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<br /> UNIFORM CAVENANTS. Borrowet�nd Lendet covenant ufd�qree�s foAows: �0��O��7�
<br /> � 1. Psym�nt af PrincTpai and Ints�est; P��paym�nt and t�to Chargas. eoRO«er shab �romptty pay when due ih�,,�
<br /> prirst�pai ot�nd ht�rest on the deDt evWenced by tRe t�1�anc3�ny prepayment and tate charges due under the Noie.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taucos and Mw►�artc�. Sueiect to oppkr,�ble law a to s wriitert waNer by Lender. earrower sna���ay to tc„dar
<br /> r o�lh�d�y monthty p�yrtienta ars d�se under the Nale. uatil tRe Note ts paid in fuN.�sum ("Fands'9 eqvai to one-lweiStA of: (a) yeu�-f,;
<br /> � Wces and usessmants wt►ich may aitah priarity arei ttVda Security tnstrumd�t; (b) yary feasehotd payment$ot Qround rents on tha�
<br /> Propary,N�ny;(c�yaAy huud insuru�;.e prerniums; artsS(d}yearty mortyage tnsurance premiums.ii any.These ftems ue�Ite� "escaow�.
<br /> k«sa.°Ls+a�r may a8mats th�Funda d�•6n�n�basts oS ciarent data and reaaonabte estimuta ot future eicrow items,
<br /> Tfts Funds ahaN Dt hdd h �n trtstr�ution th�da�asfts or acxounta of whkh ve insured or guararrteRC3 by a led�raf ar atate ager:�� ,
<br /> ('ndudiny Lendv�Lartder h such ue insGtutlon). Ler►c3er alsaN appy the Funds 4o pay the escrow items.Lender may not charya for hol�t�g�
<br /> and epptyin�the Fund�, anNytinp the�ecaunt or ven�(nZ'.Fe esaow items, untess L.ender pays Brxrower interat on the Fwds� end,
<br /> - appYcabN tiw peenits Lender Lo m�ice aueh a eharge.A�harge assessed by Land�b connectiorr with Borravras's entenng into this Secs�rity. ;
<br /> - tn�rer►t to pay ths cost of �n indeMneient Qax rep�xtk�g aelvfce sha' not be a charye tor pu.�poses ot Ne precediny sentence.
<br /> 8orrowx�nd lcnder rrMy a9ree in w�ling that intercsE sP,�R be p�ld on the Funds. Untesa an agreement ts mac;e or app�cabk taw reqw'ros
<br /> interesi to Da p�i0,Lender shab not be required to pay 3arrower any hteresi or eemings on the Funds. Ler�der sha�g3ve to Banow�t. .
<br /> wilhout charge, an annual account;ng ot the��nds sh�wing cre:fits and debita to the Furtds ar�d the purpese fa which each debii�to: �
<br /> ths �unds was rtnda The Funds are plFdged as additlonai sewrity tar the sums secured by thts 3ecurity instrurnertt.
<br /> tf the ansount oi the Funds held by Lender,together with the future mor.ihly payments ot Funds payati��priar to the d�ae�atas of the,
<br /> esrraw $ems. afi�Y exceed tho amount required to pay tfze esaow items when due. the excess shaH be. at Borrowe�s aptton,eittfer•
<br /> promplM�repafd to Borrower or cred'ded to Bortower art monihly payments oi Funds. If the anrasurt of the funds held by Lender I�;nat,�
<br /> suflk5iertt fo pay the escrow Rems when dae, 6bao�Ner shaA pay to Le�der any amount Rer.ess,.ary to ma[ce up the deftciency in one:ar•
<br /> more paymints as requtred by Lendet. .
<br /> Upon" payment in fu0 of aA sums secured 3�y thts Security Instrument, Lender sha11 prompuy refund to Borrower any Funds hef�!by ,•
<br /> Lender. ti under paragraph 18 the Property is satd or¢cqsiired by Lender, Lender shait appy.no fater than Immed'�ately pdor to�h�oata�
<br /> ot the Properly or its acqaisitFan by Lender. any Funds hefd by Lender at the Ums of appliption as a eredit agatnst the sums sea�red by .
