, - t ` ^ �
<br /> s ,
<br /> � , .
<br /> , . : ;
<br /> . . .�we-au�u��ov�e oF�rvnrrxY_._.:..___��_i..QQ��c. _.. H►ztrn�.�a�e��on e�w�t,w>>m�.w.r�i,_ � _;
<br /> ' K1�i4�T �Lt�MEN BY THESE PRE`sEN'�'S: ! I
<br /> � � ` i� �
<br /> � " 'Chn 3. ��'���!� M.__/7G�,of� _�feL.�:�—Caanty.Nebraska,hace m:dr. ! ��
<br /> --r./ / �f
<br /> oocutitutcd and a�pnirV.ed.acr��i ttr��:�d�matc�,mnstitute�rtd aypomt�GlILL�Si.r'��S�,c.._,�.i[i._ ��
<br /> �
<br /> . . ���"Q �,,.�.r,,,,�((1�(r�C'aunty.2\ebraat�a.tn�un4 t:+xful nttr,mey fcx me nruf in my namr,ptace and atr:ib. . , ��
<br /> � • �nn my befi�If eub�ety to @ce pc�vueons of Pttrnxeaph!3 h�enf.G�dn:�nd rbetutu nU or any uf the 6�I4�winR ects.deeds and thuiRr. ,F
<br /> - � 1.Tora+reivede�tr.MY��USddp�vperty.Toa�k�demnnA,�uef��r.nrnveTOndr[rei�enlleurMnfttwney,dehlr,dueo,ga�dr.wrren.rsiarchsn �
<br /> ` j dire,chntkfe.efticLandth-:.¢s�twhytanrs�snatumurdess�eipGonwtuchm,wurzurhrmattrcehalttsFOrhru,med�e,ursing.pa.Yabr.osNticnftinatnt�r �i
<br /> I ino:6yenyriAht.tlOe.:ruge�r.tt-aar.�hcuynevcr<anduponrmaptthrrn,L�,rof��nyp:�ntlu•rc+�f.tnmakr,eiXn.ca�r.vtec�nddetncr�uchnrripCr.relca9es 11
<br /> ; v other diacitu�fcr tlr_eaa�,e niryuN�sefy ay my said nttneney ehali d�ern adtiiaable ��.
<br /> � 2.To eelNe�s�cos:n�s•T�i G[U�3 fL'.y aca,unt ar mctvm�nit wh�tsncverµherrin!nnw mm�r nt nrts•cirne hrrmREr dhall tx en anv mso interrst.rd cr
<br /> . wnc�erned yvit2s an}•yct�,tt wtr.crnowrr.r�zs3 to pay ar rcceive the 6a(�n«�Uiem,f iw lhe cnse ma1�wyuim. ' �
<br /> 3 To satLty�++i�S*�E='�a'•��rt��TO�ve rccry cum of moncy whi�.t�n�.v ts�r hereaftcz 9ha]l iHe dw or bebnKinS to me upon the
<br /> ' eecvrity oz Dy��tK�:e cf anp eec�its'v%t*��•�������P.and on►eceipe of the fu11 amr.ant�aeured therebY u�eiecvte a good and eufCrcient i ��
<br /> ���I rcke�e or ot2�er d�tc��sr�a!sach rtPCUriS'%^f.ttrtt.cr murtEtege by deed ur othrrwtKe. . f .
<br /> ; 4.Toema�a'+..'nd,���t'toashi.^rntF�.�rroil�eswl�e�e�ueorodyLtdllCerenats.'i'000mynundu�thmmatcralloww-u�mnuypenonfi,-orin , �
<br /> i� . �yec�rpcny�ett,mr�Q;u�ur}�j�.��,xt:C}.nacrisorehallaLanytimeherenftes�a:omedur_andp�yableWmcoshyme,oruyoamyaaount,andto �
<br /> � take nnd reoeivq r.r Ov�Y����-'"+?{�y f�e c�e may be�•nny cnmposition or divid�nd theeeof or thereupnn,and to tsis�e or rexice�eleasc9 ot other i
<br /> , F 1 : ��PC{Q��p a(y�'e n{rp,�ck rjrsilts cr danands,ar to settle,campmmise,or au6mit to arbitration gvery such de�t or demaad aad eeery atker riSht,
<br /> � ' maua,andtt.i��irt�umro:amre,xrcensmYe�*or:�eYshalithinkAeat,nndfosthatpurposetoeeterinwande�ecutennddeli"ersuch6ondsofacW'ira-
<br /> � � f ;
<br /> tion or oiher inatrtunnn:!yfl rq:!q!::.�+�=y�Y deem_3a�snble in the premis�.
<br /> 'i' � S.To�rme�_^ute as��t�end.Ti�w��o�F=`c c�+tY.d�su°ntiaue,ur defend aIl actions nr other 1egaI pra�d:i.�tnuching mY�ete os anY D� j
<br /> � 1'j�• thereo�or tcuch�atGa�Y ntaEkr in wtuch I or m���.�i maY be in anY�ise concerned.
