2� 17� 1 � 1 �
<br /> DEED �F TRL��T .
<br /> Laan No: 1���57�D� ���rltirlued} Pa�e �
<br /> Praperty with this sectivn of the Deed of Trust. Any inspe�tians �r ��sts made �y Len��r shal� be �or Lender's
<br /> purp�ses �niy and shall not be cons�rued to Great� any responsibi[ity ar liabi[ity on th� part of Lender to Trust�r ar �
<br /> to any o�her person. The r�pres�n�a�ians and v�rarranties cflntained herein are based an Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> in�estiga�ing the Property far Ha�ard�us Substan�es. Trus��r hereby �'�} releases and waives any futur� claims
<br /> against Lender -�or indemnity �r contribution in the eWent Trustor becomes liable far cl�anup ar other cos�s und�r
<br /> any su�h laws; and t�� agre�s �o indemnify, defend, and hold harml�ss Lend�r agains�any and all c[aims, lasses,
<br /> liabilities, damag�s, �ena�ties, and exp�nses which Lender may direct[y or indirectly sustain�r suffer resulting fram
<br /> a br�acn af this se�tion o� the Deed of Trust or as a ��nsequence af any use, generatian, manufa�ture, storage,
<br /> disposair re��ase ar th��at�n�d r�l�ase accurrin� priar ta Trustor's ownership or inter�st in the Prop�rty, whether or
<br /> n�� the same vvas ar should haWe ��:�n known t� Trusta�-. Th� pr�Wisions of �his sectiQn a� th� L�eed af Trust,
<br /> including�ha�bfigation to indernn�fy and defend, shall surWive the paym�nt af the lndebtedness and the satisfaction
<br /> and recanveyan�e of fhe [i�n af this Q��d o-�Trust and shall nat be affected by L�nder's a�quisition af any interest
<br /> in th� Property, whe�her by fare�losure or othervtrise,
<br /> lllu�san�e, 11Uas��. Trustor shall not cause, ��nduc� ❑r permit any nuisanc� n�r commit, permit, ar sufifi�r any
<br /> stripping of or waste an or �o the Prvpert� or any porti�n af the Proper�y. Vllith�ut limiting the �enerality of the
<br /> �aregQingr Trust�r wi[I na� remove, or gran-�ta any a�her party#he right to r�mov�, any�imb�r, minerals �in�luding
<br /> ail and gas}� coa�, ��ay, scoria, soil, graWe[or�vc�praducts without Lender's priar�r�tten consent.
<br /> Removai of lmpravemen�s. Trus-�or shall n�-�dem�fish or remaWe any Impr�Wements firom the Rea� Property wi�hout
<br /> Lender's prior Written consent. As a condition to the remova[ of�ny Improvem�nts� Lender may require Trustor to
<br /> ma�e arrangemen�s satis�Factory ta Lender to rep[ace such improvements wi�h Impr�Wem�nts of at least �qual
<br /> valu�.
<br /> Lender's Righ�t�a En�er. Lender and L�nder's agen�s and representatives may en�er upon the Real Prope�'�y at all
<br /> reasQnable times �o att�nt� to Lender's interes�s and fio inspect -�he F�eal Property for purposes af Trust�r's
<br /> cornplianc��rvi�h�he�erms and c�nditians of this D��d ��Trus�.
<br /> Camptiance with �vvernmen�al Requirements. Trustar sha�l promptly comp�y wi�h all laws, �rdinances, and
<br /> regula�ians, naw ar hereafter in e�fect, of all governm�ntal autharities applicable to th� us� or oc�upancy of the
<br /> Praperty. Trustar may c�ntesfi in g�Qd faith any such law, ardinan�e, �r regulairian an� withh�ld camplian�e during
<br /> any p�aG��ding, including apprflpriate appeals, s� long as Trustor has notifi�d Lender in writing prior to daing sa
<br /> and so long as, in Lender's sof�apinianr Lender's interes�s in fihe Prap�rty are n��jeopardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trustor ta post adequat�security ar a surety�and, reasanab�y satis�actory ta Lend�r,to protect Lender`s interest.
<br /> ❑uty to ProteCt. Trus�ar agrees nei�her fin ahandon �r lea�e unat�ended the Praperty. Trustor shall da all ❑ther
<br /> acts, in ad�ition t�tho$e acfis set��r�h ab�we in this sectian, which�ram the Gharacter and use af the Pr�perty ar�
<br /> reasonabIy necessar�to pro�ect and preserve the Praperty.
<br /> �ons#ruct��n Loan. [f same or all of the proceeds of the laan �rea��ng�he lndebtedn�ss ar�t� �e us�d to c�nstruct
<br /> or G�mp�ete constructian of any lmprav�ments on the Pr�p�rty, the lm�ravements shall be compl�ted na �ater�han
<br /> the maturit}�date of the Nate {or such earl�er da�e as Lender may reasanably estabiish} and Trustor shall pay in ful!
<br /> all costs and expenses in �ann���ion vuith the wark. Lender vLrill dishurse l�an praceeds under such �erms and
<br /> canditians as Lend��may deem reasanab[y ne�essary ta insure tha��he interest Greated by this Deed �f Trust shall
<br /> � ha�re priori�y❑�er alf pos�ible �iens, including �h�se❑-f mater�af suppliers and Wvorkmen. Lend�r may require, among
<br /> other things, tha� d�sbursem�nt reques�s be supported by rece�pted bil�s, e�€pense affi�aWits, wa��ers ofi liens,
<br /> constructian pragress reparts, and such��her docum�ntati�n as L�n�er may r�as�na��y r�quest.
