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<br /> 1
<br /> ' Deed of Trust
<br /> � ��xs ..� 10a802
<br /> - n� 9a_
<br /> � THtS QEED OF Tl?UST is made this��_day of February . 19 2�,by and 6et�veen , '
<br /> Timothy C. Plate. A Singl.e Per�on ' whetheroneormore,(hereinalte�ca/!ed the"Tnrsior'.'),
<br /> � wtrflsemaitingaddre�sis �3�Z7 AtZantir Avannp� T,n��na ilii$uel� ('.��„j4fornfa 42677 ,
<br /> NURWEST BANK Ne�+rasi�?. Natiaaa7 Aqsociati on (hereinaftar called tfio"Trustee),whnse meiling address is
<br /> P,4. Bos 1768, Grand.Is2and, NE ,and NORWEST BANK Nebraska, Natfonal Asaociation ,(heretnafte�
<br /> C&9@dtll@���'RB�tGldfj/�J;whosamaifingaddressis p +�1- RnY 17Fi�� (:rana T�land� ASA}1TAR}!A FiRAA9 ,
<br /> — WtTNESSETH: �
<br /> � WHEREAS, Trustoris indebte�fo Berre�rciary ia;tie principal sum of Twentv Thousand and NQ/100 -------------------
<br /> Qo/%��,�0_0,�O.00 �,whlch indebiedness is evidencgd by Trusfor's prpmissory nofe dated February 6, �g�,(hereinafter •
<br /> , ' called the"F��te'),payable tv tha ordFr Qf Bene�rcisry and havirtg a matur�ry of�ir�� � . 1�Ou .
<br /> NOW,?Hl-�PEFORF,far Tire purpa�o�securing: �
<br /> , {�) pay�rent ol the Not�together with interesi lhereon,late charges,prepayment penalOes,any future advances,and all oxte»,ions,
<br /> imadfications,srrC����.�°�rtions and renewals ther�af,
<br /> � (b) p�ymeni of 211 c�l:�'�ums,lees br charges,togefher with interest therean,advanced ta pratect the security of fiifs Qeed cf T.��st and
<br /> i tha Fe�formance=�t'the covenanis and agresr.rants ot Trusior,whether or not seF tarth h�rein,
<br /> � ; (c) pe�m.�nce,discharge of arru;.�mpfiance with every tenn,covenant,obliga6on and agr�ement of Trustor c�;�+t�ained herer.�o�
<br /> I inc�'r.;r^�tad by refarence or a��;��rer sec�::�ty inswmari�ai anydme�ren to secuie Ure IYote,and
<br /> � ' (d) the rT;e�ymenf af a/l other sums or future a��,Ka�ces,wiib interest tHEremn,which may he�etofora°�:n be�n�nereafter be advanced
<br /> : . by����''iciary to Tiustor of Tru�+or's succ�s:ar in interest or title,
<br /> all of wh:�'�•-�:�areinafter collecttvely�::�f�d the"lndebtednass",Trustor irrevocably grants and Vansfers�a TiusfE� ��t�us�WITH POWER
<br /> — . OF SAL�7e foltowing described�r���r�y:
<br /> � ,
<br /> '" : Lr�: ::�$hteen (18), in:�8lock Three (3)r in ,
<br /> �, , Ssu���rarn Acres, an �.�ition to the C�.L� of '
<br /> � . ; . Gracd Isla�d,,_Hall Couaty, Nebraska . .
<br /> fogether with(i)all buildings,sfructu�es,additions,enlargements,modificaGons,repairs,replacements,and imprm�r3�3nts now or hereatfer �
<br /> ! dncafed thereon.(ii)�ail equlpment,machinery and rxtures(including,withoui fimitatrnn,al!lighting,heating,ventilating,cooling.air �
<br /> tonditioning,sprinkling and pfumbing fixtures,water and power sysiems,engines,boile�s,ranges,avens,dishwashers,minors and mantels, �
<br /> carpeting,fumaces,oil burneis,etevators ansi mofors,refrigeration plants or units,communication systems,dynam,;s, nensto�mers,etectrica► � -
<br /> -- '' equipmen�storm and screen�vindaws,doors,awnJngs and shades)now or hereafter attachad io,or built in,any budding or improvement =
<br /> ` now or hereafter located thereon,(Jii)all easements and rights of way appuRenant the�eto,(iv),all leaseho/d estate,�Ight title and lnterest of
<br /> ; Trusfor in and to a4/eases,�vhethe�aow or hereafter existing o�eniered into(including,�iithout limita�':�^�a11 cash and securiry�pvsits, -
<br /> ; advance rentafs and d�?�siis or payments of a similar nature),penaining thereto,(v)aU rents,rssues,,�r:1:%�'s and Income thare:r'6[�l�Stlb%@Cl �
<br /> fo the dght of Tiusbr h.�:,o�tect and apply such rents,issues,prolits and income as they become dus arr0�ayable so/ong as na�vent of ' ' —
<br /> ' default axists hereunde.•j,(vl)aJl royalties.mineraJ,oit and gas righis and protits,water,waier�ghts,and waier sto�K,(vli)ai!tenements, ��
<br /> j hereditam��i:�,pdvfleges and appur�anances belongJng,used a enjoyed in connection ih�•ewith,and(v�ii)a!!p�a�F�ds of converslon,
<br /> . vo/untary or"r.;vo/untary.o!any ol the:�regoing into cash or liquidated c/aims(including,►�r::hout limita!ion,proceeds of insurance and
<br /> ; Condemnation awards), all of whtch is herelnafter collectively cal�ed the"7rust Pro�serty".
<br /> � 1. TiUe.Ti,�stor covenants,warrenis and agrees with Beneflclary,;ts successors and assigns,that Tiustor owns the Tiust Piopeity I�eB ' ��
<br /> from any pnor lien or encurribr��n�B,that this Deed of Tiust is 8nd wi/i remaln a va�id and enfo�ceab/e lirst lien on the Tiust Prope�ty, �
<br /> thar Tiustor,at its axpense, wr±'J preserve such t%tte and wip maintain this Deed of Trust ss a tirst snd paramount liAn uparr the Trus�
<br /> � Praperty and wili forever wanant and defetrd•;rr7:ralidiry and prlaity oi the lien hereat agalnst L'���/aims o1 all pe�sons and p�rtles : ;�r
<br /> whar]soeve�. Tit�:lur at its expense,wili cuu��4 this Deed of Tiust,and 3aeh amendment or sup,�;ement hereto,to bo filed�nd �,
<br /> recoided a5 a m:��"�age o1 the Trust Properry in such manner and in s�a'�place and wiU take such action 8s in the opinion ol Trustee � �
<br /> may be requi�ed by any pras�r��'o�future law in order fo perlect malntaln and protect the lien ol this Oeed Gf Trust,as the samo may •
<br /> — bo amended or sapplemented:'c�m time to time. Trusior wil!make such furthei assurance o�assurances to F���1ect its tiUe to the Trust
<br /> , Pioperty es may be required y f 3eneficiary.Ti4�sto�ireroby�e/inquishes atl rrght o/dower and homestead in and to the Trust Property. .
<br /> 2. Payment ol/ndabtedness. 1'rus"ar shall put;��ually pay the prirtcipal of and lnterest on the IrtdebPr�ness secu�ed hereby.
<br /> 3. Consbuebon ollm�r.em.enrs.�rcrstcv sh�ll c�:��nplefe in good and workmanlike manne�any bui(c`�E-�.�;,improvements or reFair:,relating
<br /> therefo wh)eh may R�•begu.n cr,��i�F�Tiust�•openy or contemplated by the/oar�evidencod by the Note secu;E•d hereby,to pay whon
<br /> ' due all costs and l;a�rl�ties int;+.:�;�-:t tt�e�efo�e,and not to pe�mit any constructian lien ag�inst such Tiust Pra�s�rty.!n tbo event
<br /> construciinn o!butidings,Impr�;�6ments o�repairs are conterrpiated, 7rustor also 4grees,anythfng irt this Gec�of Tiust to ths contrar,�
<br /> � ; nolwitAstanding;{a)�o promptiy commer.•:�•any such work and ta completb the p�oposed imprr�v�monts promptty,(b)�c cr�mplete tho
<br /> same ln acCadanr;c with the p/ans and s;:��:ificatlons es�pproved by Benelic/ary,(c)to corr�I;�ur:1h all tho terms o.`a isu�lding loan
<br /> ag�eement,!t�rr,,,(�tween Tiustor and Beneficlary,the terms ol whlch aro/ncorporated he�eir,-u�reteronce and ma�a��a�t hereol,
<br /> � (d)to a/!aw Ber,eTicfary to Inspect the Tiust Property et a!1 times during consUuction, and(e)ro replace an�wur"M or maaeiials •
<br /> unsati�lactory to Beneficiary wifhln li/teen(15)days after wriKOn notico Irom Benelicia�y of such/act.