<br /> _ � ' ff � 6.Toeuna{Lereelestat�To�t'z��taa:cd��:::iandsin, ,g�*mYmale�tate.nndu�tet.mza.�.,a:.dim��ethesameoranypadthrreof.nndki ��
<br /> • '• _ i, iepairarath¢rwiseimymve.altFS:crn[eetrt^��.�--c'Lir�ae.anYbuIIdinBorstructureAthermn.andfi:rth_�rwcaa�aswithathersfnrthemanaKementof ,
<br /> � 4.' snchrealastat�andtogranttosvdsi:Itr�.;:;u:rzie;�_�xraswithre4Dectfnsuchrealestateusualinrealertatemaaa,s��tenntrnets,andgranteclWmysaid � • .
<br /> � '4�� � attorney hee+ein. ; i! .
<br /> � ��� 7.To�sont leaacw.receive rents.aad nsis�fse deal witb tenants and leaaed propNrty.To oontsa�e�1�s ans pereon for leasing fcr such
<br /> �� ' yeriada,includingperiodalong��mylife,end++r.xYOUtregardtotheterminationofthispoweru�s�tmmey.nts�xizr.�:.:aandeu6jecttosuchrnc`'�:ora ' I
<br /> r � � ' �
<br /> � asmyuttomeyshallae,efit,ulluracyofmysaidn,'ilrstt�te.andtciletanysuch�nintopoeaPSSionthereof,endta�z�=::ealleuChleaxear:drnr.�a•.=.�as .
<br /> ' j ' shall be nv�anJ or proper in that behalf,nnd to giti•e notice to quit tu anY tenant or accupier thereof,and u►recei��uad rect�r f•rr.c�aA ten:-.v a�d i �
<br /> t occuplers thereof ar of any part thereaf all rents,nrres�n ui rent.and sums nf money which now ase or shal!herea.°�cr:,e:cme due a�::;.aysble in:W pert
<br /> ,�! . thereo�andaLaa:�:n:�^yaym�tthaeotorofazy�.�:.sthereofmtakeaUaecessaryorproDermeunaandpmcxe�.n€si'��'miflatingthetenancyarcc�Da- --.
<br /> � tion of such ten�n':u�r cecuuyiera,und for ejecti�.,-,:��e tenants or oceupiera nnd reeoverinq the poeseRion the�aL
<br /> �£ ec co
<br /> ^� &To eeU o�excttenge�al or pers�onai eeaate.To seU,either et public or private eale,ur exch:�sge aoy Bzr�r;carte of my mal estace or per��cr*,5 =
<br /> � � property for euch rnneider:�t�un,yz7�51e immediately or upon such t�rma a»my attnmey ehaU thin�fit.ani taexx�te and deliver�ood and suf_��: ,
<br /> deeda,hilleofeale,endoracmer.r:s..�c���menta,orolherinatiumenWfortheconveyanceortrunsferoftneAarrc,ai;xauchcovenantaoFwarrantynrot`t� II
<br /> , , � ' wise na my ottorncy shall eee C:,an�to�ive�ood nnd effectual mceipta for aD oT any part nf the�urchase pr�_a ather mnsIderation. ' :
<br /> , ' ;�� ; 9.1'odepoe£tmoneyr+,witbdraw.invesE.�a�otberwisedealwitMfanpiblepe+operty.Todepo�tnnyo�lRwhichmaycometahi�h�cdsas , �t •
<br /> � � suchn:Wmeywithanyba�korbankesinmyna�,e:,.�dtowithdrnwnnyofeuchmoneyoranyotheemoneywwh•�-+,.1i`:amentiUedwhichnowiameh4'!be i � �
<br /> sodeyoeitLd,and eitheremploy s--�.4-�soney as he s:K:i1 think fitin the paymentofnnydebteorinterest.Dasigbkby�.,�a caxee,eASeeamenta,�nauwnce,a�<I
<br /> • ' expens�duoandpayableur:.:'x:-n^.'iedueandp�ynbleonnceoC't�sfmyoealnndpersonsileatate.rninora6outun�afthepurpnsrshercinmEntioned,or � �� ,i
<br /> � otherwise fur my use and bene�i,ar::�:zve»t auch money in my na:T.e in any etuciw,shares,bonde�ocuritiee nrot::er propeTty,realor pereonal,as he m9Y _ =
<br /> • think proper,n.�3 w�n.�ceive und g.•�e�1�ript�fvs any income or di�idend nrieing fn,m euch invcatmente.and ur v�,-�ar diapoaeotall and any such invefit-
<br /> menis or uth��:�+r.,.�:enix tor m�:se ar.d be;{=:ns he m:�y think fii �
<br />- 1� � 10.To vote at atocidi�lCesr�'o:�eet:tt�"a c`x��cute Pmxles.end otherwiae a-13sLituto for owner.Tu vcur�::he meetinp,e of stockhulders or uthes � _
