_. � f . - i �
<br /> I 9o—�ioo9i5
<br /> _ � No:�-UNIFiDRM Cov�t�nr'7's.Borrower and Ltnder further covenant and agrte as follaws:
<br /> 14. Aeceteat�aa; Rtmedia. I.�ader s6all gi�e nottce to Borrower pdor to accelerat�oe foftowtng BorroRer'a
<br /> 6reac6 of auy cottaaat or�qyeemeat in t63s Saudty Imtrument(bnt not pr[oe to scceleration under pira�spt�s 13 and 17
<br /> anless applicable ta�+pra�idas atherwtse).T�e notia alull spe�rify:ta)t6c dehul�(b)the sction reqaired 4o cure t6t
<br /> � de[anit;(c��date,not teas ti�an 30 diys fron�the dste the notice is gtren to Sorrowtr.by wbicl�t�e defsutt mast be c�re$ _
<br /> aed(d)that faiiure to care t8e dtfinli en er befare the date spectfied 3n the autice aiay rauIi in�cc�leratlon oi the sums
<br /> seca�al by this Securtty Instramtnt and sale of the Pro�erty.The notice sl�al!further tnform Barrower oi the rtgbt to
<br /> � ntasvte af4er arcr,k�ation and t6e rFght ta briag s coart action to assert the noe-e�steec�e of s defanh or any other
<br /> �defe�of Borro�va taa�ccelerat�on and sale.if4�e dehdlt is Qot cvred mn or 6efore the datespeeifled In the notia,Lender
<br /> at its option msy r�n[re iedatediite ptyment in fnli of all sums sec�ed bY tliLs SeruritY Instsument without farther
<br /> dem�ad�d may Inrot[e t6s power of s+ile aad any othe��emedIes permitted by applicable tar.I.ender sball be entitted tn �
<br /> � collect a�ll�e�peases i�rred in paraning the remedIes pro�ided in this paragnpb 19, inciuding",bat not li�ited ta,
<br /> reisonabte aua�tys'!en o�d cash af tide t�ide�ce.
<br /> � If t6s powa of sak is imoke�,Trnttae s5alt record a notice af debalt m each couaty in wbIcti m�part of the
<br /> � Froperfy im lacated�nd sLal!m�u1 copies of sac6 eotfsa in t6e m�aner prescribed bq applicable law tn Barm+rer and to tbe
<br /> ati�ra�tssv�s Pre�scn'bed by aypficabte taw.After the time reqeired bY aPPl�esble Gtw,Trnstee slul!give pal�ie notl¢e af �
<br /> � sale to ttie pensons and tn tdc meaner prescribcd by ap�licable[aw.Trustee,wFth�ut dea�and an Borrmr�,dtail seII the � .
<br /> Pruprrty zt pa611��nctfan to tfce�ighat bldder at the time aad place snd nnder We.fi�ms desi�te8 in tlse e[a(f�of s�Is in
<br /> nne or more parc�l�t�nd Ia�ag arder Trastse determines.Tcnscee n�sy postpoaesi�e oi aii or 9ny�aral af t���tnperty�
<br /> publlc fia�aou�t�ltt t6e t�and p19ce of at�y prev�oasly settC�lWed sal�e.:i,�nder or its desY�ee mf�y.p�cltase the '
<br /> , Prop�rty ut anq ssle. � ` . .•
<br /> Upon receipt oi paymc�E nf tbe pdce bid,Tmstt�"�wtl deGver to the parc6�str Trastee'�died•ai�aveying the .
<br /> Proptrty.The reciWs ia tlte�'rustce's deed shall be prt�a facie eridertce of the.brat6 of t6e stitemeats made t6treia .
<br /> Trastee ahall sFply t6e proceeds o!the sale in the followiag order.(�)to all expeases of We saiE.inciudiag,bnt aot limited . �
<br /> w�Trastee's fees as perniitted by applicable!aw and r�easoaable attorneys'fees;(b)to all saffis seeured by this Secnrity ��: �
<br /> :.,:. .
<br /> ' Instrument and Qc)any excPSS ta ti�e person or persoas legally entitled to i�
<br /> � . Z0. Lender ie Passessta�UQon acceleratian under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender(in
<br /> : pe�on,by ageat or by judicially appointed receiver)shall be entitled to enter upon,take possession of and manage the
<br /> , Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due.Any rents callected by I.ender or the recei��er , �
<br /> shall tie applled first to payment of the rosts of managem�nt of th�Property and collectian of rents, including,but not
<br /> - limited to,receiver's fas,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorn�ys'fees.and then to the sums secured Fr,� � �
<br /> this Sa:.�crity InstromenL � �
<br /> Zl.Reconveyance.Upon payment of all sums se�nred by this Security Instru►-.ient,L.ender shaU r�rr;�t Trustee to ';���
<br /> reeonvey�the Property and shall surrendcr this Sec�riry Iastrument and all notes evi�ensing dc-bt secured by this Security �
<br /> Instrument to�'rustee.Trustee shall reconr•ey�ihe Property without warranty and without chasge to the per�on ar persons ' '
<br /> . tegally eatitled to it.Such persan ar per�ans sfiall pay any recordation costs. ' '' =
<br /> � ZL.SQbstitate Trastee.Lender.at its option.may fmm ume to tiine remove Truste�and appoint a su�s:cessor tcustee
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument rec�rded in the county in which this Security instrument is recorded.
