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<br /> � ��-- �Q09'79
<br /> � If Lender rcquired mortgage ir�surance as a condition of malcing the loan secur y this unty Instrument,
<br /> _ Hprrowu shall pay tbr prani�ms require�to maintaia the insurance in efFect untii sucb tcme as the roquirantnt for the
<br /> irtaur�nce urminam inacr.ordance with Borrows�'�and Lender's writtea agreement or applisab!=Isw.
<br /> . A. Inspeedon. Lendrr or its agcnt msy mske ressonable antries upcm and inspeetions af the Property.Leader
<br /> sL�U�ive Bonowes n�i'sr�#�1 the time of or prior ta aa inspectian spccifying reasonabte cause fQr the ins�sec�ion.
<br /> � 9. Cosde�tiotr. t6e proceeds of any asvard or claim for damages.direct ar caasequential,in oonnection with
<br /> any condemnuion or other taicing of any put af the Property.or for c�nveyance in tieu of condtrnn�rion,are hereby
<br /> astigned and sball be�id ta I.euder.
<br /> =�, tn the event o!a total taking af the Property,the procoeds shall be appticd to the sums�eaunsci:by this Security .
<br /> Inswmmt,�rhethet oT not thm duG with any excrss paid to roonnwcr.In tlse evmt of a partisi t,uf;itr�ttPtltt Property,
<br /> unlcu Borrawer and Lendar atherwix agree in writing,the sums sxured by tbis Securiry Ins�nunen.�s�all�re z�cfuced by
<br /> Eize amount of the proceeds multipliad by the foAmviag fractian:(a)the tatat amvun3 of tZts sums st�sed iminediauly "
<br /> hefare the uking,divided by(b)the fair m�rket v�lue of the Property immediately before tha takia�_./�u.��lance s1u1ll be
<br /> gaid to Boaower. .
<br /> If the Property is ahandoned by Borrower.or if,after notica by Lea�der fo Boirawsi that t�se sondemnor offers to
<br /> s�ake ta s�rud or settle a claim far damages.Barrowet fails to respond to Lender withiie 30 days aft+�.s�e date the nAtice is
<br /> �iven,Lender is authmiud to collccc and apply the pracads.at its option,cithes to ratoration or re�of the Property or�
<br /> t�s the sums sacured by this Security Instruiuent.whether or not thrn dua
<br /> Ualess Lender and Bonowa otherwise agra in wr'tteng,any applic�cs of proceods to prittcipal shall nQt ercta�d or �
<br /> � �� postgone the due date of the monthty psyments referrad ta in paeagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sucb ga.�=mr�ts.
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Iteleau�;Forbearance By Le��l�iat a Wairer. Extension of the time for payisie�c��s
<br /> mudlfication of amortir�tion of the sums secured by this S�rity Insuument ganted by Leader to aay su��
<br /> interest af Borro�ver shsll noi operate to release t�e 7iatsility of the original Borrower or Borrower'���cessois in interest._
<br /> �der shall nat be reqvired w cammence p�ings against aay successor in interesi er cdu�to extead time for
<br /> gaymeat ar otherwise madify amort'vation of the s.ims secured by this Security Instrum�r.c i;i r�s¢qf any demand made
<br /> � � by the ari�al Horrower or Borrower's rsc�crssors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender'u��rr:s�g any right or remody
<br /> st�atl not be a aaiver of or preclude the e�.�cise of any ri�ht or remedy.
<br /> 11. Sacceror��ad Art�s Bo�d;Joht�d Se�a��l Ld�blltty;Co.�j�nere, The covenant9 and sgreements of
<br /> � �is Security Instrummt shsll bind and bene8t the�essora and assigns af L�sder and Borrower,subjcct ta the provisions
<br /> af gusgrapb 17.Borrower's covenan�s uid sgceemcats ahaU be j,a�ze snd setiesal.Any Borrawer who co-signs tlus Security
<br /> ; Inetrumeat b�doa nfli eaxute the Note:(a)Ia co-slgning t�ris�urity Instrument only to mortgsge,grant and.�rvey .
<br /> • that B�nrrese�.�s intereat in the Property under the terma of tlus Sacurity Instrument;(b)is not personally obligatr�t:�pay
<br /> �e sums secured by this Socurity Instrument;aad(c)sgras thst l.ender and any other Borrower may agra to satend,
<br /> ar�adify,farbar or m�ke any:ccammudstions witb regsrd to the terms of this Socurity Insuument or the Note withoat
<br /> 43iui�r,,�rer'a consent.
<br /> 33. ��. If the laa s�ured by this Socurit�Lnstrument is subjeet to s Iaw which sets maximum losn '
<br /> charges� a;�d: thnt ta+v io flnally interprexz•i so that the interest or other losn chsrges collected or to be colkcted in � �
<br /> cr.nmectian with the laaa eaceed the penniittd tifaiu,then: (�)any sucb losn chsrge ahall be reduced by the amount �
<br /> necess�ry w reduce tht chuge to the permit*at tssait;and(b)any aums�ln�:y collxted from Borrawer which e�cceeded �
<br /> — pertnittad limits will be ref�nded W Borr��°s:. L.rider msy choose to r_:aS�:this nfund by reducing the principal owcd
<br /> � under tbe Note ot by making a direct p��-�.�t to Harrawes.If rt.r�snd redsces principal,the reduction wi116e tr�t�3 as a
<br /> � putial prepaymmt witbout my prepsy���s.t cl�ar�e under the l�;cc�.
