2� 17� 1 �� 1
<br /> to Lender Funds far any ar a��Escrvw Items at any#ime.Any su�h vuai�er may on�y be in writing.In the
<br /> e�ent of such waiver, Borrower shall pay dir�ct�y,when and where payable,the amvunts due fv�any
<br /> Escrow Items fQr which payment❑f Funds has been waived by Lende�and,if Lender requ��es,shali
<br /> furnish ta Lender receip#s evidencing such payment vuithin such t�me period as Lender may require.
<br /> Borrower's abligatian to make su�h payments and to provide receipts sha�l fo�all purposes be deemed
<br /> to be a ctivenant and agreement�on�ained in this S�curity lnstrument, as#h�phrase"cfl�enant and
<br /> agreement"�s used in Sec#ion 9. If Bor�awer is vb[igated to pay Escraw Items di�ect[y, pursuant to a
<br /> waiver, and Barrower fails to pay the amount due far an Escrvvu [tem, Lender may exer�ise its r�ghts
<br /> under 5ection 9 and pay such amount and Barrovuer sha[[then he abligated under Sectivn 9 to�epay
<br /> ta Lende�ar7y su���a�r�ount.Lender rt�ay rev�ke the►r►rai�er a�to an�ar al�E�ca�o�►r Items at any tirne by
<br /> a noti�e given in accordanr,�with Sec�ion�5 a��d,upan such re�acation,Bv�rower shall pay t❑Lender
<br /> a�l Funds,a��d in such amau�7ts,that are then required under this Sectian 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds�n an amount�a}suffi��ent tv pe�m�t Lend�r fo app�y
<br /> the Funds a�the time specified under RESPA,and�b}not to exce�d the maximum amount a lender can
<br /> require under RESPA.Lend�r sha�l estima�e the amvunt❑f Funds due�n fhe basis o�curren�data and
<br /> reasonable es�imates a�expenditures offuture Escraw�tems or nthennrise in accordance with Applicable
<br /> Lav�.
<br /> The Funds shall b�he�d in an ins�itutianwhose deposits a�e insured by a�ederal agency,instrumenta�i�y,
<br /> or entit}�{�n�luding Lender,if Lend�r is an�nst�tu#�on whose deposits are so insured}vr in any Federa�
<br /> Harne Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Esc�ow Items n❑later than the time specified
<br /> under RESPA.Lender shal�nat charge Borrower for holding and app[ying the Funds,annually analyzing
<br /> the�scrov�account,or veri'�}ring�he Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Bar�ower interest vn the Funds
<br /> and App[�cab�e Law permifs Lende�-to make such a charge.Uraless an agreemenf is made ir�vuriting❑r
<br /> App[icable Law requires inter�st ta be paid an the Ft�nds,Lender shal[not be required to pay Bor�ower
<br /> any interest flr eamings on the Funds.Sarrawer and Lender Gan agree in vv�iting,hawever,that in�eres#
<br /> shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall giv�tv Bvrrouver,withvut charge,an annua!account�ng af th�
<br /> Funds as required�y RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surp�us a�Funds he[d in escrow, as def ned und�r�ESPA, Lender shall accaunf to
<br /> Bvrrower far it�e excess�unds in accardance w�th RESPA.�f there�s a shortage of Funds held in�scrow,
<br /> as d�fined u�nder RESPA,Lender shall not�fy Borrowe�as requ�red by RESPA,and Borrov�er shal[pay to
<br /> Lender the amount nec.�ssary ta mak�up#he sl�ar�age�n acco�dance�ith I�ESPA,buf in no more than
<br /> 12 mon#h�y payments.l��h�re is a deficien�y af Funds he�d in escro�v,as defned under RESPA,Lender
<br /> shall notify Sor�o�ter as required by RESPA,and Borra►nrer shal!pay tv Lender�he amvun#necessar�y
<br /> ta make up#fie defci�ncy�n accvrdance with RESPA,but in nv mvre than'[2 monthly payments.
