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<br /> _c 3..:_ _' ',-ti;} � k: - ;.l a e ��:. _ �. ;�'• .i�i aE� ,r_ _ie' i.� ��F.:. ,v.
<br /> � - :��t' -' `��, t� ' Yke" '-'�,�a�lir° '�v,, y u�' ''F,:.;i:'.::..� '�"�,� :raiei�is,ii. v' e_•:av3��> �-a:ra:�c. .4�,3.�+,�.. ;-��•�;::
<br /> . __=-'=�s.�����i��'�+C"ta��,k�;g.F:s.:i. t\'�-�,.�ti����'.�_'SF.�"t.>_���_.�6�+.`�a.:.?.,'.���tid. .- .�,,,�: .s2' �.�....�.� i�"`:s;',;�''��c�s.�.�.�'_�: � C��'�;� --
<br /> `.`Y'
<br /> =��-�.., -. ti ��€ I ..e. ��L t��'s �$�< ---
<br /> � , s� ` �ia'ss,��c3'�t
<br /> � — __�_. �
<br /> ADJUSTABL� Rt�TE I3IDER �O�"f.0a9'��
<br /> (i ldearTrcasu�}•Ir�i�r,-RateCaps)
<br /> TFilS ADJI�SFAB3.E Ft�lTE RIDER is m3de this _ �A— da!r a�,i FebI�rd�V ,19.�_,
<br /> _ anb is incur�xstatsd into and shall bc deeiasd ta amen�a�.�sut+;�;em.�n�cFar�,:Viongage, Beed ef Trusf, or Securiry Deed(che "Security
<br /> � r [nstrument")af the same date p��ca by ttce uade:signcd(tr:"Bxrau�r"):a v�:ue Sorrauer's Adjus[abte Raie Note(the"(Yate")to HOME
<br /> � PEOERAL SAVlNGS � LOAN ASSOCIATfaN OF GRAl�1Q iSLAf�f�.tM��RASKA (the•'Lendtr")of the same da[e and covering the
<br /> property dGSCxibed£n theSecurity[nstrua:ent anBlocated aL
<br /> 4?21 Kay Ave., (�ratd Isl�d, i+IE 68�13 -
<br /> • iFroFert}y Addr,�=,}=,
<br /> _ � 'f6is note cowias pmsWons �ilc�rriag fo�si�ctg��ta:,��r Inurest rate and my monthty
<br /> _ pspmeev.T6b noie alaa lia:is t6s amo�t t�y,ia�cr�!rste an change ai�ey one dme�ad
<br /> �. Wso t6e dai�pnd tlie msxisenm r�tr 10�St��;!.,:
<br /> AD�ITIbbTAL CaVE*iANTTS.In addicion to th:covenanrs an.3.a�3f;.e:menc�maiie ia[he Security Instrument�Borrower and Lender
<br /> futtker cnveaant and agree as foIIaws:
<br /> A. I!�'F6RFSI RATE AND:H014'i'EE[.Y PAYME:1iI'CHA'.�1GF5
<br /> :I'fie Note provid�for an initiaf interest rate of 11.5 �a,.g�;�4�,_4 of the;�nte provides for changes in.the interest rate and the .:„ • ,
<br /> monthiy�aya:;nts,as follows: •
<br /> tAl Ct�e Dites
<br /> Th�nterest rate i wip pay may chari�e an che first da�of ��'� ,1991 .and on that day every
<br /> months thereafter.Each date on which my in;eres!t;s�r coul�ci�ange is calted a"Change Date•"
<br /> (B) Tde Inds� ..
<br /> Beginni�gwith the Cust Change Date,my intcrest rat�will be ba:�ti�r.an Index.The"Index"is the weekly average yietd on Unitcd States ...
<br /> � Treasury securitits adjusced to a constant matu:ity of i year,as cr.ad�.ritiailabie by th�Federal Reserve Boarct.'T'he most recent Index figure
<br /> availablC tu of the date 45 days before each Change Aate is called ui�."�urrent Index."
<br /> If the(nde�t is no longer available, the Note 1-!older wiU�;hease a new index which is based upon compar�b'.p information.The NoLe , ,
<br /> Holder witi give rue notice of this choice. �
<br /> (C) CalcWatlos oi CAanges '
<br /> &fote e�ch Cltarsge Date,the Note Ho.dcr wilt catculate my.aec�;,nt�rest sate b;•zd-a'.ng �'�� � �f perceniage ; ,
<br /> points l � �lo)co the Cunenc Index and rourdtnlT.t�she nearest 1/8th of t�"o,subject to th¢limits staced in Section 4(D)belnw. ' ��`_
<br /> This�ounded amouat will be my new incerest rate unti!tiv.nes:Change Date. -
<br /> The Note Holder will[hen detetmin�the amoient of th-:montdty payment that would be suf�cient to repay in full the principa!I am –
<br /> expected to owe on that Change Date in s�br.cantially equ.�l pagmenu by the maturity date at my new intesest rate.The result of this calculation
<br /> wil!6e tke new amount of my monthdy paymen[.
<br /> :::,z�_
<br /> (Dl Idw:t�on(ateresl Ra�ce�;Lang�� = E
<br /> The interest tate I am req¢it�:d za pay at th� fiist Change Date tvill not bx greater than _ �3.5 �'o or tess than '�
<br /> _� 9.5 �'o.Thereaf'ter,my interr.st ralc will never M.�ncr�ssed�r d=crcascd on an�single Change Date 6y more than � �—
<br /> pe�t irom the rate pf interc�t 1 have been payin�Fvr the prec�tt�.r,g i wetve m��^�!-s.The minimum inc:rest rate on this toan will ncver b:
<br /> tcss than 9•� �'o and tho mar,imom inrcresr.rate�.ill never F•c y=.�;er than._1fi.0 �o�o,
<br /> (E) �t[ective Datc of Ctwng�
<br /> ' My new interest r:ste will becomc ef�ec:!ivc on c3zh Changc Uate.t v�i11 pay the amount of my ncw monthly payment beginning on the first ,
<br /> monthly payment date after thc�Chaoac Date c�ntillira.arr:ount of my monthly paymcnt changes again.
