property �nsured against I�ss by fire, flood, theft and other hazards and risks <br /> reasonably assa�iated wxth the Praper�y due to its type and Iocation. This insuranc�shall b�main�ained in�he <br /> amoun�s an�I for the peri�ds that Beneficiary requYres. �Vhat Beneficiary requires pursuant to the preceding <br /> t�nra sentences can change during the term of the Secured Deb�. The insurance carrier pro�zding the insuranc� <br /> shall b� chosen by Trustor subject to Beneficiary's appro�al, which shall not be�asonably withheXd. �f <br /> Trustor fails ta maintain the �o��rag� d�scribed abo�e, Beneficxary may, at Beneficiary's option, abtaxn <br /> caverage ta protec�Benefi�iary's rxghts xn the Proper�y according ta the terms of this Security rnstrument. <br /> A11 insuranc�pali�i�s and renewals shall be accep�able �a Beneficiary and sha11 includ� a standard "mar�gage <br /> clause" and, wh�r� appl�cable, "xoss payee clause." Trustor sha11 immedYately notify Ben�fzciary of <br /> �anceXXa�ion or terminatian ❑f the insuranc�. Ben�ficxary shall have the righ� �a hold the palYcies and <br /> r�n�wa.I.s. �f Beneficiary requires, Trustor sha11 immediate�y give to Benefic�ary all receip�s of paid premiums <br /> and renewal noti�es. Upon loss, Trustor shall g��e immedia�e natic� ta the insurance �arrrer and Beneficiary. <br /> Seneficiary may make praaf af loss if nat made immedxate�y by Trus�or. <br /> Uni�ss otherv�ise agreed in writing, aIi insurance praceeds shall b� applied to the restaratian or repair of�he <br /> Prap�rty or to the Secured D�bt, wh�th�r ar nat then due, at Beneficxaay's aption. Any applica�ian af <br /> proceeds to pr�nc�pal sha�� nat e�ctend ar pastpane the du� date of the scheduled payment nar change �he <br /> amount of any paymen�. Any ex�ess wi11 be paid to the Trus�or. �f�he Praper�y is acquired by Beneficiary, <br /> Trustor's right to any xnsuranc� policxes and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property before the <br /> acquis�t�on shall pass t� Beneficiary to the extent af the Secured Debt am�.rrzedia�ely befare the acquisit�an. <br /> F�nancial RQports and Additional Documents. Trus�ar wiXl pro�ide to Benef�c�ary upan r�quest, any <br /> f�nancial sta�ement or information Seneficiary may de�m reasana�ly nec�ssary. Trustor agre�s to sxgn, <br /> deli�er, and file any additional documents or certifi�ations that B�neficiary may consider necessary to perfect, <br /> continue, and pres�rve Trustar's �bligati�ns under �hrs Secur�ty Zns�rument and Beneficiary's lien status on <br /> the Prop�rry. <br /> 5. W Y a�TITLE. Trustor warran�Cs �hat Trustor is or w�ll be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed <br /> by thxs Security �ns�rum�nt and has the right ta irrevocably grant, convey, and se11 the Proper�y�a Trus�ee, in <br /> trust, with pav�er of sa1e. Trustor also warrants that the Praperty is unencumbered, e�ccept for encumbrances <br /> of record. <br /> 7. DUE �N SAL1E. Beneficiary may, at its �ptian, de�lare the entire balanc� of the Secured Deb� to be <br /> immediat�ly due and payable upon the creation of, ar contract for�he creatian of, a transfer or sal� of all �r <br /> any part af the Property. This right is sub�ect to �he restric�ions imposed �y federal 1aw �I 2 C.F.R. 5 9 I}, as <br /> applicab�e. <br /> Security(nstrument-Open-�nd-C�nsUmer-NE �CP-R��T-NE 7I21��7 1 <br /> VMPC'�Bankers Systems�"'� VMP-C465�NEy f���7y.�D <br /> Woiters Kluwer Finan�ial Ser�i�es C��994,�01 1 Page 3 af� <br />