Return To: Denise D. Myers
<br />611 N. Diers Ave., Ste. 1
<br />Grand Island, NE 68803
<br />An undivided one -half interest in and to:
<br />1■
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section Seven (7),
<br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6 P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as follows:
<br />First to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southwest corner of said Southwest
<br />Quarter (SW1 /4); thence S89° 59'58 "E, along and upon the south line of said Southwest
<br />Quarter (SW1 /4), a distance of Eight Hundred Twenty One and Forty Five Hundredths
<br />(821.45) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence N05° 20'21 "W, a distance of One
<br />Hundred Ninety Three and Sixty Two Hundredths (193.62) feet; thence N16° 45'14 "W, a
<br />distance of One Hundred Seventy Three and Fifteen Hundredths (173.15) feet; thence N86
<br />2211 "W, a distance of One Hundred Ninety Nine and Sixty Five Hundredths (199.65)feet;
<br />thence N26° 23'06 "W, a distance of Two Hundred Six and EightTenths (206.80) feet; thence
<br />N00° 18'04 "E, a distance of Five Hundred Twenty Two and Forty Three Hundredths (522.43)
<br />feet; thence N29° 59'08 "W, a distance of Three Hundred Eighty Two and Forty Four
<br />Hundredths (382.44) feet; thence N 34° 36'43 ""W, a distance of Four Hundred Sixty Nine and
<br />Thirteen Hundredths (469.13) feet to a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW1 /4); thence N00° 14'22 "E, along and upon the west line of said Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW1/4), a distance of Eight Hundred Twenty Eight and Seventy Six Hundredths (828.76)
<br />feet to the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thence S89° 37'59 "E, along
<br />and upon the north line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), a distance of One Thousand
<br />One Hundred Sixty Nine and Sixty Six Hundredths (1,169.66) feet to a point which is One
<br />Thousand Four Hundred One and Seventy Three Hundredths (1,401.73) feet west of the
<br />northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thence SOP 26'32 "E, a distance of
<br />One Hundred Fifty Two and Forty Three Hundredths (152,43) feet; thence S42° 16'08 "E, a
<br />distance of One Hundred Twenty One and Seventy Nine Hundredths (121.79) feet; thence
<br />S51° 02'07 "E, a distance of Three Hundred Fifty Four and Ninety Nine Hundredths (354.99)
<br />feet; thence S20° 11'52 "E, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Four and Seventy Four
<br />Hundredths (224.74) feet; thence S07° 18'57"E, a distance of Four Hundred Eighty Five and
<br />Twenty Nine Hundredths (485.29) feet; thence S12° 1315 "E, a distance of Three Hundred
<br />Twelve and Eighty Six and Twenty Nine Hundredths (485.29) feet; thence S12° 13'15 "E, a
<br />distance of Three Hundred Twelve and Eighty Six Hundredths (312.86) feet; thence S22°
<br />23'13 "E, a distance of Two Hundred Sixty Two and Forty Nine Hundredths (262.49)feet;
<br />thence S82° 53'12 "E, a distance of Eighty Nine and Eighty Three Hundredths (89.83) feet;
<br />thence S43° 21'32 "E, a distance of Four Hundred Eighty Two and Two Hundredths (482.02)
<br />feet; thence S01° 02'41 "E, a distance of Five Hundred Forty Nine and Twenty Three
<br />Hundredths (549.23) feet to a point on the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4), said
<br />point being Three Hundred Five and Thirty Seven Hundredths (305.37) feet west of the
<br />southeast comer of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thence N89° 59'58 "W, along and upon
<br />the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), a distance of One Thousand Four
<br />Hundred Fifty Six and Six Tenths (1,456.60) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning and
<br />containing 89.276 acres, more or less.
<br />r
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<br />3a
<br />Ronald W. Luth, and Betty A. Luth, husband and wife, GRANTORS, do hereby quitclaim, grant,
<br />bargain, sell and confirm unto David A. Luth and Marcy J. Luth, husband and wife, GRANTEES, as tenants
<br />in common, and not as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, for One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and
<br />valuable consideration, the following described real property in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />