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<br /> �'� Il� THE DISTRICT COITRT OF HALL CO'[T�ITY, 'U�s�:►".tC�u�r �
<br /> — '. �T�3�Ti �,'Y��b TABER, } �. .: . . . ,
<br /> , ) Case Pt�e �4—�.��:: .: � �i ���` � ,�: � .
<br /> � . Petitioner� ) ; •
<br /> - ? ;,... .:, , � . ;�:� �.
<br /> —v_ ) D�CREE OF DISSQ�'fa`���N . . . ; . . � . � `:�� � �
<br /> . � • .. . .
<br /> ��dOTHY E. TA&�i$, ) .
<br /> - D .
<br /> � Respondent. )
<br /> - � ) .
<br /> � Thfs matter came on for hearing on the ist day of ,
<br /> � . . Februa�; 1989. Petiti.c�a�r's atturney, John A. Wolf was present in
<br />- ;- ; Court k��ccompanfed bs the Petitioner. The ResgQ�r�+�nt was . ,
<br /> present in Court and was represented by his ��tarney, Thomas L.
<br /> ' Anderson. Evidence was takeA and tbe cause submftted to the �
<br /> ' Court and the Court, being fulls� advised in the premises, makes • -
<br /> the following �indings: � � ,_
<br /> 2. That both parties are a.nd have been residents of
<br /> the St�.Qe of Nebraska for at least one year prfor to the Yiling =
<br /> . a.$ the Petita.on herein. �:
<br /> �.,
<br /> " 2. That the Court h�.s 3urisdictiQ�. of both parties and �
<br /> or w1x� �.sabject matter of thas action.
<br /> 3. That neither party is a membe� ��f the Armed Forces
<br /> of the Uni�:ed States.
<br /> 4. That neither Petitioner nor Respondeu� is a partq � �
<br /> .�_
<br /> �o any other ac�tion pending in this or in ay�c; other court Yor �� -��
<br /> _ �.��vorce, �eparation or dfssolution of marri��c.
<br /> 5. The mnr��age between the partie: is ��retrievably .
<br /> ��roken and the �arri�.ge is hereby dissolved.
<br /> _ 6. The parties have accumulated d�3bts and ass��� which
<br /> should l�e divided.
<br /> _ ?. The parties entered into an or�.l stipulation
<br /> r��a��ng to the division af property. �
<br /> � DECREL'l7 BY THE COURT AS FOLLOWS: __.__.____
<br /> 1. The Court has jurisdfction of the subject matter
<br /> � ' ' '
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