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<br /> elect nat to sign any such corrected Agreement, the terms of the original Loan Documents sha�l
<br /> eontinue in full force and effect, such�erms will not be rnodified by this Agreement, and I wili no�
<br /> be e�igib�e f�r a tr�odification under the FHA Home Aff�rdable IViadification Pmgr�m.
<br /> M. 'Tha� Lender wil� collect and reco�d persona! information, including, but not limited ta, my name,
<br /> �d�ress, �elepho��� number, social securit� numb�r, credit score, income, payment histox-�r,
<br /> go�ernment mortitoring informativn, and inforniation about account balances a.nd activity. In
<br /> a.ddition,I understand and consent to the disclvsure af my personal information and the t�rms of the
<br /> Trial Periad Plan and thi�Agreement by Lender ta �a} atty in�restor, insurer, guarantnr or servicer
<br /> that owns, i�zsures,guarantees or ser�ric�s m�frst lien or subord�nate ��en �if applicable} mortgage
<br /> l�an�s�; �b} companies that perfot-rn support services for the �HA Home Affordab�e Modification
<br /> Pr{ogram;and�c}any HUD certified housing counselor.
<br /> N. I agree, �hat if any document related to the Laan D�cuments andlor this Agreement is lost,
<br /> misplaced, miss�ated, inaecurately r�flects the true a�d correcf terms an� cond�tions of the loan as
<br /> �nad�fied,or is ot�erwise missing,I�rrill�m�ly with the Lender's requ�st to execute,acknowledge,
<br /> initial and deliver to th� I�ender any �ocumentation the Lender deerr�s necessary. If the original
<br /> promissar�r note is replaced,the Len�er hereby indemnifies me against any �ass associated with a
<br /> demand an the nriginal note.AI1 dacumen�s the Lender requests of rne under this sectian shal� be
<br /> referred to as "D�cuments." I agree to deix�er the Documents w�thin fifteen ��5} days ai�er I
<br /> r�cei�e the Lender's written requesr f�r such repiacement.
<br /> �. That the mortgage insurance premiums�n tr�y Loan, if applicable, i�ay incr�ase as a r�su��af t�e
<br /> �apita.tizativn which vr�ill result in a higher to�al moiithly payment.Fur�hermore,t�e date on which I
<br /> may request canc�lla�ion of mortgage insurance may change as a result of�he Neur Fr�ncipal
<br /> Balance.
<br /> P. ��RR�CTIDN ��REEMENT: The unders�gned Borrower�s}, for �nd in ca�rsideration of the
<br /> approvai,closing and funding of this modif cation, hereby grants We�I�Fargo I�vme M��gag�, as
<br /> lender, limited p�wer of a�tarney to �orre�t andlor initia� aI t typagraphica� nr cl erica� errors
<br /> �isco�ered in the Agreerne�t required to �e signed, �n th� e�en� th�s limited pawer af attarney i�
<br /> exercised,the undersigned v4ri t 1 be notified and receive a capy of the dacument executed or initialed
<br /> on their behalf,Th�s pro�isian may not he used to modify the interest rate,modify the term,modify
<br /> �he outstanding principal balance or modif� the undersigned's month�y pr�ac�pal and interest
<br /> paym�n�s as madi�ied by this Agreement.An�r of these sp�cified changes must be executed directl�
<br /> by the undersigne�. This limited po�v�r of attorney sha11 au�ar�aticall}��erminate in 12� days frar�z �
<br /> tMe�Ios�ng date of the undersigned's modification.Bflrrower a�rees ta rr�ake and execute such other
<br /> documents or pa�ers as necessary or required to effectuate the terms and condi�ions of this
<br /> �greement which, if appra�ed and aecepted by L�nder, s�all binc� and inure tn their heirs,
<br /> executors,administrators,and assigns of the Borrower.
<br /> Q. Borrawer must de�iver to V���ls Fargo Home M�rtgage a proper�y signed Modifca�ian�greement
<br /> by MARC�I 1, 2�17. If Borrov�v�r does not return a properly 5ig��e� Modif icatinn Agreement
<br /> by this date and rnake a�l payments pur�uant to tl�e #rial p�an agreement or any other r��uired pre-
<br /> mo�ification payrr�ents, �V���s Farga Home Mortgage rnay d�ny ar cancel tl�e madification. If
<br /> Borrower returns �he properiy sign�d Modifiea�ion Agreement �y said date, pa}�ments pursuant to
<br /> t�ie �oan Modifieation Agreement are due as vut�ined in this 1Vlodifica�ion Agreement. �Vells Fargo
<br /> Home Mor�gage may deny vr cancel this loan Mvdi�ication Agreemen� if BorrQwer faiis �n make
<br /> the first pa�ment due pursuant to this 14an Modification Agreement.
<br /> Weiis Fargo Custom FHA Hvme AfFordable Madification Agreement 708 I������������
<br /> 12I52416 44S !
<br /> ~ Page 7
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