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<br /> 1 event of loss Borrower wilt give immediate notice by mail to the any af th:a3nditions or agreements contained in tAis instrumerst,ar �
<br /> Ixader,who may m�ke proof af loss iircot made promptly b}• tht not::r�h:,;h.it secures.then the entire principa]sum and accrued
<br /> Borrower,and each insurance compaay concerned u hereby inc:cest shatt.�t��re bea►me due and payable,at the eiection of the
<br /> authorized and directed to malce p�yment for such loss dire�rtly to I.enc'n.r.
<br /> the Lendsr instead of to the Borrower and the Lender joir.tly,artd
<br /> the insurance proceeds,or aay pan thereof,may be applied bp t6e [xndP.�'chat�;�ive notice to Borro�er ptior w acceleration
<br /> _ Ltnder at its optian either to the reduction of the in�e6tedctess foltc�Kir�&rrower s 6reaeh nf anp corec�ant or agreement in tbis
<br /> lureby secured or to sbe restaratioa or repair of tAe property insuu;.ty;sr3.�b;zi not prior to asxeteration under paragraph!2 unless
<br /> — damaged In event of foreclosure of this instrument or athex uansFer app��£;tb.+y;;iat�pro�ridts otherwise).Th�aotioe shall specify:(a)the
<br /> of titte to the mortgaged propeny in extinguishment of the defs+r�5;f�i�.�fi�:action require�to curs ahe default;(c)a date,Rot less
<br /> ' indebtedaess serured lhereby.alt^igh�at2Q anct in?Prest of the tfs�n 30-Says from the date the notice is givt�to Borrower,by which
<br /> Bonower in and to any insurance po:ic��then in force shal!pa,ss ta tt��r3efa�t�t mast be cured;and(d)that failure to cure the defaialt on
<br /> the purchaser or grantee. or he[a,e the date specified in tke noticz may result in acceleraiion
<br /> o�i}s;,�u�s secured by this instrument and sale of the Propeny_'f'he
<br /> 9."That as additional�red coltatera[secucit�f�a th��aq;r:ent of sh� a�,:��.t;shall further inform Barrower of the right to reinstat$after
<br /> aou d�cn'bed,and a(i sums to 4ecome d�uc�er thu iAStcucnen�, ar,�eierdtion and the right to 6ring a court action to auert the nan-
<br /> the Bonawer dereby assigns to the Lendcr all praF�.reveaur.s. e�ti�tence of a default at any ethe�defense of Borrow�tn
<br /> roy�lties.righis and benefsts aceruing to tl�e 8trrrnwer uc�,er any�rcr�„ �tttceteration and sale.If the defauh is not cured on or 6FEore tiie date
<br /> . all uit and gas teases on said premises,witA t�+;,RgjtC to s�:eivr,nnd•� sp�cifed in the notice.Lender at its aptian may reqaire immediate
<br /> receipt for the same aQd apply them to said audeh�.ds�:FS as 4ue1!�� payment�n fuU of all sums secured by t5i�.iastrument without
<br /> before as after defae�lt in the conditioos of this irr.�ru�:p,n�:iad:thi• further demand and may invoke the poRC-�cf sale and any other
<br /> Lender may demaad.sue for and recover any;5uch ya��.etit„�sen remedies permitted by applicable taw.Lc�sci�r shail be entitled to
<br /> due aad paya6ie,but shaU nat be required sti�i�da,Thi�,assignment callect all expenses incurr�d in porsuing the remedies provided in
<br /> is to terminate and become null and void a6qa�r,eleuse o��l�is this paragraph 13,iaciudiIIx,but rtot limited to.reasnnahle
<br /> inswment. attomeys fee�an�costs of titte evidence.
