,. � ._.
<br /> � '� �. ,y.f .�tR; ��1c Y�r:�+ - -c4�.`y�=-'rc:`�aC��'' "J �... � ,,..7 -i''.,e � ' >;' +•`� t i y-....E� iGw�d [G9 .� ^�r"�:�. "a• .._.
<br /> "�`_�''i�i�",8ih`ari� — 3L�_ +:.u31�r+�3�..7`,3ad'�aF_'w�;tx<``�f�t'vi•�-'^` '£�4�..� • -r-"'t °tw,�'-Er�-`.�i:�+�7cY�•_s��l'r'4�•:aiii�u-.ia::_-•3o�i���E3u.'.
<br /> — - - – –"_-' - �36i�.�.���'
<br /> ------ , , -- - � - . ..---- �
<br /> � ���. �,ao9o5 �
<br /> NoN•U�t�FOx�CovErrwt�TS.Borra�er and Lender further cot enaat and agree as foAows:
<br /> 19. A�kKtio4; Remedies. I.eeder sl�li gj�e natiee to Barrower prfor to uceteration follawing Borrowtr's .
<br /> � breac`oi asy co��aant or�semeet�n this SecarFiy Iestroment(but aot prfor to accekr�tioe under pzra�ra�hs 13 and 17 �
<br /> wksi��licsbie I�w�rariaks o'therwiee).The aaticr s6�11 specifY:ta}tAe defiat�Ci�l the actiun requi�ed M cure t6e
<br /> dei�olt;(cl a date.aat laa tbsa 38 dsya�firom t6e date tLe eoHce ia ghea to Borro�u,by whfcf�the deflati mast be cured;
<br /> � �d(d)t�at failnre to eare t9e defanit oo�or befan tLe d�te s�eeifled ie tHe no4ice awy rPSUIt ie acceteration ot the sums , �
<br /> sec�red by t6is Secarity Iastrnmeet aaa satx of t!e�coperty.The noNce s�all iurther iaform Borrower of the right to
<br /> �����Hy��t�e r��;¢�risg�.toort st�Oa tQ asc�st tt�e aoataisteace of s defaWt oi any other
<br /> �� defenst ai Borrower to accekration aad sak.Itthe defialE is aot cared on or 6tfore the date speci8ed in t6e notice,Lender ,
<br /> at its option aisy.reqnfra�eincdiate p�yseat in full ot all su�s accnred by tbis Secarity tastrumeat�ithout furt6er
<br /> � � ��d�p isrroice tLt power of a�1e aad�uy otber remedies permitted by zPPlicabls Iaw.�.ender sbill be entitled to .
<br /> cdlect alt ezpeaaes i�carred i� �d�e nmedks Pt'o�in this ParagxaPh 19,incYu�s�, but not Iimited to,
<br /> reasouble sttoraeys'fees aad costs of titk e�idence.
<br /> � It tlit power af sak i�ig�oked,T�astet sball record s aolie,e¢i defi�tlt ie each county in w6ich any part of tbe
<br /> Propert3'b loated and sb�lf e�u'i copiea of sucb notice ia the miaur prescribed by=pptiuble law to BorroKer s�ad io the
<br /> ethpr persans pres►.�ribed 6y a�p4icabte tsw.Attes the time required by applicable la�r.Trastee sl�ll S,ive pnblic notiee af , .
<br /> s�le to the_perso�n and in the manner preacrtbed bY�P�cable t�►w.Traste�withont demand on Bonower.aball se11 the
<br /> � Propaty st p�blic wction to t6e 6ighest bidder 9ut the time and plxe and ander the terms dessignated in the not�ce of sate in
<br /> one or a�ore paTCels and ia any arder Trustee determina.Tsastce maY Pastpoee saie of all or anY Parcel of the Property by :.`
<br /> pu6lic n9nouneee�tnt.at tbe ti�ae aed pl�ce of aeg pre�ansiy schedaled sale.Lender or its designee msy pnrchue We � ` ' _
<br /> Property at any sate. • .