<br /> Upon payment in full of aif sums secu�ed by this Security[nstrument,Lender sha��promptly�efund
<br /> to Borra�rer any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Cha€�yes; Liens.B�rrower sha[I pay a�f taxes,assessments,charges,fines,ar�d im�ositians
<br /> attrihutable fo the Property uvhich can a�tain privr€ty over this Security Instrument,leasehv[d paymen�s
<br /> ot�ground ren#s on the P�-o�erty,if any,and Communi�y Association Dues,Fees,and Asse�sments,�f
<br /> any.To the extent that these items are Escrow�tems,�orrov�,rer sh�ii pay them�n the mar�ner pro�ided
<br /> �n Se�tian 3.
<br /> 8orrov,�er shall pr�mp#iy discharge at�y lien which has�rivrity oWe�fhis Securit�Instrume��t uniess
<br /> Ba��n�ver:�a}ags�ees in wr�fing ta the paym�nt vf t��e vbl�gativn secured by the��en in a manner ac�eptabl�
<br /> to Lender,but❑nly so lvng as Bo�rower�s performing such agreement;�b}contes#s the lien in govd fa�th
<br /> by,or def�nds against en�flr�ement vf#he tien in,lega�prviceedings which in Let�der's apinion operate�o
<br /> pr�v�nt th�enforcem�nt afthe lien v�hile thase proGeedings are pending,but anly unti�such p�oceedings
<br /> a�e�anc�uded;or(c�secures from the hvid�ro�t�e lien an agreernen#satis�actoryto Lendersubo�dinating
<br /> the lien tv this Security Instrumen#.1�Lender defermines that any part of the Prope�y is subject ta a 1€en
<br /> which can atta�n priority o�er�his Securi�y lnstrument, �ender may give Borrowe�a no�iGe identify�ng
<br /> the li�n.VII€th€n'��days�'�the dat�on which that notice is giv�n,Borrower shal�satisfy ths lien or�ake
<br /> ane or more vf the actions set for�h a�o�re in this Section 4.
<br /> Lender may require 8orrvw�r t� pay a vne-#ime charge for a real estate tax v�r�fication andlvr
<br /> reporting s�rvicE used by Lender in cannectivn with�h�s Loan.
<br /> �. Prvperty lnsurance.B�rro�►ershall keep the improvements now existing vrhereaf�er erected on
<br /> the Praper�y insured against Ivss by f�re,hazards inGluded within the term"ext�nded co�erage,"and any
<br /> other hazards including,but nvt limi#ed ta,earthquakes and flovds,far►nrhi�h Lender requires insurance.
<br /> Th�s insu�ance sha��be ma�ntained in the amvun�s tinc[uding dedu�tibfe ieve�s}and far the periods�hat
<br /> Lender requires. VVhat Ler�der requ�res pursuant#o the preceding s�ntences can �hange during the
<br /> te�m af the Loan.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shaL�be chasen by Borrawer subject to
<br /> Lend��'s�igh�tfl d�sappro�e Borrower's choice,v�rhich right sha�f not be exerc�sed unrea��nably.Lender
<br /> may�equ�re gv�rower to pay,in cvnnec�ion w�th this Laan,e€ther:�a�a one-tim�charge for�Iood zvn�
<br /> determination,certification and track€ng services;or(b}a❑ne-t�me charg�for flovd zane determinatian
<br /> and�e�ifcat�on�ervi�es and subsequent charges each time remappings a�sim�lar changes oc�ur which
<br /> reasonab�y might affect such determinatian�r�ert�fication.Borrower shal�also be respvnsib�e�vr the
<br /> payment o�any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency in�vnnection with the
<br /> review o�any flood�ane determinatian resuiting�rflm an abj�ction loy Borrower.
<br /> If Barrow��fails�❑main�ain any of the cv�e�ages described above,Lender may obtain insu�a,nce
<br /> cv�erage,at Lender's opti�n and Bor�ower's expense.Lender is under n�obiigation to purchase any
<br /> par#icuiar�ype❑�amvunt of coverage.Therefvre,such�overage shall cvver�Lender,but might or might
<br /> nnt�rvtect Borrvwer,gor�av�rer's equity in the Property,ar the cvntents of#he Prope�ty,agair�s�any r�sk,
<br /> hazard flr liabi�ity and might pra�ide greater�r less�r c��erage than was pre�iausly in eff��t.Borrouv�r
<br /> NEBRASKA--Sin�l�Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LJN�FORM INSTRUMENT Form 3U28'��01
<br /> Effi�Mae,�nc. Page 4 vf�Q NEU�EE[7 44��
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