<br /> i0. That the Borrower will tiec�r rhe buiidl�rigs upon said�remises If the power�f sate is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of
<br /> ia good repair,and neither cor,tc�i:�or��rtsit waste upon said land, default in each county in which any part of t6e Property is located ' •
<br /> nar cuffer the said premises to be:ised`ar any u.�tawfu!purpose. and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner presCribed by '
<br /> applicable law to Borrower and to!he other persons prescribed by
<br /> 11. That iI the premises,or any part therec�be condsmRC3 under appticable law.After the time reyuire�6y appSicable law,Trustee �
<br /> t6e ps;ver of eminent domain.or acquired for a public us�,the shall give public notice ot sale to the persrr5 and in the manner
<br /> dar,.ages awarded,ihe proceeds for the taking of.or the prescribed by applicabte law.Trustee.�rittt;:::t d�ma�a an Borrower.
<br /> cansideration for such acquisition,to the extent of the full amount of shall sell the Praperty at public auction to the highest tridder at the
<br /> indebtedness upon this instrument and the note w6ich it is given to time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale _
<br /> secure remaining unpaid.are hereby assigned by tihe Borrower to the in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee =
<br /> Ixader,and shall be Qaid fonha:th ta said Lender to be ap�L'ed by may postpone sz'.e of all ot any parcel of the Property by pnblic -
<br /> Ghe f�.iter un account oi the neat maturing instattments of such announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled
<br /> ir.��tedness. sale.Lender or its designee may purchase the Properiy at any sale. . ��
<br /> 12. The Borrawer further agre,.°s that shoui�this instrumer.t and 9Jpon�eceipt o1'payment of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to
<br /> the note secured hereby not be e�igble for insurance under tlr: t:�e purchaser Trustee'.s deed conveying tF`Properiy.The recitals in ,w;
<br /> ' Nationsl Housing Act within eigt�a months from the date ta�r�af �.e Trustee's Leed shall be prima facie ecF��nce of the truth of the
<br /> (written statement of any officer af the Uepz�tment of Ha:.::s;�g and �-�;:ments made therein.Trustee shall apply the proceeds ot the sale �
<br /> . Urban Devalopment or authorized agent oi t��Secretary of Housing i:�the fo(towing order.(a)co all expenses of the sate,including,but ; -
<br /> aed Urban Development datEd subsequeat�:.':e eight months'time not limited to,Trustee's fers as permitted by applicable law and ;, �..
<br /> from the date oi this instrumen�declining tb i:-sure said note and �easonable attorneys'fees;(b)ta all sums secured by this Security '�
<br /> t6is mortaage,being dcemed cec�cuive proof of such inpt:gibility), lnstrument:3!'�a{c)any excess to the person or persons fegally
<br /> the Lender or halder of the na*_t�ay,at iu e�*.ian,dec(s*c:x1t sums entiiled to it. ik
<br /> secured hereby immediately du�and payaU[:.�otwithsta:ding the " '�
<br /> foregoing,this opiion may not be exer.,-ised by the l,endPr or the i 4. Upon acceleratian under paragraph 13 or aEatt���-ment of the
<br /> _ holder of the note when the i.^.�'.:3ibility fat insurance under the f';operty,Le<<:es(in person,by agent or by jud:cia{:y appointed
<br /> Nttion�l Housing Act is du_t���;e Lender s Pailure tc►rer.c:t tt:: receiver)5`�t�b�e entitled to enter upon,t�:k��c>;ession of and
<br /> mortgage insurance premiurn:��he Depanment of Housia:F���:d maaage the C�-c�erty and to coltect the rr:�e��ti�e Property
<br /> Urb�n Devetopment. ��:luding those past dne.Any rents collected by Lcr.c4:c�r the
<br /> r:;eiver shall be applied firs�ta payment otthe wsts c+f r�anagement
<br /> _ 13. That il'the Borrawer tails to make any�a�menu of money af the Prupert;r uad eollecc:sa of renls.including,but not limited to.
<br /> _ when the same bewme due,dr faits to confort�e to and ca�7�,:y wi:.. receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's ba^�s und reasonable
<br /> � uttorney's fees,and then to ihe sums set��°�:d by this instrument.
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