— wts» ".ce3�N. „%�.: �.�`� ::k. ) S.`.• ' C .+?T_ ..F ' :j� • - T. i-y�;-rf'
<br /> - Y- .c4' c 7�� .c r�. ._:c:' }'�t -.,:.i.'y., f..c3:::� L. '�<� t. c;^• _>°w. YSi.^7'�..i�- E, v�S.
<br /> w+s."��F��u''�r.�:��?;c_���.iy9 •i 5� c�'v� et � ' arrs�7c�=�: s�'�li�.v..S.�.�YSS'►] e��.'. 'S ��,L`.. �,.;� ' ` +, f�`� •:t� �c��t �t���7� ri.:L:ifi'.s���ti�:��...
<br /> - - 3 '�"'�::j�. i�� v .���-=�t::}�_¢C� �.�:3t:• F1.6.v�ti�__—_��_'!Y c��i�r. r �'t�Fli�fi'��u�t+� i�..- an�"--_ .
<br /> �y `y�;, _ �
<br /> . xtT2i .�.d }S_`4t� � ��.*����nr --
<br /> —- -
<br /> . . � ".'_� ,� �
<br /> - � _,,,; 1�095�
<br /> Nn�t-UNIFOR!rt COVENpNTS.Bonawerand Len$ut fuRhcr cqs�enant and agree as folt ga • �
<br /> 19. Acceleration; fZemedIes. �nder sl��1i giNe nc►tder to �or.�mhn.p�tor to¢scelention folto�teg Sorro�vtr's �
<br /> breu6 oi any cave�at or t�eement in t�ffa Serurita+Ietsit�cttadt(but aut pr�trt;t�t sc�eleratioa uader paragnp6s 13 and 17
<br /> unless appttcabte law prorides otPrerwisel.'E�e emtfce shstl snert�+y:ta)t�e detauiu�1v)the actfon requtred to c�re the
<br /> ' � defa�lt;(e)a date,eot tess t5�n 30 dsys f�am We dete tba aoti,cc i��h��a tn tt�rrower,by�rhfch t�e&tauit rt�urt be cared;
<br /> ned(d)t6at failnre ta tzve the default an or before tfie datu spaaiHQd in.flte hotfce may:anl!tn ac�ele�atton of the eumg
<br /> tecared by this Secar�tq I�str�ment and s,le af tbe Fr��et�y.�htt aotlt�e s6�ll fwther iniorei I3orrowe�oi the rigDt to
<br /> r�einstite Jter accsteratfoe and the rigtit to briag s�c�urt setf�n to assert t6e aon-existence of a defiuit ar any ather
<br /> dtfense otBorrower to�ccsi�ratioa wnd ss1e.Iltbe dafAVi1:fn Qot cwed an or before the date speci�sed In the rtotice,Lea,der
<br /> at ifs o�tian may reqnire immedtate payment in frall af�PI sums secured by thts Secnrtty Iastrument xit�au!farther .
<br /> deman8�nd may ln�oke the power uf sate aad tny offier ramedfes permftted by appliCable[iw.I.ertder s6all bc en�itled ta
<br /> �. coilect dl expe�ses incarred i�pussufag t6e neatetties pmrided in thLs para�aph i�. inclading; ba� nat Gmited to.
<br /> re�sonableattoreeys'teesand castsoftftleeiadence.
<br /> — If the power of s�ie is in�oke�,TrnsMe sbalI r_cand a aatica of defiult in e�ch couety ie wbich say past of the "
<br /> Praperty is located anrl sba11 ma31 copie�of sueh nuti+�e in tfi4 manacr pr�escr�bed by applic�6le Is�w to Borra+rer and ta the
<br /> other persons presrribed bg applicabTe luw.After the t3tse requir�d 6�+applicable LaR,Tmstee s6alE gire pu�lic aotice af
<br /> sale to the pessans and fn.tl�e menner pr�bea 6;*applicable la�s.Trb�lce,without demaad oQ Berro+�er, shall sell the
<br /> Property at pnblfc suc�nrt go tf�e 6ighest bidder at t8e r�tee aed ptace�d uader the terms designst�d ia the na�ice of sate in
<br /> one ar mure ptrceis tutd tie any arGer Tr��tee 8etermines.Trvstce msy pastpoae sate otall ar aay parcei of the Pcopertgr by '
<br /> publfe�tnoii�ment�t the time and pWce af anq prev;nusiy scheduled sala Leader or its desigRee may purcbase tIle
<br /> Fropeirfy at�a*,1 sale.
<br /> U�on rece�pt nf pagmeat of the pr�ce b�id,Trastee shalt deliver to the purc6aser Trust�'s deed coo�eyiag the
<br /> Property.The recitais in tbe Trustee's deed sball be prims fac[e evidence of t6e truth of the st�tEments rnade t6erein.
<br /> Trastee sball apply t1�e praceed�af the sstie in thB foIIa�dg�rder.(9)to all expenses at t6e s�Je.inclading,Dot nat limjted
<br /> � to,Trustee's fees as permjtted 6y a{�plic�bla 1uw and r�asannble attorneys'fees;(b)to 2!!sums secured by tbf�Sesadty
<br /> � : Instrumen�and(e)anY 8xzes�ta t[f���rs4n vr pers�ns Iegally entitted to i�
<br /> Z0. Leader L��Fa�ssioa..Upnn a�ccItiration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property,Lender(ia
<br /> person,by agent as•hy.judiciully�appointed re�iver)shali be entitled to enter upon,take possession of and mana�e the
<br /> Fraperty and to coUect t4ie rents of"t3ie Property including those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> � ! shall be apptied fir�t to paym�nt ofllie costE of management of the Property and cofle.tion of rents,incladina,but not
<br /> �. limited to,receiver's fe�,premium€an re^..s.iver's bonds and reasonable atrorneys'fees, and then tr,the sums secured by
<br /> ' this Security Instrumenk _ .
