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2� 17� 1553 <br /> �EEL� �F TF�LJ�T <br /> . <br /> Loan No: 'i�'�3D3�3a {�o�tft�u� � Page 3 <br /> Remv��! vf ImproWements. Trustor sha[[ not�emofish vr rema�e any lmpra�erf-�ents frvm�he Real Praper�y withaut <br /> Lender's prior written �ansen�. As a condition to �he remo�al v�any fmpra�emen�sr Lender may r�qu�re T�u��or to <br /> make arrangements satis�ac�ory �o Lender ta re�Iace such �mprovements with lmpro�emen�s o� at least equal <br /> �alue, <br /> Lender's Right ta Enter. Lender and Lender`s agents and representati�es may en�er upon the Real Prop�rty at alf <br /> reasonable times �o a��end t❑ Lender's interests and to inspect t�e Real Praper�y �or purposes of Trus�ar's <br /> ��mpliance with the terms and cflnditians of this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Cvmp��an�e wi#h GoWernmental Requirements, Trus�or shall prompt�y ��mply with a!� laws, ordinances, and <br /> regu�ations, no�v ❑r herea�ter in ���eGt, ❑f all go��rnm�n�al au�h�r'r�ies applicable ta th� use vr accupancy vf the <br /> Property, including wi�hout iimitat�on, fihe AmeriGans 1111�th Disabilities Ac�. Trustor rnay cantest �n good �aith any <br /> such �aw, ordinan�e, or regulafiion and v�i�khha�d complian�e during any proc�eding, includ�ng apprvpriate appea�s, <br /> so lang as Trus�or has n��i�ied L�nder in writing priar fio dping sa and so �ong as, in Lender's sale opinivn, Lender's <br /> interests in the Property are nat jevpardi�ed. Lender may require Trustor to pas� adequa�e s�curity nr a surety <br /> b�nd, r�asvnab�y�a�is�ac�ory ta Lender, ta protect Lend�r`s in�erest. <br /> Duty to Protect, T['uStD�' agrees nei�her tn abandon �ar lea�� unat�ended �he Property. Trus�ar shall da all ath�r <br /> acts, in add�tian ta those ac�s se��arth abo�e in�his sectivn, which�rom �he char�c�er and use �f�h� Property are <br /> reasanab�y neGessary�❑ protect and preserue the Praper�y, <br /> DUE ❑N SALE � CaIVSEiVT BY LENDER. Lender may, a� Lender's option, declare immediately due and payab�e a�� sums <br /> secured by�his Deed of Trus�C up�n �he s�le ❑r trans�er, withaut Lender's pr��r writter� cvnsen�, of all or any par�o�the <br /> R�al Praperty, or any �nter�st in the Real Praper�y. A "sale ar transfer" means �he �an�eyance of Real Prvper�y ar any <br /> right`, title or in�eres� in the Real P�oper�y; whether �egal, bene�icia� �r equ�table; whether vof untary or in�nluntary; <br /> whether by outright sale, d��d, ins�tal�ment sa(e contra�t, fand con�ract, con�ract fvr deed, �easehald int�res� wi�h a <br /> �erm greater than �hree �3� years, lease-optian contract, ❑r �y sale, assignmen�t, or�ransf�r �f any bene�icial interest in <br /> ar to any Iand trust holding�itle ta �he Real Property, or by any ❑�her me�hod of ��n�eyan�e ofi art interest in the Real <br /> Prape�ty. Howe�er, this option shal[ not be exercised by Lender it such exercise is prohib'r�ed by ��d�ra[ [aw vr �y <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TA�CES AND LIENS. The fn��awing �ro�isians relating to the ��xes and liens on �he Prvp�r�y are �art ❑f this ❑eed ra� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due {and in all e��nts prior t� delinquen�y} a��ta�es, special taxes; assessments, <br /> charges �incfuding �ater and seuver}, fines and imposi�ians le�ied against ar ❑n a�count of the Property, and sha(� <br /> pay