. .::i . _ .YV.�w�c�. :,t`..� v`�1iiYvn:^�lif�`c'St�i`'.Y'i�" �LSn`•.tt'1�'kzr S+�?ir't�i� ' r t(�'•t, �.,_.
<br /> - -�'�:-, fP -A�5'`'°'�''s-"'r.�iLi'F#"'��i.i�i-� '��i:�'::y.�,l,`��v�a'�� ..c� .e.-=
<br /> � �
<br /> , �... -s�.e�- _.. ---- . - .
<br /> . � 9d.— aoo��� -
<br /> 9. Co�demnation.The pr4ca2��at any award or cta�m tor damages,direct or consequg�tial,in ccRrtestion with any
<br /> � r ' condemnationoro2hartakingotthaProp�ziy.orpa►tthereof,orfarconveyanceinlieuofcondemnation,areherebyassigned
<br /> � and shatl Ce paid to Lender.
<br /> in�lhe event of a tot�t faki�g oi ths Prope:t}r,the proceeds shall be applied to tt�e sums sscured by t�is Deed of Trust,with ,
<br /> � , r tFis e�cc�ss.if any.Paid io 8or�oztiar.i�,°.�e a�+ar�t af a partial taking of the PropertY.u�tess Bo►rower and Leridgr otherwFse
<br /> agree in writing,therest�el!be applr��tothasur,�,ssecured Cy tt�is Qeed otTrusts�ci►propoRiQn af the procceds as isequalto
<br /> thatproportion whichtRe amaun'lotlhouarns secured by this 0ee�ofTrustimmediatetypriar tothe date af taking hearstothe
<br /> " fair mark9t vafue ot the prope�ty smrn�iut�ty prior ta the dats of rfs�ng.with the 6alartce nf the Qroceeds paid to Borrower.
<br /> U the Property isabandons�Esy Cianov�rer,or d,after na4ice�G(�nder to Bar�cswer that the condemnor of�ers to make an
<br /> • award or settte a cta�m tar.d,em�g��Sorrower fai�s tg res�n�c���der within 30 d�ys after ths date such�odce is malted,
<br /> — ' Lender is authorize�t4 c�ii[ar.!and appty the praceecf�;at Lead���ptian,eititer ta rest�cytian or repair a#ttte PropeRy or to
<br /> ' the sums sec�red b1_t#r[a�'t;ed�:Tru�t.
<br /> � Unlesslender and'i'a�.'�ower�t3ianvise agree in w��ng,an t;s-:'�apptication of precEerts to principal shall rto;extsnd or
<br /> postpone the due date ai the m�nt?tl�einstaliments refeRed tc crr�.�Mgraphs 1 and 2 herfeot or�hange tme amount of such
<br /> � instatlr,�ents.
<br /> 10. Borra�rei�fMA��9.F..x?ensionofthetimeforpaymentormodiBcatianofamoRizationotthesumasecare��j��s
<br /> � Qeed ot Trust�re�te��y L�sndBt to any successor in interest of BoROwer shatl not opera!�a to�etease.i:!any manrter.tte
<br /> liabi!i�y oftfie ori�i��1 panower and Barrowers successors interest Lendershali notbe required to ccrsrc�encepracee�:'3s
<br /> against suc�su:.ass�ar c�r refuse to extend tims for payment or otherv+rise qnadify amoRization ot the sums secured tsy this ,
<br /> Deed oi Trust isy.reasor►af any dem�rtd made by the original Sonovarer and Barrower's s��ssors m interest •
<br /> 1i. Fabe�asre�by 1.end�►Not a Watrer.Any torbearance by Lender in exercising a�y dght or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> ' . .otherwise afff�rdea bg�;�!fcabte law,shafl not be a waiver of or p�eclud�M�exercise of any such aght or remedy.The �.
<br /> ' .•• . ;. ;. {�er.icuremedtOfinsut�^rwc:�thepaymenioftaxesorotheriisnsorchargesb�LendershaUnotbeawaNeFOTLendersrightto �
<br /> - � �a.,°e!erate the maxur.`r��`�indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust . .
<br /> � ' 1�. R�rtbe�les Csr�r�iFil�re All remedias provided in this Deed af Trust a��=e',stinct and cumutative x�any other right or .
<br /> � remerfy un��-�•:s ���oi Trust or afforded by law or equiq� ?n�may be exercise� concurrently, independee?u?► or �
<br /> $UCL'@SSIL'�,`•l ` ... .
<br /> 13. Succ+eacsna ar�f�,uigns Bound; Joint and Several'�ii��i;�~f.�a,r'�cns.The c�•.enants and.3greeme�•�t&'�in
<br /> contained shatt binQ,�^�:!�`a rights hereundershall�n�reta,t�:e r�;;ectw��a:�ssors a:+:�ssigns cf L�f�:°.res��6�:^a�xe�
<br /> �a:'�jecttolheprovisicr�,��f�aragraphl7hereat.a::��av�r,ar:tsa-Wsgree�.°:�;�.�OtBO(fGilb'aTS!^+3.�lS'c�j�;�t.�^��ve:�S.Tl1e .
<br /> �ptions and headings c:2he paragraphs of this�2e���Tr�s�:.°����t COnvetli9�CB on1y8�.d s'•�:.^•';;'..��_�seu t„i�tArpr��ar•
<br /> �:fine tRe�r�„i�,aons he.�cf. ,
<br /> J t4. hio4lce.�xcept°.3r�.:�yr+atic�.4-�:c�..:du��era*r';:.u:;.�::::�'s�begiveninanother;�a�:rer,(a}any.noticetoBonower
<br /> —� �v'rded for inthis Dee��fi lfRU3t shaei be given by�a:���r,���a�fi��cica Sy ce�fisd mail addressed to Bo^awerat the Prpperty .
<br /> 6i•ddress or at such other ac�ress as Borrawer ma����,�r.a'�s�y^ctice ta t�nder es provfded herein,and(b�any notice to •
<br /> tendershafl begiven by cesfitied mail,return receipt�Ea��ested.t�'a.ertde�saddresastated herein orto such othe�addressas .
<br /> Lender may designate by notice ta 8orrawer as prov�ded here+r�..Arr�+notice pro�idedfor in this Qeed of Trusi shall be Qeemed
<br /> � to have been given to Borrawer or Lender when gwen in Ihe mamRer designated herein. ;
<br /> 15. UnNorm D�ed of Trust;Gav�rnin�l.aw;8�v�nbiNty.The form of deed oi trust combines uniform covenants for
<br /> national use and non-uniform cove�ants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constit�te a uniform�ecurity instrument
<br /> covering real property.This Qeed ot Trust shall be governed by the taw of the jurisdicti��i in which the Properly is taaated.lr�
<br /> the event thet any provision or clause of this Oeod ot Trust or the Note conflicts with applicabte law,such confl'rct shall not
<br /> q attect other provisions of this Deed of frustor the Note which can be given eNect withoutthe conflic�ing provisions,and tothis •
<br /> end the prov�sions of the Deed ot Trust and tt;e Nate ace declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrow�r's Cupy.Borrower shall be furni�Mti a catformed Copy of the Note and of this Deet1 of Trust at the time of . ;
<br /> execution or atter recordation hereof. � '. -
<br /> 17. Tnnst�►of th�Prop�rty;AswmpUon.It aU o�any part of the property or an interest therein is sotd or transferred by '
<br /> Borrower without Lender'�prior written consent,excluding(a)the creation ot a lien or encumbrance subordinate tothts 0eed '
<br /> afTrust,(b)Chacreationotapurchasemoneysecurityinterestiorhouseholdappliances,(c)atransterbydevisedescentor�y -
<br /> ope►etfon of 9aw upanthe death aia ioint tenantor(d}thegram ot any teaseha�d interest oithree years arless notconfeininp an
<br /> option to purchase,Lender may,at Lender's option,declareall the sums secured by this Oeed ot Trustto be immediately due �
<br /> • and payable.Lender shetl have waived suCh option to accelerate it,prior to the sale or transier,Lender and the pero�on to `.