<br /> this Security.tnstrument
<br /> ; 3.ApFJ.�catio�t of Paymenis. Unless appfica�se taw provides othecwlse, aR payments re�elved by Lertder under paragraph�1 ,
<br /> � ; artd 2 shaY be epp0ed: first,to late charges due undsr ihe Note; sec�rtd,to prepayment charges due urtder ihe Noie;third,to amounio�
<br /> payabie under�ara�aph 2:fourth,to interest due:an�:ast, to prtnctpal due.
<br /> 4. Ch.i�+�ls; L.ions. BQ�rmeca shall pay all taxes.assessments,charges, 6ries ersci irnpositFons ettnbutable to the Properiy whict►� � �
<br /> : mey att�fei�xia�t.y ove►this Sec.cc'sty rnstrument, and teasehc!d payments or yound rertt�. � any. Borrower shatl pay these o6Ggat'rans.(n� `
<br /> the mannas pro�•ided(n�taragraph 2, ar N not paid in that rrtanner, Borrow� shafl pay �hem on tim�direCdy!o the person owed payrnenl.
<br /> ' Borrower sh�Y�pmrnp'!�� fumish to Lender aU aaiice�af amounts to be paid under this paragraph. N Bo�ower makes these payma;�ts'
<br /> directhr, Borrmv�r ahas promptly fumish to Lender rECeipts evidencing the payments. �
<br /> Borrower shnl prompty �scharge any lien wh(ch has priorfty over this Security Instn�ment un[ess Boaower: (a) agrees tn wrilin��Lo
<br /> the paymen! 01 fhe obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; @) contests in good tatth the Ilen by,or datends
<br /> egainst eniorecmcr►t of the lien (n, tegal proceeding3 whicb(n the Lender'�opinion operate to prevent the enforcement ot the Uen or
<br /> forfeiture of ariy��rt af the Properry;or(c) secures from tRe hotder o!ihe Gen an agreement satistactory to lender subordinating tha.fien to =.
<br /> thie SewRiy lr�ctrum�nt. If Lender determines that any part ot the PropeRy is subject t�a Ben which may attain pdority ovee thia Sec;urity -
<br /> fnswrt��nt; LQri9ac rtuy give Borrower a a►otica i8entitying the(ien. BoROwer shalt safiz�-[g tha Nen or take one or more of the ectlons set ���—
<br /> �
<br /> toRb eC.��witivm 70�days o1 the fliving af naiice. �
<br /> 5. Haaaeai In�uaance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now eutsting or hereafter erected on the PropeRyl insured egAinst
<br /> losa by t�-p, hazarJ4 ineluded wRhin!he term "extanded aoverage" and any other hazards tor whish l.ender requires Insurenae.This�
<br /> Insurartc�aha3 he�mvntained in the amounts and to�ihe perfads that Lender rec���ires. 1'1s�a tnsurance prrier providing the lnsuranao 9ha11 �'
<br /> be chosen by fionower subJecl to Lende►'s eppraval�Hhlch sha0 not be unreasonabiy vsiili!ietd.