<br /> ' 21.Reconveyanc�,lipon payment of all sums secared by this Security lnstrurnent,Lender.=_t�all request Trustee to =
<br /> � reconvey the Property and sha2l.surn;nder this Secusity Instrument and all n�tes evidencing debt secured by th��:ur�ty �
<br /> � Instrument to Tnsstee.'I'rustee sl�i)re�onvey the Property withou�i warranty and withr;�t charge to t}ae pers�n a-�enons
<br /> ' legally entitted to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. ; �
<br /> � 2Z.Sabstitute Tar�stee.Lender,at its option,may from hme to time remove Trustee and appoint a succcssor trnstee
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon � � �
<br /> Trustee herc�n and by applieable la�x�..
<br /> Z3.Itt�y�L fac ?liotiees.Barr�wer rec�u�sts that copies of the notic�s of defaafit and sale be sent to Bonower's =
<br /> �.ddress which is tIr���+��:rty Address. "
<br /> ..�;<.
<br /> � 24.Rfders to ttus Security Far��mee�If one or mare riders are executed by S,�rrower and recorded together witl� :';�•r=
<br /> this Security Instrument,the cover�:�:.�ss and agreements of each such rider shaU bc ina:r?orated into and sh�ll amend and
<br /> supplement the covenants and a�r.c�rnents of this Security Instrument as if'the �:d�JS{s) were a part of this Security
<br /> , Instrument.[Check applicablc box{s�)]
<br /> � , � ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider [] Condominium Rider [� 2-� Family Rider � ';
<br /> '3
<br /> ❑ Ci�raduated Payment Rid:�r [] Planned flr.ct I�evelopment Ridcr
<br /> � [] Other(s) [specify] `�
<br /> ;., `
<br /> ' },��.
<br /> $Y SIfiN1N(i BELOW, Borrot�e: :::�>s;c� and agrees to the terms and cauenants conrsined in this Seeurity �
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)executu'�i:y Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> � ��..��ti.,:.,. . �.. ...^....... .......... �.. .1.`l.1�' .,.jf..�..: .�.�.t.r��::�........ s� �.
<br /> ��" � �.� " -c >>
<br /> Rolin D. Kreuchi Nanc�� !�`. KT@UCh]. -Barrower
<br /> a
<br /> � � .............. ....................................... ............................ ..................
<br /> ................. _....................................... ... (5er1?
<br /> �" � —r70rro-iver
<br /> � STATE(1F NI:IINASKA. Hall Crnn,ty ss:
<br /> �
<br /> � � dn this 14th ci.iy nf February .19 90 , bei�cfrc me. thc uttdcrsigncd. a N�lary 1'ublir
<br /> du{y commissi�ned.and qu�ilif'iecl i'or said county,persemnlly ca�ne Rolin 0. Kreuehi and Naney t4. Kreueh+�
<br /> � each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br /> , tc�me kn�D�vn ta hc thr ;-�_�—- --,
<br /> identic�) persun(s) whose n�mels) are �ubscribed t�� the fore�,uiug intitruu�ent and ackn��vlydged �he e�ecu�io�► �
<br /> � thcrcof tc► br their voluntary¢ict auci dced. ` �
<br /> - �Vitness my hand and nc�t�atial sca)at � iu�aic�r«un� thc �
<br /> . Grand Island� Nebxaska y• �
<br />--° date afaresaTCi.� � � -
<br /> My Comnrission cxpirc�: % � �� i � . � �
<br /> 1.,, ... . *� . l:-.. .���� --�. < <.._..-� ... ... . .. .. . . �c
<br /> � �l�iiM�illi ����%� �;���, i�;�i�r�, , -f f
<br /> .�r�s�+�a�► � .QtlF:s;r.i�� kF:c�c��vE ti�n�ct� �
<br /> � rtcirx�,s �lr�w6Fi1R�t1N � f ��y�
<br /> � Ifu_• undrrsirncd i`thc �c�iltler c►!�11�6 nate e►t nt�tt'4�E`ll!l4�e! b} tfti�()ctii! e*f '!r�c:t. y.uit i�e,=+�F,� u«tr,, �+,�ti�ihEt � �'-
<br /> - r> .
<br /> - ti�ith aU r�thcr iudchtcdtie.��C�ntcJ hy tl�i�17c;cct i�f t rFi�t,lt:��r ht'cn l+�uEl ii� fu11. ���u:ur li�icl+� �!�►c�tcd 1 c,i.ern rl�.itii
<br /> �� nnte��t untc�.�utt �lu� I)ec�) �+f �I'ru•�, ��liitFr���c cirlitr�c�l hctcl•�, <mcf I�, fC�I�IfSC1, �kitlenn! t+,�rr,m�t, .dl!hc �.t,Et�
<br /> � uc�« hc(d ht `i�t� t�nQc•� t{Fi. i7c«I ��f frn�l t�� Ihc ��r:t�nr �u �rct�ul4. }c.�,i{�; �iitirl�•�I ;h�•ri•�n
<br /> 1.�11� ry!�. �).l I C �
<br /> �-fr,�
<br /> _rr,#.
<br /> ,l jf}t
<br /> r�
<br /> ��i
<br /> y{ "���j
<br /> u`�;' .
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