<br /> whom the Property is ta be aotd or transferr�xi reach egreement in wr�ting that the ciedit ot such person is satisfactory to ,
<br /> lenderand that the interest payabte on the sums secur�d by th�s Deed of Trustshell be at such rate as Lendershnll request N
<br /> - Lender has weived the option to accelerate provded in this paragraph 17,and�f Borrower's successor ln interest has
<br /> executed a written assumption agreement accepted in rvritirg�y Lender,L�nder shatl releaso Borrower iram alI obligations �f�
<br /> under this Deed ot Trust and the Note.
<br /> II Lender exercises such aption to accelerate.Lendar s'a�.! mail Borrower notice ot acceteration in acCOrdance with '
<br /> paragreph 14 hereof.Such notice shali provide a pe�iod of not�:ss than 30days trom the dats the notica is mailed within which �
<br /> _ Borrower may pay the sums deciared duo.It Borrower taits!�pay such sums prior ta the expiratlon of such perlod,Lender �1
<br /> may,without turther notice or demand on Borrower,invcke ar,•,remodies permitted by paragraph 18 hereol. �
<br /> _ NON•UNIFORM COYENANTS.Borrower and Len6�r taw�EteR�ovenant and aprer ns tollows: ,
<br /> 1A. AccM�aHon;R�medies.Except as provided in parag;rph 17 hereof,upon Borrowor's breach of any covenant or
<br /> agreemontof Sorrower in thls Dead otTrust,includ�ng the covenants to pay whon due any sums socured bythlaDeed of Truat,
<br /> Lender prior to acceterao.c��z shall mail notice to Ba^�o�rer as provided in paragraph 14 hdreot specitying:(t)the breach;(2ythe
<br /> _ acfion required to cure Yu�h breach;(3)a date,r,a�Ic�s than 30 days trom tho date the notice Is mailed to Borrower,by which
<br /> sueh breach must tre cured;and(4)that faiiure to cute such breach on ar betoro the date specilied In tho notice msy result in
<br /> acceleration ot the sums secured by this Doed of Trustend sefe ot the Propertyr.The notice shall furtlter inform Borrower of the
<br /> right to relnstate after acceteratlon and the rlght to bring a court action to assort tho nan-existence of a dotault or any other
<br /> detense ol8orrowerto acceteration end sale.H the breach is not cured on or before the date speciNed in the notice,Lenderat
<br /> Lender's aption may declare atl o!the sums secured by this beed ot Trust to b�immediately duo end peyabte without turther
<br /> _ demend and may lnvoke the power ot aale and any other remedies permitted by eppliceble law.Lender shall be entiUed to
<br /> coltectall reasonabfeco5ts and expenses incurred in pursuing tne remedies provided in tho paragreph 18,including,but not
<br /> Nmilsd b,rsesoneble attorney's leea. _ °
<br /> It the p��w�tr o1 sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a noticc�o�delault in each county in which tha Property or s�e p3c'
<br /> � thereot�s��3ied and shatl mail copies of such notice in the man�-er prescribed by applicebte law to Borrower end to E`ae�'"„es�
<br /> � peraons;���?�cribed by applicable Iaw.Afte�the lapse oi suci�t:�e as may fae roqu�red by applicabl�law.Trustee sr�'i�;ve
<br /> � r��blsc r.a*;;�e vf Eale to ti��pe►son�and in the mar�rer prescrc¢ted by applicable law.7rustee,without demand on Bc:rcwer. . ---
<br /> siralr�eitisltB�rOpert�ti<r�l'�'tl��licauct�ontothehigtr�:fil�:Gderatti^etimeandplaceandundertheterm�designatedinthe�±otiCe �
<br /> . at sate ir c+���r more��'::9is and in suCl�ordes n�T'rls:ee m�;�;�etermine.Trustee may�rastpone sate otati or ang��:;:el of
<br /> � . the Pro��r�r�i:,�publ;c a;nouncertce�.C�.2 the tisr:�ac�9�lace a(��y previously scheduted�2fe.Lender or Londe�'s d��gnee
<br /> mey pucct;u�se the PrC�,+erty et anN:�.at�l�
<br /> . !!�^_^.ev��lel�,°�s�t�'�-I�ttts���'_�1d,Trusl�s'�s�ldellvertathepurch3�rTruslees�9�d�onveyln thePrepertysold. - . -
<br /> 9
<br /> Therec��a,3�nthetrust+�'adeed�i�`�.I�beprimatacl�ovidenceotthetruthofthest8tementsmadetherein. rusteesha118ppty
<br /> �r theproce�fsotthesa;e's,�theiollo+�i:�garder.(a)taa!;reasonabl�costsandexpensesolthesale,including,butnot8mitedto, �
<br /> Trust�e'x1At�fltnotmorethan� .%o}thogrosssateprice,�easonableattorney'sfeesandcostsoltitleevtdenco; �I
<br /> (b)to a11 y�,n�s secured by this beed ot Trusr,and�a)the excess,N any,to the petson or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> t, 1�, Obnaw�t'�Rlqht lo RMnftaN.Notwithstanding Lender's ecceletati0n o}lhe sums seCUred by this Oeed oi T�us�
<br /> � fiarrower shatt havethQ rightto have any proceedingsbeg�n by Londor to eniorce the Ooed of Trust dlscontinued at any time �'
<br /> p�io�tv the earlier to Gc�ur ot(�)tha fiith day betore thesal�ot the Properry pursuantto the power ot sale cantained in tha Daed h
<br /> ' of Trust�u�entry of a iuCgmont enforcirtg this beed uf 7rust it•(n)Borrower pays londer ol!sums which would 6e then dua ! ���
<br /> under this O�ecf o1 Trus�the Nota and n�tes sesuring�uture Advnnces,if nny,had�o accetarteilon nccured:(b�8c�rrowot
<br /> cures alf bre�ches ni any other covanents or 8greements o;Barrower containad f n thls dQad of TrusY.(c!Barcowsr pgys oI! �
<br /> raa5onabteaxponse3 incurrad by Lendar and7rustaeentorcint�the covc�nant5 ent}t►gr�errtt�nts ot Borrowctr Cont�intld in thi5 `
<br /> — _- bt;edol7�usSUi�cf�honforc�nyluntlae's�n�7rusteo'sretnad�osnsprovitlF�dmparagrapht8horeof,�nc►udin�,butnothm�t�d
<br /> { to.rQ��otipb)t�atturnuy:feos.and(d�9vrrawc�rtakCSSUChacfiof�nsLendermayreasontiblyre;�une�tv�as5utefhNtholiE�nof
<br /> ��� tt��,peod of 1ruSt.i E�ntfEtr'S�flterest m Ih�±p�UpGrty[�nd gUtrc�wer'�.��bl�q;ihrn�!��p�i th��s��n,�:E�c urr�d F,y tN�y[7t�od of Trust
<br /> ,/j, gh;�I�G'Jh1,nu�t�r,�rny:ur�:!tJponSi)Lll�iljlh�f]fi1i111dGUfl��lyf�htt!�YIl.'f 1t�i4{}�p(�pfTrt���t:ir�tt�,f•�trlir�;�fionr.snr.�irt•�'��r.i��by
<br /> J�;��� 9f��ti11G�FrIfl�rr N�(�;t��jttC�ar,c!c�Et��►us�t r�u.�ccc�c./Ol�ht�h.t��hC.LUrllitf �
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