vvhen due all c��ims �or work d�ne on or �or serWices rendered ❑r material fiurnished tv �he Prope�ty. �'rustor <br /> shall rnaintain�he Proper�y free o� al[ (�en� having priority o�er or e�ual �a �he interest a� Lende�under�this �eed a� <br /> Trust, exeept �or the I�en of �axes and assessments nQt due, ex�ep� for th� Exis��ng Indebt�dn�ss re�erred t� <br /> below, and excep� as ❑�herwise prv�ided in this Deed ❑f Trus�. <br /> Righ�t to Cvntest. Trus�or may withhold paymen� ofi any tax, ass�ssiment, ❑r claim �n cc�nne��i�n virith a gvad faith <br /> dispute o�er the obligation to pay, s� lvng as Lender`s �nt�r�st in�I�e Property is no�jeopardized, If a lien arises or <br /> is filed �s � result af nvnpayment, Trustor shal[ wi�hin fii�teen ��5j days afte� the iien arises ❑r, if a Iien is �i1ed, <br /> within fifteen �15} days after Trustar has na�ice of �he fi[ing, secur� �he discharge of �he [ien, ❑r if requested by <br /> Lender, depasi�with Lender cash or a su��ici�nt corporat�sure�y bond ar o�her security satis�ac�ory�❑ Lender in an <br /> amount sufficien�to discharge the lien plus any cas�s and a��arneys' fees, or a�her charges �hat could ac�rue as a <br /> result af a �or�c�vsure or sale under the fien. fn any contes�, Trus�or shall de�end i�se��an� Lender and sha�� satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgmen�hefare en��rcem�n�t agains��he Proper�y, Trus�or shai� name Lender as an additianal abligee <br /> under any sure�y band furnished ir��the cantest pr�c�edings. <br /> Euidence of Paymen�. Trustar shall upvn demand fiurnish �o Lender sa�is�a��ory e�iden�e af �aayrnent o�the taxes <br /> v� assessments and shall auth�rize the apprapriate gauernrnen�al affi�ia� �❑ deli�er �❑ Len�ler at any �ime a written <br /> sta�errienfi❑f the�axes and assessments a�ainst�he Property. <br /> IVvtice of Cons#ructivn. Trustar sha�� no�ify Lender at [eas�fifteen ��5� �ays before any work is Gommenc�d, a�y <br /> ser�ices are �urnished, or any materiais are suppfied tv the Property, i� any mechanic's ��en, ma�eria(men's lien, vr <br /> a�her lien could be asser'�ed an acc�unt o� �rhe work, ser�ice�, or ma�erials. Tru��or v►r�ll upan requ�st a� Lender <br /> fu�rnish to Ler�der ad�ance assuran�es satisfac�ory to Lender that Trustvr can and will pay the cost af �uch <br /> impro�emen�s. <br /> PRDPERTY DAMAGE 1NSURANCE. The �oll�wing pro�isions rela�ing to insuring the Prvper�y are � par�of�his Deed af <br /> Trust. <br /> Ma�ntenance vf �nsuran�e. Trustor shall procure and maintain palicies o� fire insurance �rvith S�andard ex�ended <br /> co�erage endo�sements on a fai� value basis �or �he �u�i insurabf� �alue c�vering all �mpravements on the Real <br /> pr�per�y in an amaunt su�ficient �v a��id applicat�on of any �ainsurance c�ause, and wfth a standard martgagee <br /> clause in fa�or o�F Lender. Trus�or shall also pracure and ma�ntain com�rehens���generai lia���ity insurance in such <br /> caverage amaunts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as addi�Eonal €nsureds �n such <br /> I�abiiifiy insurance pvlicies. Addi�ionally, Trus�or s�all main�ain su�h ❑ther insurance, including but nvt limited �� <br /> hazar�, business in��rrup�ion, and bviler insurance, as Lender may r�asona�[y r�quire. Palicies shall be tn�ritten in <br /> form, amounts, c��erages and basis reasanably accep�able �o Lender and issued by a �vmpany �or companies <br />