<br /> 4. Funds for Payrr,�nt ot Charges.Su.b/ect to appllcab/e law or ro a writton waiver by Beneficiary, Trustor shap pay to Benelir,iary on rh�
<br /> fi�st day ol eaclt�nonth,or such other date each month as may be speci/isd by Benet�ciary,until tho fndobtedness Is pald!n lull,a sum ___ _ __
<br /> (ha�einaftor ca'!ac�tha°Funds')equa!to 1�12th of the ysarly taxes artd assessments which may atlain priority over this Deed ol Tiust ' � �
<br /> 8nd grourtd rerr;on the Trusf Property,il any,plus 1�12th of Ihe yea�ly premium installnrents fa hazard lnsurance,plus 1i12th o1 the
<br /> yearly premium tnstallments lar martgage inswance,i/any,a!1 as ieasonably estimatod fniGa/ty and fiom time to tlme by Beaeflctary on ;
<br /> the basis ol assessments and b,�lls and reasonable estimates thereof. The funds shall be hald in an institution,the deposits or
<br /> � SC£L'�Dd:•Jit.�.,'."-8f�/ri�tlt�tl�l�ttdl'�:tTf,^�t1 by�fE�l^f�lOf Stufs egssrty ltt�fudisg�8sreltCiary. 6en6fiGle�y Sh�Ji vpGFy ttb Fttt�t/s tv , j
<br /> pay sa/d taxes.u�k��ssments,lrtsurance pr_��iams end ground�ents.Bertelrciary shall not be requtred to pay 7rustor dny rrtte��st or �
<br /> eamings�n tt:��F�����.5.Beneficiary shall givo fo 7rustor,without charc�p,an annual accounting of tho Funds show(ng credits and �
<br /> debiis fo the Fti!_!.•s and the purppse for whlch e�ch debit tv ti►e�unds vias made. The Funds are pfodgQd as addrtional socurity lor
<br /> �` t the Intlebtednes�Se�Uroi C;r L�y s Doed of Trust.ll the a^��unt of the Funds held by Bonolrciary,togothor with the future monthry �
<br /> L... lnstallments of Fur,ds payar;�����;ar fv the due detes o/t�xtts,assessments,insurance p�em�ums and ground�vnts,sha/l oxceect fhe
<br /> ,� • pr ums an groun ren s es ey a t�e,suc oxcc�ss s a o. 3t h�
<br /> � Trustor's option,aither p�omptly►opa�d m trustor nr c.reddud to Trustar egamst futu�e m�nihry�ns�a+tments ot Funds.It,Ira arnounr ol ' ���
<br /> !hQ Fund�held by Banel���ary sh,�l!nc�t be sutl�aient ta pay tnxr�s,assassmeRts,►nsurance premlums And ground r�nts US thay r�ll due,�, �
<br /> Truslor shall pay ta menaficlar�r any oma�nt naCOSSary tv mak�r u�the riefreien�y v�dhm th,rty�iays ir�m th�r ciat�nofiee�s maiiecf b y r
<br /> � $�rrG'IiC1Ft tv�rusior�aquQSnn a mant thorao� tl On d menl tn lull o(81/Indabt�dness. fioneircra shrrtl r�rrr 11 relt�nd,� r' `
<br /> �Y 9pY p PY ry� p pv
<br /> � �rusfut�ny�unds held by Seneh�ia�y !t thp Tiu;!Propytry 15 solci under fhe poNer�t sa�e ar the rrust Prr�;���riy��pFhe�w�sE�ucc7�nrc�C�
<br /> ' b/E�En�GC�3�'f.C�Enr+I�C�ary Strall Upply,Imnred��t6�ly p!�vr tu Ih�sal£uf ihc� Trtr.,t F�t�i��e�lv t�r rts%rcqU't��hor:h:✓flenE�hr�ary. an y f z�nrls
<br /> � hr.'d L�f�!'n�t,Cr:lr��7t th�Lm�+o/applrCal�nt<<!S�9 C�e[!i[;lf�mst IhU Jrrtl:�L.'��d,7CSt, If Hr����f�c�r,�,,r�,t��i u't�:.r �,Mtc*n;.�+�ut��c�l)ruclr,r<.
<br /> �r,�t�. 0/111�J(:fif1,V!:(:C'/(.'ir���aray���p/�4. 1rn�t[�r(;Jt/U1fUl�IS11/II�U(�IF'E��(1(lilf.hn!:'rC'!+i(� ^•�1lti(�f.�'t(,••�(`(]f� r.�p n'�,� .1'/IJrt`� .iti�:(��:lIiC1�l; �
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