2� 17� 1574
<br /> aEEv �F TRusT
<br /> �Continued� Page 4
<br /> any p�oceeding or purchase in �ieu af condemna�ion, Lender may at its el�ction require that al!�r any poYtivn vf the
<br /> ne� proceeds �� the award be applied �o the Indebtedness or the repair ar restoration of the Prvpert�. The net
<br /> proceeds af the award shall mean the award a�ter payment of a�i reasonahle �osts, expens�s, and attorneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee vr Lender in connection with the candemnation.
<br /> 1MP�51T1�N �F TAXES, FEES AND CHAR�ES BY GDVERNNiENTAL AUTH�RiTIES. The fa�faw�ng pro�isivns rela�ing
<br /> �o go�ernmen�al taxes, fe�s and �harges are a part of�hi� aeed of Trust:
<br /> Curren� Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upfln reques� b� Lender, Trus�or shall execute such documents in addi�ion to
<br /> this Deed ❑f Trust and take whate�er vther a��ion is requested by Lender t� p�r��ct and continue Lender°s lien on
<br /> the Real Property. T�ustar shall reimburs� Lender for all tax�s, as d�scribed belouv, �vgether wi�h a[I expenses
<br /> �nCurred in recarding, perfe�ting or �ontinuing this Deed v� Trust, including withvut �imi�a�ian all taxes, fees,
<br /> dv�umentary s�amps, anr� vther�harges for recording or reg�stering this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The follvwing shall constitute taxes to whi�h t�is section applies: �1� a specific tax upon th�s type af
<br /> ❑eed of T�ust or upon all or any part of the Inde�tedness s�cur�d by this ❑eed of Trust; ��y a speci�ic tax on
<br /> Trustor wh�ch Trustvr is authori�ed or requir�d t� dec�u�t�rom payments vn fihe Indeb�edness s�cured by this type
<br /> of ❑eed o�Trust; �3� a tax on this type of Deed af T�ust chargeable against the Lender or the holder o�the Note;
<br /> and �4� a spec��ic tax on aff or any portion o��he indebtedness or on payments �f principal and interest made by
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to wh�ch this s�cfiic�n appl�es is enacted subsequen� to the da#e of �his Deed af
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�e the same ef�ect as an E�ent o� Default, and Lender may exercise any vr a!I o� its
<br /> a�ailafa�e remedies for an E�ent of �efau�t as pro�ided i�e�ow unless Trustor ei�her {�� pays the tax befvre it
<br /> beGomes de�inquent, �r {2} contests �h� �ax as prG�ided aha�e in the Taxes and Liens section and depos�ts with
<br /> Lender cash or a su�ficient�vrporate surety bond or�ther secu�ity satisfactory to Lender.
<br /> SECURITY ACREEMENT; F�NAN�ING STATEMENTS. The �ollowing pro�isions relating to �his Deed of Trust as a
<br /> security agreement are a part af this Deed of Trust: "
<br /> Se�uri�y Agreement. Th�s ins�rumen� shall constit�te a Se�urity Agr��ment to the extent any of th�e Prope�ty
<br /> consti�utes fixtur�s, and Lender shall ha�e all of�he rights of a secured party under�he Uniform Commerciaf Code
<br /> as amended from time tv time.
<br /> 5ecuri�y In�e�est. Upan reques� �y Lender, Trustor shall #ake whate��r action �s requested by Lend�r fio per�ect
<br /> and cvntinue Lender's security intsr�st in the Ren�s and Personaf Property, 1n addition to recording this �7eed ��
<br /> Trust in the real property records, Lender may, at any time and with�ut further autho�izatifln from �rustor, file
<br /> executed cvunterparts, �opies or reproductions of this Deed vf Trust as a �inancing statement. Trustor shall
<br /> reimburse Lender�or a�f expenses incurred in perfec�ing or continuing this security int�r�st. Upon defaul�, Trustor
<br /> sha�! nat remv�e, se�er or detach the Pe�sonal Property �rom the Prvperty. Upvn defauft, Trusfiflr shall assemble
<br /> any Personal Property not af��xed to the Property in a manner and at a plaCe reasonabfy con�enient to Trus�or and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailab�e �o Lender within three 43} days after receipt of written demand from Lender to the
<br /> extent permi�ted by applicabfe faw.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses D� TI'US�ai' �debtvr} and Lender �secured party} from wh�ch information
<br /> concern�ng the security interest granted by this Deed v# Trust may he vbtained 4each as required by the Unifarm
<br /> Cvmm�rcial �ode� are as stated on the first page o�this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTDRNEY-IN-FACT. The following pro��sivns relating to further assurances and
