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<br /> _ � . .
<br /> i ASSIGNMENT OF TRl1ST DEELI � Q�r �,QQ�' �5
<br /> iI
<br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEI3TS, That The Overland National Bank af Grand Island,
<br /> a corporation, the party o� the first part, in consideration of the sum of ��rty-six
<br /> � thousand five hundred fiftj and no/100--=------------- Dol.larE. to it in hand paid bq
<br /> First Co�arce Mo�ctt�a8e Campany a Corporation, the party of the
<br /> second part, receipt whereof is herebp acknowledged, has granted, assigned and
<br /> � transferred and, by these gresents does grant, assign and �ransfex unto !ts successors
<br /> • and assigns, a certain Trust Deed whe�ein the said The Overland National Sank of Grand ,
<br /> Island ia Beneficiary, Don R. Richatds and Fsances E. Richards, husband and wife,
<br /> ; is Trustor, and Nationa�l Bank of Commerce Trust and Savings Aasoctation is Trustee, � •
<br /> whfch Trust Deed was dated the �15th day of February , 1g 90 , and recorded the
<br /> . !/e�day of �b��.a.ry . 19 , as Document No. �-hf(}&7d af the MORTGAGE
<br /> i�ecords of Hall County, Nebraska and all its right, title and iuterest ta
<br /> the property therein described, as follows, to-w1t:
<br /> � ' A tract of land in Gee� Su�diviEion in the City of Grand Is2and, Hall Countp,
<br /> Nebraska, described as fvllaras: Beninning at the Southuest Corner� of Lot
<br /> - 2�wenty-Seven (27), theace ru�ning Northerly along and upon the West l�.r� of
<br /> sa�d Lot, for a distance af'Ts�enty-Fi�e (25) Feet to tlxe actual goint cu ��-
<br /> . be��;��x�,;.���.�nce cQatinuia�. NortherL� _�r a:�tstanc� ,,.� One Huadred:���Tateen �
<br /> an�I �i� �'�n�s� (118.6) Fe�t t� the Sazatr_��� �x�nda� �:sne caf ��v�tl� St��a�,� : . .
<br /> � : � �i;�an�xig�t'��em�e Easterlg a1n�� ��3 ��.�� :Y:e Southerl� ��_adar� °��a �� 2��t�� , ; ;�� . .
<br /> : 5����et far a distari�� af 5���-:.� ;.�t�.t Feet, thence �^��a.g �����e���- .�y�=w�
<br /> • aa�i��upan the East �i:se. af�F.�sL ��ez�� �i.ven (27), far a �ista�ce c� �ty� ���-_��te�i �
<br /> � , £�ghteen and Faur iE.�.hs (LLt;e4-� F=�;..,. thence Westerl., for� a c;�stance c� S��s��- - �� . •
<br /> + Si.x ��i5� �'2�e�' t¢ wr�� �slace ssf b��gir�.�r_=.
<br /> ;.::. .
<br /> 'r"'
<br /> w i
<br /> � �
<br /> - � Togethe�c with the pro��s=c•rl:nnte therein descri5ed, and the money due or to �
<br /> become due thereunder, includlin6 f.�.terest thereon, suhject only to the provisions '
<br /> _ of said Truat Deed therein cort�i.n,3d.
<br /> IN WITN�SS WHEREOF, Tli� �u.r.rland Natinnal. Bank of Crand Island, a corpoxatlon, ,
<br /> h�s caused this Asaignment of Tru=•.� Deed to be executed by iCs President , . ,
<br /> and atteeted by iCs Sr. Exec�t�.v.r� Vice Presiden�t . and its corporate seal to be � �°"
<br /> hereunto affixed this 21st d.�y c��� February , 19 90 . i - -
<br /> The �Jverland NaCi�n�11 Ba:�k af Grand Islar�d, ,
<br /> a ca o ation . ; �—
<br /> , ►
<br /> , By:
<br /> � obert A. M/ ris, �'reside t
<br /> � L '
<br /> � Attest - / L F ";
<br /> ; Thoman H. Fausch, Sr. ��=cutive '�';
<br /> STAT� OF �v��RASKA ) Vf.ce P�esident `.;,,Q,.
<br /> �SS .:.�.--
<br /> C�UtITY 01' Hall � �.�,:
<br /> — ` � On this 21st day of_ Februarv , 19 90 , before me a notary public duly
<br /> • commisaloned and qualfflEd in and far eaid county and state, peraonall.y came the above
<br /> _ Robert A. Morri� �
<br /> � $�� __•°-Thomaa H. Fausch af The Overlan�i NaCional Bank of�
<br /> � ' Cr2nd ,Island, who are personally known to me to be the identical per�ans whose names
<br /> are aPfixed to the above Assignment of Trust ll�ed as the President
<br /> � , And Sr. Executive Vice President of said corpuration nnd they acknawledge ti�e
<br /> instrument to be their voluntary act and deed and tha volunt�ry act and deed of xaid •
<br /> carporation.
<br /> .
<br /> � WITNGSS my hand and of��cial seal at Grand Island , in said
<br /> caunty, thc date aforeaatd.
<br /> � . ,�-/' � / ' �_`_—
<br /> ��lMAA��If d � �s�'. r � c^�.
<br /> ' .°.+.r!�.,r�,P�m G���� - d t a r.;i� s==.:.���c
<br /> � _ . . . L�...a„�,,..��... .��t�Iti1.�;� t ,
<br /> MY COMMI55'�ON ERPIRES: I���
<br /> � F'�'I=UitN TOs
<br /> Grand Zsland Abstr��ct
<br /> P.O. Box 627 ti
<br /> Gr�r�d Island. NE 68$02 ��
<br /> �� �
<br /> t'`
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> � - :'IJ��' �
<br /> _-,-3����.
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