<br /> ' 13. I�latloa AQeettn� I.�nder'a Ri�&t�s. IS ens�znt or e-piration of applicable Iaws haa the effect of
<br /> rrndering any provision of the Note or thls Securi�Instrument unenforesa�le according to its term�,k.,cnder,at ita option, ' �
<br /> a�sy re�uire immatiate psyment in full of all s�aass secured by this Security lnstrument uid �a1+ ics�roke any remedies
<br /> . pe�mit�.ed by p�ritgraph 19.If Lendcr exercisa this aptian,Lendes ahs11 tske the steps s�xi5ed iA c1u:�second psragraph of �
<br /> � ��P::Il9. �
<br /> 14. NoHoa. Any natice to Banower p�.oide�!for in e�is Secur�ty lnstrument s!'sal�Ize giverr.t,y delivering it or by �
<br /> - mailing it by flrst class naail unless applicable t�w�rogu�res use cf ar�atlipr�ethod. Tne not¢ce Gl�mt�be directed to the �
<br /> Property Address or any other addreas Borrowe�designates by ra�2ce ca L�zri:r.Any rc*ice to Lender sha11 be�i�erc by
<br /> flrst elast mail to Lendtr's address sa��sd herein os aay other a�tdr.e�s L.erc�e��ignater��s�.�otice to Borrower.An�,.�!�cice
<br /> provided'for in this Security Inatrumtr t shall be damed to hgtre i��ivece ec 8orrowec a�2rnder when given as y±r.��ided �
<br /> i»this paagnph. .
<br /> ls. G�reraia�Lw;Se�enbtlity. This�.rit}�Ir:tn:rnent shall lie governed by federal tzs�v and the law of the
<br /> _ ,ju►iedicdon in which the Property is lacatod.ln t�C ev�nt that aay grovision or clsuse of this Secuiii;y Instrument or the
<br /> „ 111ote conlficis with apallcable l�w,sucb confliet s�a�t not affe�c�thes provisions of this Security lnstroment or the Note
<br /> � whieh can be givcn e}[ect without t2ct conflicting provision.7a c�s:.s end the provisions of this Secudty Instrumerr.t:and the
<br /> Sriote aredeclued to be seve;oble. . ,
<br /> 16. 8orrower's Cogy. Borrower shall bc&iven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security II:sstrument.
<br /> - 17. Tr�uuter o!tiu L�+opraty or s BeeeflcLl Intereat!n Soirowe�. lf all or any part of the Propeny or any
<br /> interest ln it ia sold or transferred(ar i4a beneflcial iaterest in Barrower is sald or transferred and Borrower is not e natural
<br /> � persvn)without Lendar's prior writrr.�consent,Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in Pull of all sums
<br /> secured by thia Stcurity lnstrument. However� this option shall not be exertised by Lender if exercise is prohibitcd by
<br /> federal law as aPthe date af this Security Iastrument. _ ,----=:=---.
<br /> - If Lender exsrctises this aption,Lertder shali give Borrower notice of acceleration.'fhe notice shall provide a period •
<br /> � oPnot lcss than 30 dsys hom the date the notia is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums securcd hy
<br /> this Security lnstrument.If Horrawer fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period�Lender may invoke any
<br /> � remedles permitted by this Security lnstrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. ,
<br /> � �b.�rroNet'�tiJ�t to Itelasttts. If Borrower mafs certain conditions,Bortower shaU t�ave the right to have
<br /> enforcemem of'this Secvrity Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlibr of(a>5 days(ar���ch other period as �
<br />� applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to 8ny power af r�;�le rontained in this
<br /> L Security lnstrument;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those candicr��rts are that Borrower: �
<br /> tt (�)pays Lertder all sums which then would be due undet this 5ecurity Instrument and the N;,te. had no acceleration ��
<br /> accurred; (b)cuies any default af any other covenents ur agreements; (r)pays aU eapenses incur�sd in eniorcing this ��
<br /> 5�ecurity Ittstrument,inrluding,but not l�mited ta,reasonable attomeys'fees; and(d)takes such nction as l,ender may . �ir,�
<br /> ----�� r:rsaeaUly require tv s�ssure that the lirn of this Stcurity lnstrument, Lender's nghts in �he Proprny nnd Borrower's �
<br /> #' abliguuon to p�y cht sums secured by th�s 5es:urity Instrument shal{ c�ntinue unchanged. L'pan reinstatement by -
<br /> �,�E Borrowet,lhts 5ecut�fy lnsttument und the obligsrtiuns stcured hereby shnl)remain fuUy effecUve us�f no accelerahon had
<br /> � s �4't4. nccurrcd.H�swever,thls nght t�remstete shall nat upply in the cuse afaccelrrAhon�m�ier par�gra�hs 13 c�r 17.
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