<br /> ' Without conveyance of the Property,tht successor trustee,shall succeed to all the title,power and duties confened upon =
<br /> -- ' Trostee herein and bg applicable law. . -
<br /> ' Z3. Requact for Noticts. Borrower requests that copies o�the notices of default and sale be sent to Bonower's ' -
<br /> � address which is the Propetty�4.ddress. - -
<br /> ' Z4.dtiders t�l�is Ses�rity Iestjvment.If one or more riders are executed by Borrawer and recorded together with � �
<br /> � this Security Instnrsc::::s,the cavenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporateA into and shall amend and '
<br /> supplement the c��,�nants an� agreements oF this Security Instrument as is the rider(s) w•�e a part of this Security
<br /> � Instrument.[Check applicabtetw�x(es)] •
<br /> . �. � _ ;'�? Adjus3able Rate �zi�i:�. ❑ Cond'rrc►inium Rider ❑ Z-4 Fa:rt;ly Rider _._. ;
<br /> ' ❑ Gradusrc�l payment Rider � Planned Unit I?e�t��pment Rider
<br /> ,
<br /> � ' �
<br /> ❑ Other(s) �spesifyJ . ; �.
<br /> BY SIC;NIIJG BEI.O�, li�orrower accepts and sgrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security . =i�
<br /> , lnstrument and in az.iy ridar(s)executeA by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> , ........... ............................................................................ ..LC.�S:r..-j;".^:��� 1..`...�f/....:r::s�''.�,/... ..,.......... (Seal)
<br /> RiZfiard�F.��1i1$I`fleP �o�►ower
<br /> � ............................................................... �.�1'��L.{��Y1t.�.�..4.41.i,A.�`.�.N.�R?�................("�eal)
<br /> ..•...................... .. (9�t1TL@t1 A. �I71@T —Ber-r,.er
<br /> 5rnr�c�r N�eKns�:a. Hall c.'c,un�y tis:
<br /> 4
<br /> �n this 16th dtty of February ,ly 90 , bef�orc me. tt�c undersigned. a Nrnary Y�ih!ic
<br /> duly commissinned and yu�lified for said county.pereonaqy carnr Richard F. Werner end Ma�reen A. MerneT.
<br /> each in his and her arn right, and es spouse of each other, . to me knnwn�ci br thc ,-- --
<br /> � identiral person(s) whose nameis) are subscribed to the Poregaing instrument and ackn��ticled�.ed �h: c�ecwi�m �
<br /> Ihercnf tr�be �� voluntary act and decd. � .
<br /> _ Witness rny hand and nvtarial scal at �and Island, NBbTeSke � ����������������5'•i>>� ' �
<br /> _ �atr aforesaic�. �' - / _
<br /> / ' „ ♦
<br /> . �
<br /> My Comntission cx�ires:g�YJ .� d ... !/ ! .�� ` ..� .L . . .... ... .. .
<br />= L f,, .. .. . . . . .�,.,.,.,��
<br /> �MIMY3wM� Kt: ,t• - F�K ttF: c��v : n� �I• ��
<br /> �? t Y C �
<br /> T�► M0� bRlMtLNM � 1i�►
<br /> ' Tlto Einde•siEr.ne<i�4� �e is��rr i►f U�c ne►t_•c�r ii��t:,•� scr�urre!4�ti�tlei� llict[t�4��I slt�t. �.1t�1 1��qt• =+� ��:�tr.•4, le��_llte•r � �
<br /> ��_ �titli,iU cr,lier i�tC�Cli�rduc;�.rc��utcJ hy 1i�'ia ihCit��f Iru.t.haLC i-c•c�i p,i�cl;�i toiF. 1"��U��ri•Ir��ch� �luc.tr�t t�•�.rn,r! .au!
<br /> - m,te��r nvte�and!hi4 i)eeel e�t '1 r����. tish��h art• dcls:rrrci t�.•icl��. ai�ct i�� rc«�+►ti<<, :�ilht�ut o�.ur.:ntti. .il! tlsr c�€.i�c•
<br /> ne,u h�tc.! l�y y��i� �ntder lf�i� h�cet �,1 1 rn.t 1�• el�r��rr�nn ��i ��;.�,��n, 1_.��,�if< <�i��lic�l rii��ri��
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