<br /> � A!1 insarendo p��ctes end rer�ewals aha0 be accepts�te to Lender and shall inGucle a standard mortgage ctause. Lender shpY h�ve thu
<br /> , dght to hotd thti�palicfeS and renewa�. I!L�ndar rE�quires. Borrower shall promptiy+ give to Lender eli receipts of patd premiuma and �
<br /> renewal notkes.Imthe event of loss, Bonower shae givo Qrarr�t aotice to the tnsu�aR;,�rartier and Lender.lender mLf malce prool o!lo�s
<br /> _ H not msde prompl�j�by Boaower. '����
<br /> Untess lendoe and Borrower otherwlse agree in wr(Nng, ir,;urance praceeds shall be applied to restoratian or repair oi tho Property� � .�
<br /> damaged. if tho rettorailon or repalr Is economically teasible and Lender's securlty is not lessened. If the restoration or repalr is�nol � ' '
<br /> economicaly tess�is w Lender's secur(ty would ba tessened.the insurance proceeds shall be applied tv the sums secured by ihls�Securlty •
<br /> Instn�:r�ant�whts�han ar not then due,wlth any er.00ss paid to Borrowe►.II 8orrower abartdans the Pro;.�rry, or does not enswet witbin�30
<br /> deys s r.attao iroai�Ltnder that the Insurance car�w has oftesed to settle a clatm,then L�.r,der•may caitect the insurance proceeds. I.endar
<br /> may use t?�o pta�eeQs ta repait or restare the Pr+cperty or to pay eums secured by this�ecudty Instrumer.t,whether or not than due: Th��
<br /> 30-Qay pe�iod t�ll begin when the notice is given.
<br /> � Untess Ler.ded urtd Borrower atherwise egreo in writing, any applicaNcr�c7 precee^s ta pr'napc! s:a7 not extend or postpbna the�du�
<br /> date of ibe manthfj paymenta refened to in paragraphs t and 2 �r change the amour,t o6 sn?payments. It under parsr.��aph 18 tho Prop�rty
<br /> is ec�:k�by!Ensfer.Borrower's dght to any Inaurance Rc:i.��ea and praceeds resuttlr,g t�-o�Qamage to the Property�rior to thv acqulsitlan �
<br /> � shaN pass to Ltr,de�w the extent oi the suma by this Seca�r,j:�strument immediatety prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. PreserwntiG� and Maintenant� oF. Propecty�;Le85eholde. Borrower shall rtot desiroy. damage or substar►tisif�change
<br /> � the PropeRy, iACnv the Property to detedotate c�•comm(t wa��s. It this Security Instvr.�rnt Is on a leasohotd, Bonower sha8 compy w;th
<br /> _ the provisioero ot• tt�e tease, ard if Borrewer aaquires feo�;.to to the PropeRy, the�ea�cf'old and feo tiUe shall not merge until th�•Lendov � �
<br /> agrees to thb mtrger in writing. �
<br /> � 7. Prottctid� of Lender's Rights In the Pro�erty; Mortgage insurance. I1 Borrower faiis to per(orm thd cuiena�;� �
<br /> _ and agreemsr.;u cC,.tssr.ed in thls Security Inutrument. or thera is a legal proceedir.g that may signilicanty attect Lendot's rip.�°s in:';e � �
<br /> __ PrQAer►Y�st�.�as u pw..�w.pr_wrt�tn Iasn��tc1:prohaie.tor r.�n�rra:l3as or fa enlu�uzms a:regatatt�nsj. ther�E��3tw n,�,y vo and pay'r- •
<br /> _ whataver is na:essary to profec1 the vatuo ot!ho Property end Lender's righ2e in the C�r�rty, Lertder's actions:�ay inciudu pA�i�tn any
<br /> �'' � sum!secure9 by e Aen whicb he� priority ovar this Security instrument,appearing(n C��`. �:aying reasonab�e attomeys'fees end enforinc�
<br /> an the Rropt+':p to make repairs. Allhough Ccreder mny take action un�er paragrapb T,ti�-��=_�.�aes �:c!��rA io do so.
<br /> � My em�utAr disburoed by lender wtder pa�acyaph 7 shall become additionai deC^.c�8onower secureE by this Security t;s�;4�ument. �
<br /> � Unies�Bwrorrc�artd Lendes agree"a other tetm9 0!payment,thase amounts shail bear�":rest from the date of d,'��ursemenf at tfia Note �«�
<br /> _ rato er.��h!+i bo payable,with ir:ea;.�st,upan natice from Lender to�orrower requesting paymeM. �
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