<br /> aUE�N SALE-CaNSENT B� LENaER. Lender may, at Lender's optian, declar� imm�diately due and payahle all sums
<br /> secured �y this Deed ❑�Trus� upan the sale ar'�ransferr without Lende�`s prior writt�n �ansen�, of a[1 ar any par�af the
<br /> Rea� Prop�rtyt �r any interest in�he Real Praper�ty. A "sale ❑r trans��r" m�ans the conveyanc� ❑f Real Proper�y or any
<br /> righfi, title �r in�er�s-t in the Rea[ Pra�erty; whe�her legal, bene�icial �r equitable; whether �oluntary �r invo�untary;
<br /> wh�ther by autright saie, �eed, insta�lment sale c�ntra�t, land c�ntrac�, cantract �ar deed, leasehald int�rest v�rith a
<br /> t�rm grea�er�han fihree 43} ye�rs, [ease-option can�ract, ar by sa�e, assignment, or�ransfer af any beneficial interest in
<br /> or�o any �and trust ho�ding fiitle t4 the Real Pr�perty, or �y any �ther method af conveyance af an inte�est in �he R�al
<br /> Proper�y. Hawe��r, this op�ion shall not b� exe�'c�sed by Lender �� such exercise �s pr�hibited by fed�ra� �aW or by
<br /> 1Vebraska �aw.
<br /> T�iCES ►4N�] LlENS. The following pravisions relating t� the taxes and Iiens on the Praperty are par� �f this Deed af
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Paymen�. Trustar sha�l pay when due {and in ail e�en-�s pri�r to delinquen�y} al�ta�ces, sp�c�al taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �including �ater and s�wer}, fines and impa�itians levi�d against ar an ac�aunfi af the Property, and s�al[
<br /> pay when due all cfaims fo�' trv�rlc dane an or far ser�rices rendered or mater�al furnish��! ta the Property. Trustor
<br /> shal[ mainfiain the Prop�r���rre�af all liens having priori�y oWer or equal to the interesfi a� L�nder under�his �eed o�
<br /> Trust, �xc�pt for �he [i�n of tax�s and assessments nat duef e�cept far the E�isting Indeb�edness re�erred �o
<br /> beiaw, and excep�as❑therwise provided in th�s Deed �f Trust.
<br /> Righ�ta Can�es�, Trusfior may withh�ld payment af any tax, assessmentr ar claim in connect�an with a goad faith
<br /> dispute �ver the obligatian to pay, sa long as Lend�r's int�rest in fihe Property�s nat je�par�ized. lf a lien arises ar
<br /> is filed as a result �� nonpaym�nt, Trust�r sha�[ �rvithin fifteen ��5} days aft�r the lien arises ar, ifi a lien is filed,
<br /> within fifteen t�5} days afiter Trustor has no�i�e of the f�iing, secure the discharge of the ii�n, or i� reques�ed �y
<br /> Lender, dep�sit wi�th Lender�ash or a sufficient carparate surety bvnd ar ather security satisfact�ry to Lend�r in an
<br /> amount sufficien�to discharge�he l�en p�us any costs and a�ttorneys' fiees, �r other charges �hat could accrue as a
<br /> result�f a fa�ec�osure or sale under the li�n. �n ar�y�an��st, Trustor shall defend itself and L�nder and shall sa�isfy
<br /> any adverse judgm�n�h�f�r�enfor��ment against the Prflperty. Trus�or sha�l name Lender as an addi�i�nal ��li�ee
<br /> under any sur�ty b�nd furnished in�he contest proceedings,
<br /> Evidence �f Payment. Trustor shali up�n demand �Furnish to Lender satisfac�ory e�idence �f paymen�af th� ta�ces
<br /> or assessments and shal[ authori�e �h� appropriate go�ernmental offi�ial t� deliWer ta Lende� at �ny fiime a written
<br /> statement a�the taxes and assessmen�s agains�the Proper�y,
<br /> N��ice �f �ans�r�actian. Trustor shal( notify Lender at ieas��ift�en (�5} days bef�re any warlc is c�mmenced, any
<br /> services are furnished, or any materials are sup�lied to the Property, if any mechanic's �ien, ma��rialmen's lien, or
<br /> other I�en coujd be �sserted on a�Goun� of�he workr SEI"VICES, a� materials. Trustor wil� up�n reques� ❑� Lend�r
<br /> furnish �o L�nd�r adWance assuranc�s satisfac�ary to Lender that Trustar can and w�fl pay the cost ❑f SUGII
<br /> impr�Wements.
<br /> PF��PERTY DAMA�E IhISUR�4iVCE, The foifawing proWisians refating to insuring the Pr�perty are a par�of this Deed Qf
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance of �nsur�nce. Trust�r shali pr��ure and maintain pol�Gies �� -�ir� insurance with standard ex�end�d
<br /> cov�rage endarsements on a rep�acement �asis far the fu�l insurahle value cov�ring all lmpravements �n the Reaf
<br /> Praperty in an amount su��ficient to av�id ap�l�cation �f any coinsuran�� clause, and with a standard rnor�gag�e
<br /> �lause in�avor�f Lender, tagether wi-�h such oth�r ha�ard and Izability insurance as Lender may r�asanab�y require.
<br /> Poli�ies shal[ be vvritten in f�rm, am�un-�s, c�Werag�s and basis reasanab�y acceptabfe to Lender and issued hy a
<br /> �ampany or companies r�asonab�y acc�pta�le t� Lender. Trus�or, upan request a'� Len��r, vui�f deli�er fia Lender
<br /> trom �im�to time the po�icies or certitic��es �� insurance in farm satisfac��r}�to L�nder, including st�pulat�ons that
<br />