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2� 17� 1595 <br /> ASSi�NMENT �F RENTS <br /> L�an No: 1 D1�D3'I 55 �Corttinued� Page 2 <br /> THIS ASSIGNMENT IS GIVEN T� SECURE ��y PAYIVIENT QF THE INQEBTEDNESS AND �2� PERF�RMANCE 4F ANY <br /> AN❑ ALL �BL1GATl�NS �F B4RR�INER AND GRANT�R UNDER THE N�TE, THIS A55IGNMENT, AND THE RELATED <br /> D�CIJMENTS. TH1S ASSIGNN[ENT 1S GIVEN AND AGCEPTED �N THE F�LL4VIIING TERMS: <br /> GRANT�R'S 1NAIVERS. Grantor wai�es all ri�hts or defenses arising by �eason o� any "one a�tion" or "anti-deficiency" <br /> law, or any �th�r �aw whi�h may pre�ent Lender �rom bringing any actian against Grantor, including a claim for <br /> deficiency to rhe extent Lender is ❑therwise entitled ta a ciaim for deficiency, befare or afte� Lender's commencement <br /> or campiet�an of any foreclvsure actian, eith�r judiGially❑r by exercise of a pflwer�f sale. <br /> B4RR�VIJER'S WAIVERS AN❑ RESPnN�IBlLITIES. Lender need n�t tell Barrower about any action or ina�ti�n Lender <br /> takes in �vnnection with this Assignment. Borrower assumes the responsibility for being and keeping informed ab�ut <br /> the Property. Borrawe� wai��s any ds#enses that may arise because of any action or inac�ion �f Lender, including <br /> without limitation any failure ❑f L�nder t❑ realize upan the Property, or any delay by Lender in realizing upon the <br /> Praperty. Barrvwer agrees t❑ remain liable under the Note with Lender no ma�ter what action Lende� takes ar fails to <br /> take under this Assignment. <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERFaRMANCE. Ex�ept as otherwise pro�ided in this AssFgnmen� or any Rela��d �acuments, Grantor <br /> shall pay to Lender all amounts secured by this Assignment as they become due, and shall strictly perform all ❑f <br /> Grantor's obl�gations under this Assignment. LJnless and until Lender exercises its right ta collect the Rents as pro�ided <br /> belvw and so fong as there is n� default under this Assignment, Grantor may remain in possession and cantro! of and <br /> operate and manage the Property and GoElect the Rents, pro�ided that the granting of the right to collect the Ren�s shal! <br /> nat ��nstitute Lender's cansent to the use ❑f cash collateral in a bankrupt�y proceeding. <br /> GRANT�R'S REPRESENTATIDNS AND WARRANTIES. Granto�warrants that: <br /> �wnership. Grantar is entitled �o re�ei�e the Rents �Free and clear of all rights, loans, liens, encumbrances, and <br /> claims except as discl�sed t❑ and accepted by Lender in writing. <br /> Right to Assign. G�antar has the tull right, pawer and auiharity to enter into this Assignment and to assign and <br /> con�ey the f�ents to Lender. <br /> No Pr�or Assignment. �rantar has not pre�iously assigned or con�ey�d the Rents t� any ❑ther persan by any <br /> instrument nQw in f�rce. <br /> No Further Transfer. Grantnr will nat sell, assign, encumber, or otherwise dispos� ot any ❑f Grantor's rights in the <br /> Rents except as pro�ided in this Assignment. <br /> LENDER'S R1GHT T� RECEIVE AND C�LLECT RENTS. Lender sha�� ha�e the right at any time, and e�en thaugh no <br /> default shall ha�e occurred und�r this Assignment, to coflect and recei�e the Rents. Fvr this purpose, Lender �s hereby <br /> gi�en and granted the fof�awing rights, powers and authority: <br /> NQtice to Tenants. �end�� may s�nd notices tfl any and all t�nants af th� P�vperty advising them vf this <br /> Assignment and directing all Rents to be paid directiy t❑ Lender or Lender's agent. <br /> Enter#he Property. Lender may enter upon and take possessinn ❑f the Praperty; demand, callect and recei�e from <br /> the tenants �r fram any ❑ther persons liahle therefor, alf ❑f the Rents; institute and �arry an all legal proceedings <br /> necessary far the pra�e�ti�n ❑f the Property, including such praceedings as may be necessary ta reca�er <br /> possession o�the Property; callect the Rents and rem�We any �enant❑r tenants or other pers�ns from the Pr�perty. <br /> IUlaintain the Property. Lender may enter upan the Prvperty to maintain the Property and keep the same in r�pair; <br /> to pay the costs thereot and ot all ser�ic�s vf all empioyees, including their equipment, and �f all cvntinuing costs <br /> and expenses of maintaining the Praperty in praper repair and conditian, and also to pay all taxes, assessments and <br /> water utilities, and the premiums on fire and ather insurance effected by Lender nn the Praperty. <br /> Campliance with Laws. Lend�r may d❑ any and all things t❑ execut� and camply with the [aws ❑f the State of <br /> Nehraska and also a�1 other laws, rules, �rde�s, ❑rdinances and requirements of all ❑ther go�ernmental agencies <br /> affe�ting the Property, <br /> Lease the Prnp�rty. Lender may rent or iease the who�e ar any part ❑f the Praperty for �u�h term or terrr�s and an <br /> such conditivns as Ler�der may deem appr�prfate. <br /> Emplay Agents. Lender may �ngage such agent flr agents as Lender may de�m appropriate, either in Lender's <br /> nam� vr in Grant�r's name, t❑ rent and manage the Property, including the coli�ction and applicatian of R�nts. <br /> �ther A�ts. Lender may do a!I su�h other things and acts with respe�t to the Praperty as Lender may deem <br /> appropriate and may act exclusi�ely and solely in the place and stead of Grantor and to ha�e a�l of the pawers of <br /> Grantor tvr the purpases s�ated abo�e. <br /> No Requirement to Act. L�nder shall nat be required to da any af the foregoing acts or things, and the fact that <br /> L�nder shaEl ha�e perfarmed on� or mare of the far�going acts ❑r things shall not require Lender ta d❑ any ❑ther <br /> specific act❑r thing. <br /> APPLICATI�N �F RENTS. All costs and expens�s inGurred by Lender in cvnnection with the Prope�ty shalf be �or <br /> Grantar's account and Lender may pay such c�sts and expenses from the Rents. Lender, in its sal� discretion, shal� <br /> determine the appf ication ❑f any and all R�nts recei�ed by it; hvwe�er, any such Rents rec�i�ed by Lend�r which are <br /> not appf�ed #❑ such costs and expenses shall be applied t� the Inde�tedness. Afl expenditures made by Lender under <br />