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<br /> ..� � ' "..____ _ �
<br /> 94�-1.O1Q0� . ,
<br /> Thst Philip H. ltobinson. Attorney at La�. Trustee, in the exercise oi the . • �
<br /> � poAer ai sale conferred upon h�m, daes hereDy exercise and deliver this indeature.
<br /> iINEREAS. for valnahle cansideration on Pebrn�ry 10, 198i. Dennis 1l.
<br /> � Hsnsen snd 8srhara A. 8ansen. sa Trustare. executed and dellvered theis Deed of
<br /> Trust to J�nes S. Reed, ae R`�uatee, and ta SUperlor l[ortgsge. Inc., as Bene?i�ciary.
<br /> conveyfng the real eetste hereinafter ��cribed in trust. with poRer of asle. in
<br /> acQOrdaa�. �rith the terms and pravisions���L forth therein; that eatd Deed of Trust �
<br /> wae the�er !lte�1 on Februuy 11. 198io in the oilice �f the Itegtster cf Deeds of
<br /> H�ZI Cou�ty. .DIE�ska. and recorded as Document +f81-��3051b. snd the beneiicial
<br /> rights th8�eto ��6t�tsequently aseigned on, Narch 10. 298L, to Nebraaks Inveatment
<br /> � Finsnce h�hority, and recorded on Yarch .��. 1981. in t�e olYice of the Reg�eter of , • • ,
<br /> Deeds af.1�s11 County.� NeDrasks. and recorde¢ .� Oocument #63':�3�1182. .
<br /> � � � �il�E�4£'r:� the Trustors, having c�ulted in the �llgstloaa..secuaed thereby: .
<br /> . e�..�d the BenericL�: having deliv�r�� ta �� TrusCc�� s �t���n ,decl:�tion of defaul�. , � ,,
<br /> � �nd hnving depoafted with the Tt��?`,�e r� promissary not:a�;: toge��r �vith Notice c�`
<br /> � Defiult. and � � ���� �
<br /> � i�HERF.�lS. in compliance �ifth NeDraeka atatntes, `�itd partirularly 576-1006,
<br /> , � 8..�.8. 1943. the artistee. acting b� and through its attorney. ifled a Notice of De- •
<br /> • . L'�ult arld Eleetiors to Sell in t�e oflice oi the Register of Deeds oi Aall County. �
<br /> � Nebra�ks� as Documet�t ���-106260� Which Notice and ?ilia�� fully comqlied wlt� the �
<br /> requirem���s of said etatut�, and �' . -°
<br /> ' IYNER�AS. the Trustee, acting by and tbrough its attorney, thereafter ,
<br /> ! mailed a copy o! s,�id Notfce ot Default and Election to Sell� �rf¢h recording date � . �<
<br /> shown thereon. to those gereons ��►d in the manner specified by 1Lebraska statutes.. � .��
<br /> and parEi�^�clarly $76-100Sa Whtch mailing fuUy comDlled witl� the reQuirements of eaid • �._�- °
<br /> � etatutes. asztd ����`
<br /> iPHL�'BEAS, the Truetea. acting by and through its sttorney. thereafter _
<br /> � publlshe� a coDy ot the Notice of Truetee's Sale, which Natice and publlcation were -
<br /> in all sesDects in compIiance �vith Nebraska statutes. and psrticularly With 876-1007 .
<br /> ' , snd �76-1008. �nd
<br /> - WHEREAS, Lhe S'n�uetee, acting by and throug�a its attorney. Lhereafter . .
<br /> malled a coDy of said No�ice of Sate to ttrc�se peraons accc� i.n the ma.rner snecitied by . _ -
<br /> � Nebraska etatutes. and particularl� 576-�a08. �vhic�t. �s1L�tg Wa� i�m all res�ects it�
<br /> compliance with sald etatutea. and �
<br /> i�IEREAS. in comqlience with Nebraska statuteg. �d Darticularly ��6-1009.
<br /> � on Pebrusry 28th. 1990, at 11:00 A.�t., being at the time ar�d place designated in the
<br /> � Notice of Ssle. the Substituted Trustee �old eaid �roDerty at Dublic suction ���
<br /> valuable conslderstlon to the Secretary of Vetersn'a AftAire, hls suaceseore and
<br /> assigns. which e�le fl�lly camDlied with the requlrgmenx� of eaid atstutea. � ��
<br /> ' N01P, Tl1L�J?EFOR�',. by virtue and in eaecutlon of �he nower of eale gronted .�
<br /> - � �fl said Truetee. az►d for valuable coneideretion. Philip H. Robinson. TruateQ. does i'-
<br /> �ereby grant. bsrgsin. sell cozr.�ey and contirm unto the Secretary of Veteran's
<br /> Aifalrs. hie euccessore sn�l asalgns, the folloaing deacribed real eetate situated in �
<br /> Hall County. Nebraeka. to wCx:
<br /> Lot � Two (2), O'Brien Subdiviaion. LTT Llte Village oi
<br /> AId�. Hall County. Nebraeka
<br /> � Page •1
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