<br /> . � , meetinge oY nny wrporatior.r,-::.r...;as;Y.nr�.t:7¢rwisc k�act ue my nttomey or pmxy.with puwer of eu6sti Wti�=.an respecl uf uny s'tntke.�harts.iwnds. t :
<br /> dehenturr�,a:olher evidenee��4_u:e�h';� nr securities.now or hereufter held by me and inxued by uron aeeo��:cPxaid corporation or company ond for � �`
<br /> } thut purpose W execute nny r�r.�a,e* ::'::u�d;v xeneral,or othcr inatru:nente. � _
<br /> ?.� � 11.To exccvte deede.L•:T:a.�^vtes,cud r�,:milar lnatrumente.For nll or any of the pur{x�aes�herein Ftt-'���?So rnter inu�and eign,aea1,cxecute. � —
<br /> � ur',cnowledxe,nnddelE��rr:^jc.z'::::�z,.ecds.:�ruhesiastrumenti+wh�tsocver.anAU�dmw,nceept.mF�ke,�nduree.�t�a�vnt,oruthc�wisedealwithunybilL� ,
<br /> � of e�xchanK�,c�heck:�;.��.�.�::tc�•�n:w•H,or other a,mmercial or mercantile instrumrnts. � �
<br /> � , 12.To do sll ott�r t1tluK�ec�s'�ary in oonnectfun herewlth.ln�;enettJ W do nll uther actx,dtrda,mattere,ond thinti:•:•hatsoevcrin orntwutmy '
<br /> estate.�perty.cv'Ji+_frz:::9,i3'L;.�v�S7CUT tNl�l QCT8U119 j��Ifl�IY IIILCR`JLCCI�NI111 fl1yliL•J�t}ICiPin III(If1If1j(UI)ACU1,dmda.mattrta,�•��t:hinge herein,cither
<br /> • p,�rtica4u�ly or genf r_:;r�tesrnbid,nu(ully c�nd effectunlly W nl1 intents c�nd purqx�e�av 1 a�uld d��in my nwn proper�era,n itpersnnnlly preeen�.it f�einR ��
<br /> ' ' my ink•nt W{trant to my enid�ttorncy a Kener.il�x�wer u�nc4 for me nnd in my hchalf,und not f�limiud�R gyocial pnwer,limited W�he epecise uctx hcaein
<br /> i�
<br /> �1 Pa�rer o/attoreey eKective notwit}utaedlnY dL�bility ot pria�ei�i;oontieue�tn tttee0 atter prineipal'�deat6 unW notice. � I
<br /> � Punwnttntheprori�lonuftheUiuformlJurabkPowerotAttomeyAct,ldceJarethattbiepowerofattomeysfullnotbe�ffectedbymydirabilityorin• i
<br /> cap�city,endthattheauthority�antedhereinehallcontinuedurinyenype+iodwhilelamdisabledurincey�dtated.b'urlher,punuantW�aid$ectione, � i
<br /> all�ucl►�uthoritydfallaontinue�Rtzmyrderth,untilnoticeafsuchdeathehtllhavebeenceoeivedbymyattomeyaothathehuactualks�awled�eofthe �
<br /> - fa�t th�t I have died.Any actbn laken in good fsith by seid at!omey during any periud whiie it isuncert+in whetherl em elive.6eforohe�caeives ectvel � .
<br /> keow�kd�satmy dath.as,in enyevenRtaicen duritt�eny pertod while Inzt�diaabled orinc�Deciukd,�h�llbeaevatidoitlweroalive,competent,and
<br /> t ooe dyabwd. p
<br /> 3 1N Wi7'NF.ti9 WHFRF:Uh.I huvc Fiy,ntvi�md ucknnwl�vlguc)thie invtrument this . ._���•dc+y nr __Fe_druu�+'y_ ._..1S►_!_�. , �
<br /> � /�
<br /> � � �---- � ��`T_� i��/lr_� "'V l�i_/I �ci•-.'% � -
<br /> `' . ---4---�-- - I
<br /> .. � 11..�4V� •� ��[�1l , _ �_� �__�
<br /> � Fs�{a.�fe: U.��✓ers� 1 ,---—
<br /> ; s�,�rt�u�h�fsr�asr�+ ► .�i o?�.S� a-� �v�� �, .
<br /> � , ' � �
<br /> s •_ .,��?.G�—.c�ou��r .,�: a,.�.,E, N a?.�' a� �a%� d �/lc S ,
<br /> �I . - = IiF; l'i' f4iYUiNAi. thne un tha __ �� �l day o{ �E'L�E'C�lJ�l.r�-- . 19�� . Ucfore r.�e prmonully apNe�ual �� . [ .
<br /> -- i!
<br /> i
<br /> � � _�.Cr�(f� .1�s... l��L�1.{.��!-��,r �__- ..� _. EiM�ve nam�d.wha is tu me knnwi�to br t6��p�rw�n dc:w�nMd�n iuui ��
<br /> � :� whn exerutevl thr ntx�vr F ruraAle 1 uwer of Atb�mev.+mJ acknow�r(y;�r1 tho s�mc tn Le hiA ur het vu(untarv u�t:md davvl ,
<br /> � IN TF''dflMUNY W HEHi$)M.I h&ve haeunt��eutw�nherl rnY n:em��Md nNixcd my i�ffici:J�sral.the day nnJ�ca��ust nlr�ve written. (�
<br /> .I , - ' �
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