<br /> : (E1 NaNce oi Chragr, ��
<br /> The Note Holdtr will muil or deiivc*t�me�nr.tice before each Change Date.The natice will advi�r me u!: .
<br /> (i) the new intete�,t rare:oh m!+Insin tis of the Changc Uate; �. �,
<br /> (ii) the amount nf my mnndf Iy ra.y ment foltowing the CharLe Datc:
<br /> (iii) any additien�l mmt.tL whictt lhe Note Holder is required to disclo�e:and
<br /> (iv) the acldre�a of tS�d4s,o�:iation you cautd c.;ntact rexarding any yu^stiucx about the adiust�nent notice.
<br /> B. CHARGE..S;I,IEN�
<br /> ,.,..
<br /> Unifutm Coaen;..r.t 4 of the Secur::y 1c:.:rume±t[is amcndcJ to rcad as fullca.•,
<br /> _ 4. �harges:Lkas.l3o��t�wa;shall psfy uU taxrs,1551•SSIIIG'AIS,rend�.•t.sr::iargcs,fin^s,and im���sitions attributabtc to thc i'ri�perty wbich may
<br /> r:ttaina princiy over this.�acur'zy ln:,:rumcnt,and Ieasehc�.'d p„ymcnts ut�round rents,if any,in Ihe n�anner provided c:nder paragraph 2 herebf
<br /> �r.if not paid in�uch m�nncr,hf tiorrawcr makirg�iymcr�,whet�due,d�rrctly 1�+ihc p�yce thcrcoP.13orr��wcr shaU promptly furnitilt Lcndcr
<br /> all notices of a�iu��aits due undue��his pu2r::;?h,a1:1 in !ise event Finrroti�cr ctiall mal;e p:,/�r�eut directly. Borrower st�all prornFC, `arnish to
<br /> l,en6er receipts eviden:in�eea?i paymen[s. t?�rro�er si�all �re,n�p�ly cl+tich,�rt;e any lien �vliicl� has priurity over thi�. Securit} I;,strument;
<br /> however. 8onowcr ShhU^ot �t+e reyuired to discharge an, surh licn c�lail;a=. Burrn�ycr. (.0~hall tigrcc in writints to thc paymcnt uf Uta
<br /> obligaliurE sceured bysueh lirf�in the man�er acceptable to l.ender,(b)shall��r;;uud fasitlr ce,ntr�t sucl�licn by,i�r de(end uguinst�nforccment af
<br /> � . sttch lien ir►.I.ga)proceediny�,�ahich in�hr ap�uian of Ltndcr operate tn prevenl the enfor,.cnicut of the licn or Pnrfeilure uf the 1'tuperty or any �— �"-
<br /> part thereaf;ur(c)shall l::cure from the holder of such lien an ayreentrnt in .�tvrm�atisf.�ctory to I.cncicr Subordinating siuh lien to this
<br /> � ScC�rity(nslrulncnt. I
<br /> _ It Lender detetrr,inc��th�!all nr any part uf the Vroperty it sub�cct ter��tic�i«hi�h rnay ait:iin.�priurity nver this Srcurity� lm�rument. �
<br /> r .
<br /> ._ Lender shall yive Fiats�•i�,a notice identifyi:ig wch lien. i3ufrox�er�hall satisfy�uch hen or taike une or more nf the.►en�ns set f�rth abuvr �`�
<br /> - �ith„�t�adayscsf;hc�::is.��i a€thar�;FicC.
<br /> � - �,��
<br /> L L. W(Y��CF: �
<br /> Unifurm Cavenant t�of ihr.�Srcurity Insttumcnt is amendcd to rcad a5 fufluwc;
<br /> l4. .'VoUct f•xcep2 Pot:�tt}++:uti�err��uaed ut�der apphCahtc law Io b�given in anothet rnanner,{;�►:wY nnt��e tv Liorn�v.cr prv�.idcd tvr in Iluc ��
<br /> S_cutity ln;�rume^.t fh,il►rb�i�en by ifelivcring it or hy ui;�ilm�t rt by hrst ctass mail tu Hortower at the i�r��pettv�tdcice�ti ar at tuch a�tl:er addre5c �
<br /> as Hurroaer m:�y dr�i�ti�:e by nuhce tu 1 ci�dcr tn rr�,���<<t ne�eiri.:md(61 any ne�tice to F tmler�liall he ieiten by lu�l cL�c� �t+;cl r�,1 rnder'� � .
<br /> dt�{�ft':S5EAlC(�i�'-t11!."1�r;[l:t+,:her addreS;u5�iI7CtU(PI�IY 1C�iB1111e��L I�uh;.•.0 r��� �ler•i �n �•��,., �
<br /> c• fl��rtowrt«�-i'r �ic.! t n. 1n4.i u::pr<•�i..c... ,u�t:�-.
<br /> tic�ttntq Ir:nemtr.t ii!:S�i►:�i:rcu�r�:�,t�.��c hecn gnc«tt,�nrr:�v,cr�r f�•ndc•r:sitcu ct•-i�r rn ff�c n+.uuicr�Ir��eu.dc.i h:ri•,t�
<br /> i�
<br /> � �.
<br /> '--9 t�) �.
<br /> � Y `
<br /> r�.�ir;
<br /> _��i?,'
<br /> �t•
<br /> J, (.'.,if�
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