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<br /> elect not to sign any such corrected Agreement, the terms vf the original Loan Documents shall
<br /> continue in full farce and effect, such terms will not be modified by this Agreement, and I wilI nat
<br /> ,be eligible for a modification under the FHA Home Affordable Modif cation Pragram.
<br /> M. That Lender will collect and record personal information, including, but not �imited to, my name,
<br /> address, telephane number, s�cial security number, credit 5C�C�s income, payment hYstory,
<br /> go�ernment m�nitoring information, and information abnut account balances and acti�ity. In
<br /> addition,I understand and consent to the disclosure af my personal information and the t�rms of the
<br /> Trial Period Plan and this Agreement by Lender to �a} any in�estor, insurer, gua.rantor or servicer
<br /> tha�owns, insures, guarantees or ser�ices m�f rs� lien or subordinate lien (if appiicab�e}mortgage
<br /> loan�s}; �b� companies that perform su�port services for the FHA Home Affordable Modification
<br /> Pragram;and(c}any HUD certified hausing counselor.
<br /> N. � agree, that if any document related to the Loan Documents andlor this Agreement is lost,
<br /> misplaced, misstated, inaccurately reflects the true and correct terms and conditions af the loan a.s
<br /> modified,or is otherwise m�ssing,I wil�comply wifh the Lender's requesfi to execute,acknowledge,
<br /> initial and deii�er to the Lender any documen�ation the Lender deems necessary. �f the original
<br /> promissory note is replaced, the Lender hereby indemnif es me against any loss associated with a
<br /> demand on the original note. AlI docum�n�s the Lender requests of ine under this section shall be
<br /> referred to as "Documents." I agree to deli�er the Dacuments with�n f fiteen �15} days aft�r Y
<br /> recei�e the Lender's written request for such repiacement.
<br /> �. That the mortgage insurance premiums on my Loan, if applicable, may increase as a result of the
<br /> capitaiization which will�result in a higher total monthly payment.Furthermore,the date on which I
<br /> may request cancellatian of mortgage Ynsurance may change as a result of the New Principal
<br /> Balance.
<br /> P. ��RRECTI�N AGREEMENT: The undersigned Borrower(s}, for and in considera�ion of the
<br /> appro�al, c�osing and funding of this madification, hereby grants W�lls Fargo Home Martgage, as
<br /> lender, limited power of attorney to correc� andlor initial a�l typngraphical or cler�cal errors
<br /> disco�ered in the Agreement required to be signed. In the e�ent this �imited power of attorney i�
<br /> exercised,the undersigned will be notified and recei�e a capy of the document ex�cuted ar initialed
<br /> an their beha�f.This provision may not be used to modify the interest rate, modify the term,modify
<br /> �he outstanding principal balance �r rnodify the undersigned's mnnthly principal and in�erest
<br /> payments as madified by this Agreement.Any of these specified changes must be executed directly
<br /> by the undersigned. This limited power of attorney sha�l automaticaliy termina�e in 120 days from
<br /> the closing date of�he undersigned's modification.Borrower agrees ta make and execute such other
<br /> documents or papers as ne�essary or required to effectuate the terms and conditions af this
<br /> Agreernent wh�ch, sf appro�ed and accepted by Lender, shall bind and inure to fheir heirs,
<br /> executors,administrators,and assigns of the Borrower.
<br /> �. Bocrawrer must deliver to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage a properly signed Modificatian Agreement
<br /> by MARCH 2, ZO1?. If Borrower does nat return a properly signed Modification Agreement by
<br /> this date and make all payments pursuant to the trial ptan agreement or any other requ;red pre�
<br /> modificativn payments, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage may deny or cancel the modificatian. Yf
<br /> Borrawer retur�ns the properly signed Modif cation Agreement by said date, payments pursuanf to
<br /> the �oan Modification Agreement are due as outlined in this ModYfication Agreement. Wells Fargo
<br /> Home Martgage may deny or cancel this laan Modification Agreement if Barrower fails to make
<br /> the f rst payment due pursuant ta this Iaan Modif cation Agreement.
<br /> V�elis Fargo Custom FHA Home Affardable Modificatian Agreement 935 l���UW��������
<br /> 12152016 445
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