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<br /> �4.,, r.c.af �` .T-sa�`�.c°'" — k F'Si e :5'2��;� :r
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<br /> ..s: ..
<br /> DEED OF TI�US;T �o`�' 104920 .
<br /> ` �� .
<br /> � . . . �
<br /> � TH[S�DF,�D'OE TFtUST is made this �9t�' �y ot Februarv
<br /> tg 9a ,amot�g tttefr.e�stor. seorqe A�,,,Pn��11nc a�a _T�.��, n,.. .
<br /> husban.cl and wife (hetein"8orroMt�"j.Fir�Tier Bank.National A�oCia�on. ,.
<br /> - � Omsha,iYebraska.(hereis��'Trostee"►�and Hen�ciary.FirsTier 8ank.Nabona!Asaociafion,Omaha,Nebraska,a -
<br /> - corporat�on o�saniud and existing�nder the laws of The Unised StaEe.s ot America,whose sddress is 1700
<br /> ' Fa,rr�am Street,amat�a,t�tebraska,68rta2-2t83Eh�rein"Len�ler"}.
<br /> - � .
<br /> � �
<br /> 80RF�CIWER.ir�corasi�eration af the ind�tec�ess her�p recited a�si the trust hereirs crea�ec#.irrevocabty
<br /> g�ants and con�weys ta Trusiee,in trus�rerith��of sate,the foltowirtg d�scrib�praperty IxaEed in the Caunty
<br /> � � of � ,Siate o#Netraska:
<br /> I � ' � . . - . ..... . _- " . r.',
<br /> Lot �'F�^...7...rty, i3��;-f in �s1;;�r�.'Acres No. Seven t7) , a 3ubdiv.:.�:on . . . . �.�,�
<br /> . .. ":,,.,,,.
<br /> of P�� �f.�'�a>�,.ionay-�!����ion S�ven (7) , p�art af the We�� �1.f � - - . �
<br /> af the West ���. (''rI�W�) of Seet��� Eight (8); aE;.a �art a� .:�t �
<br /> � 'Y'wenty-fa�:�-;.�;:����.r ISa:c3I1d ACL'�5.w i��'? in Top•r.5hir� Et�+�ven (31.r.. . - . , _
<br /> � NortY�r ?.:.Cr,G �.�-s2 t9) B Tr��st �z 't�'��, 6th �."� iz_ �� Gity �� . ' ' .
<br /> Grar:�.Tai�c".�o .�I`�l �cu,�:i�,r� �`k�l"c�s?�..a. , .
<br /> . . . • ` , : . r
<br /> � � � . , . . .
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<br /> .._ ' ' . . ., .a�
<br /> i �
<br /> I
<br /> _ , . �
<br /> ,.�
<br /> �� � which hasthe address o1 =020 westside Grand Tslanc�
<br /> Nebraska 68803 �� ��
<br /> --- (herein"Property Address");
<br /> �� tsw.«w:p coe.�
<br /> TpGETHER with all the improves�D�nte now or hereatter erected on the properry.and all easemenb,righte,
<br /> appurtsnances,�ents(subJect how�r to the rights and ar�.ttforitles given herein to Lender to collect and�Dpty
<br /> �.sch renta).royaitie�.min�aret,oi1 ard gas rigMs�nd psofi*�,water.water►ights.and water st(�Ck,and eil tixlexes •
<br /> ti�sw or hereafter attache�to the property,al!¢f'which,including replacements and additions thereto,shalt be
<br /> � deemed to be and rertr�nrr e part at t�.e pro�pert,���overea bb this Deed at Trus�and ali of the toregoing,together
<br /> with said property(ar tt�e degsehal:c���state it'1f*is Deed at�'�rUat is Gn a leashold)are herein reterred to e��tt�e r,�--_
<br /> "Properry,,.
<br /> .
<br /> � 70 SECURE to i.EIW�.�fa�the repaymerl afi t�l�e indebtedr�ess ev�denced by Boirower's rate dateci � '
<br /> ' F�Bru�ry ty, �:5`�?, ��tsrteen tetousand�,j��y� � �
<br /> = , � .(+�erein"Nofe'ry,in the principal sum oi
<br />� hund�ed twenty r;;r ar.�u�t �9/100_ po���rs,with interest thereon,providing 1or monthly lnataltment�
<br /> � ot princip�l�nd intare�';.wi�tt�th�(xa`;ance ot the indebtedness,if not sdvner paid.due and payable on
<br /> � pebruarv 19, .T.��:?_.__� ' , ;the payment of at0 other sumso with interest thereon,advanced
<br /> � in accorda�ce herswith 4o p+rotect th�socurity olthis�eed at Trusx and the pe�tormanc9 of the covenants and
<br /> aqreements a!gorrower herelin co�C�ined;and all r�newats,extensians and modifications thereof;and(b)the
<br /> r�bpayment ot sny tuture edvanC�,wlt�intere�t in thereon,m�de to Borrower by Lender pu�suant to paragraph 21
<br /> herevi iherein"Future Advan�es"►. � -
<br /> BORROWER coven�nt�that Borrdwe�is I�wiully seixed of the estate hereby cctnveyed nnd hes the right to -
<br /> grfin!�rtd canvby the Property,that the Proparty is unartcurntsered,artd ti�et gorrowef r�r�l�werranl nnd dolQnd
<br /> Sen�sraity!hn title to the P�nperty against all claims nnd dnmands,subject tv any ctec�arations, ea�emdnt�nr
<br /> rpStfiCtionB t�Ste�in 8 SChgdul@ Ot@xCBptrbn9t0 CbV@►SQ91n�ny tit18 inSUttlnCe pol�Cy�n�uring Lenddr'S intElrpSt
<br /> �n thEr C'�upetty
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> d� �
<br /> __ -- _ _"_ " _��.ta..e.. _...-.-._____ -_. —_ -_—__-_.___.�___ - _—_. __-_ ._ . -_.
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