<br /> • Uprnn reccipt�psirmeat of t6e,price bid,TrLStee ahall deliF�to the pnrc6a�er Trastee's deed coaseying t6e � ���
<br /> . � Property.Tbe reci�s:ia t6e Trustee's dced shall be pcims fscie esidf�n.r.:e of t6e truth of tbe statemeets made t6esein. . ,
<br /> Trustee shall spply�e�ncoceeds of t6e sate in the followiag or3er:tsL s�a�']?��xpenses of t6e sale,inctuding,but not limited
<br /> � to,Trustee's fees as p�.`t�d 1�5 apPticable taw and reas¢rr.�E:++�a�-.�e��'fees;(b)to all sums secured by thfs Security � . • �
<br /> � Instrument;snd(c1�a►��cess t�t�e persor�or persons legaLJ�ntit���c�
<br /> 24,Lender�rf'assessiori,Upon acceleraiion under par'ag*��� �g ar abandonment of the Property. Lender(in
<br /> ' persor+,by agent or cy,�udicially appointed receiver)shall be enritlzd .o enter upon,take possession of and manage ttee
<br /> Property and to ec���t the rents of the Property ineluding those past due.Any rents collected by Gender or the reeeiver .
<br /> shall L•e a^tied first to payment of the costs of manage¢�°^�of the Property and collection of rents, inclu���+.�,but not
<br /> limited��fl,.receiver's��ees.premiums on receiver's bonds a:�d reasonab3e attomeys fees, and then to the su�w��=:cured by .
<br /> . this Secnrity inst�.�*rt:s�i. .
<br /> 21.Reconv��smce.�Jpon payment of ali 5ums secured by this S�Yu:ity Instrument,Lend�,shall request�'rus.e�tc� �
<br /> - reconveu the Property and shaU surrender this Security lnstrument an�aJI notes e���encing debt secured by:his Secasri'tq
<br /> Instru*_n,�:t to Tnistce.Trustee s?+,311 ieconvey the Propert�with�ui warra:�y a-~-��,�:�l�out charge to the persr�n ar�persans
<br /> tegally e:tt�e,ed to it.Such perso�:cr�ersons shall pay any rew�rdaaon casa�. � =
<br /> ,-;:-
<br /> 22.Substitute Trustee.Lenaer.at its:�piion.may from time to tim:remove 3nutee and appoint a suecessor trustee `��-�r--
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. �`
<br /> ,,.'�:
<br /> Witheui conveyance of the Propeny,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the•title, power and duties conferred upon
<br /> Trust��erein and by applicabie t.�w. . -
<br /> Z3.Request foe Notices.Bonower requests that copies of the notices of��sult and sale be sent to Borcower's �_�
<br /> address which is the Property Address. , �_ -
<br /> Z4.Riders to thi�5ecurity Iast�men�If one or more riders;:T�+.�:cuted by Borrower and recorded together with � • _
<br /> ' this Security Instrument,the covenants and agreements of each such r�;;::shal!ise'acorporated into and shall amend and .
<br /> supp?*:cus�t the covenants and ��reemenGs of this Secuc�r; Instrument as if tI:Q c�der{s) were a part of this Security
<br /> Insttu::cnt.[Checkapplicahlebt;z�es)j ,
<br /> � � Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Candominium Ri��� `_' 2-4 Family Rider ,
<br /> [] Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Dec.e°.•��ment Rider • T
<br /> x�tOthcr(s) (specify] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
<br /> ,s��_.
<br /> . ,—
<br /> BY S1Gti's'��:� HEIAw, Borrower acr�pts and agrees to t}:� :=�*ms and eovenants cx.�-.�ained in this Secu�:�� 5=
<br /> - Instrumtnt and in pny rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded w�th:t. . �'
<br /> ; . ... ............./.��..�-....`�.�,�,,,�, ��...... .(Seal) .
<br /> dT.!� L AMMERS —eo,•;�.�:
<br /> , � RITA KA $ ' '..RS ... .......�.. ...... .........-6o,�ro�wri
<br /> , � [Spxe Rebw This Line ia cknawSedLmeet)
<br /> �
<br /> � S4'�4:1���F ... NEBRASICA.. .........
<br /> ......
<br /> �S3:
<br /> . COtJTt'TY OF ...�:L....... __ _=-
<br /> . � .
<br /> _ � . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforc me th�s..............�.STH.DAY.Dk�.F.ESRQl1RY.149�......... ' ,
<br /> by ...............CERt1LU, L.LL►t� . �.��1� (date) ... ...
<br /> iM�RS,AJ�jD IjIT .T,.QI`�1�$Se..HU$SEA�'�D.l�`�D.[�ZEE. .... ........
<br /> L � (peraon(e)acknawi ' g) i
<br /> 1 �
<br /> My Cotrtmission expires: 1z/28/93 � , � - �
<br /> ' �. ,., �;,,, •`1`t F `�� `' 1 t•� �
<br /> /OK111E C./1lFriCf1ER� ' ..... � �t.`��,�- -.�.... .,.. � `, -y L? , �.
<br /> .� ' .� .S.f. �I :�..'�,. i-a�
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