<br /> a��arney-in-fact ar� a part af this Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and �rom time to �ime, upvn requ�st o� Lender, T�ustflr will make, e�cecut� and
<br /> de���er, or will caus�to be made, executed or deli�ered,to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when requested hy
<br /> Lender, cause to be fiied, recvrded, refiled, or �erecorded, as the case may be, at such t�mes and in such offi�es
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mvrtgages, deeds ❑f trust, security deeds, se�urity
<br /> a�reemen�s, financing stat�m�nts, continuation ��atements, instrumen�s of further assurance, certifi�a�es, and
<br /> ath�r dvcuments as may, in th� so[� opinian o� Lend�r, be necessary ar desirable in vrder to ef�ectuate, complete,
<br /> perfect, c�ntinue, or preser�e ��y Trustvr's o�iigations under the No�e, this ❑eed of Trust, and the Rela�ed
<br /> ❑ocuments, and {�3 the liens and se�urity interes�s created hy this Deed v#Tt�ust as first and priar �iens vn the
<br /> Proper�y, whether now owned �r hereafter acquired by Trustor. Un�ess prohibited by faw �r Lender agrees �o �he
<br /> �an�rary in writing, Trustor sha�l reimburse Lender for all costs and expens�s incurred in connection with �he
<br /> matters referred to in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fact. If Trus#vr fa��s �o do any a�the things r�ferred to in the preGeding paragraph, Lender may d� sa
<br /> for and in the name of Trustor and at Trusta�'s expense. For su�h purposes, Trus�or her�by irre�ocabiy appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustar's at�orney-in-fact far the purpose af making, executing, delivering, filing, recording, and daing all
<br /> �ther things as may bs necessary ar desirab�e, in Lender's soie opin�an, ta accamplish �he matters re�erred to in
<br /> the pre�eding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFDRMANCE. ff Trustor pays a�� the Indeb�edness, in�luding without limitat�on a�l �utu�e ad�an�es, when due,
<br /> and otherwise performs a�l the ohiigations imposed upon Trus�or under this Deed of Trust, Lender shall exe�ute and
<br /> deli�er to Trustee a request fvr fu�� ��con�eyance and shall execu�e and deli�er t� Trustar suetable statements vf
<br /> termination of any financing statement an �ile e�idenci�g Lender's security interes� in the R�nts and the Personal
<br /> Property. Any �econ�eyance fee required by law sha11 be paid by Trus�or, if permitted by app[�cab�e law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each of the fo€��wing, at Lender`s opt�on, shall �ons�i�u�e an E��nt o� De�ault under this De�d
<br /> vf Trust:
<br /> Payment Default. Trustvr fails to make any payment wher�due under the Indebtedness.
<br /> �#her Defaufts. Trustor �ails to comply wi�h ar to perform any other term, ohligation, co�enant or condition
<br /> contained in this Deed o� T�ust or in any af �he Related D�cuments or ta compEy w�th ar ta perfvrm any term,
<br /> abligation, ca�enant vr�andition con�ained in any o�her agreement between Lender and Trustor.
<br /> Comp�iance Defaui�. Failure t� c�mply with any other term, vbligation, co�enant ar �ondit�on canta�ned in this
<br /> Deed o�Trust, the Nate or in any o�the R�lat�d Dvcuments.
<br /> Defauit vn�ther Payments. Failure of Trustvr withir�the t�me required by this Deed �f Trust to make any payment
<br /> for�axes or insurance, vr any v�her payment necessa�y to pre�ent filin�of or to ef�ect discharge of any fien.
<br /> De#ault in Fa�vr ❑f Third Par�ies. Should Granto� de�ault under any �van, extension of credit, s�cur�ty agreement,
<br /> pur�hase or sa�es agreement, ar any a#her agreemer�t, in fa�or c�f any other creditor or person that ma� mat�rially
<br /> affect any o� Grantfl�'s proper�y or Grantor's ab�lity to r�pay th� Indebtedness or Grantor's abifity tv perform
<br /> Grantor's ob[igations under�his Deed vf Trust�r any af the ReEated ❑ocuments.
<br /> False Statements. Any warranty, representat�on ar statement made �r furnished to Lender by Trustor �r on
<br /> Trustor's behal# under this Deed af Trust or the Related Documents is faise �r misleading in any material respe��,
<br /> either now or at the time made or furnished vr becomes�alse or misleading at any�ime thereafter.
<br /> De#ect��e Co��a#eralization. This Deed vf Trust vr any o� �he Related Dacuments ceases to be �n ful( force and
<br /> effec� 4including failure o� any cvlla�eral document t� create a �alid and perfected security interest or lien} at any
<br /> ��
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