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2� 17� 1378 <br /> Tra�sfer�f the Property w�r a Bene��xa�Interest in �arrawer.If all or arhy par�fl��he Proper�y or any interest <br /> in it is sold ar transferred �or zf a benefcia� ���erest in B�rrower is sold ar transferred and B�rrower is not a <br /> na�ura� pers�n} vvithout Lerider's pri�r vvritten consen�, Le�der may, at its option, require im�med�ate pt�yment i� <br /> ful� �f aIl sums secured b�� �his Secur�t� �ns�rum�nt. �ovvev�r, t�is ap�ion sha11 not be e�.ercised by Lender if <br /> exerc�se is prahibited by fe�Leral la�r as of�he date of thi����urity Instrumen�. <br /> If Lender e��rczses th�s �ption, Lender sha11 giv� Borr�wer n��ice of acceleration. The z�atxce sha�l provide a <br /> period of n�t less than�he rninimum nurr�ber af days e�tablished by Applicable Law from the dat� �h� no�ice �s <br /> delivered or mailed v�ri�hin vtrhich Borrovver must pay alI st�rns se�u:red b� this 5ecur�ty �n�trument. �f Borro�wer <br /> fails to pay thes� sums pric�r �a �h� expigation of th�s p�r�fld, Lender� may inv�ke any remedies permi�t�d by �his <br /> Security�nstrument wi�hou�fur�her noti�e or dernand on Borrower. <br /> Bor�tiw�r's R�ight �� I�eimistate. �f Borr�wer me��s c�r�ain c�ndit:�ons, B�rrovtrer sha�l have �the r�g�t ta have <br /> enforcemen� af this Securit►��ns�rument d�scontinued at any time pri�r�o the earlier�f: �a} 5 days���r �uch o�her <br /> period as App�icabTe Law��ay specify far reins�atement�before sale ❑f the Praper�y pursuan�to any pov��er of sale <br /> contained in this Security �ristrument; ar (b� en�ry of a judgr��nt: enforcing this Securi�ty �nstrument. Those <br /> canditions tha�Bor�row�lr: �a� pays Lender a1� sums v�rhich �he��N�u�d be due un�.er th�s Security�nstrument <br /> and the Con�ract as if no act,e�eration had accurred; �b}�any defau�t of any other�avena.�ts or agree�:n�nts; �c} <br /> pays a��expPnses incurred�1 enforcing t��s Secur��y�nstrument,inr�uding,but not Iimi�ed to,reasanab�e at��rneys' <br /> fees t� the extent permi�te�by�aw; and �d} takes such ac�ivn as L�n�ier may reasonably req�ir�to assu��e tha�the <br /> ��en of�hi� �ecurity�nstrum:en�,Lender's r�ghts in the Pr�per�y ar�d B�rrawer's obliga�ion to pay the su�rr�s secured <br /> by �his 5ecur�ty Instrumen�shall continue unchanged. Upon rei.�.��a��ment b�r Borrovver, �his Secur�ty r:ns�rument <br /> and�he o�l��a�ions secured her�by shali remain fu��y effeG�ive as �f no acce�era��on had occurred. H�wever, �his <br /> righ��o rein�ta.te shall nat a��ply in the case of accelera���r��nd�r the section�itled Transfer of the�ro�erty or a <br /> Ben�f�c�a�I�nterest in Bor��vver. <br /> Hazardaus Sub�tancese B��rrotiver shall xz��cat�se or permit�he pres�nce,use, disposal, s�orage, or rele�.se af any <br /> I�a�ardous Substances on n��i.n the Prflperry.Borrovver shal�na�do,nor allov�anyone e�se to do,any�hing;affec�ing <br /> �he Praperty that is in viol��tion Qf any Env�ror.mental Lavv. The preceding �vva s�ntences sha�� no� app�y �o the <br /> presence,us�,or storage an the Praper�y�f small�uantities of Hazarclous Substances�ha�are generally r�cognized <br /> �o be apprapriate�o norr�a�:�esid�n�ia1 us�s and �o ma�ntenance�f�he Pr�perty. <br /> Borrawer sh�.11 promptly g��re Lender wri��n n���ce of any investigat��n,claim, demand,Iavvsui��r other actzon by <br /> an� governmen�a� or regulatory ag�ncy ar priva�e parCy i�volving the Propez-�y and any Ha�ardous 5u��s�a.nce ❑r <br /> Enviranmen��.I Lavv of w�:lich Barrotiver has actual �na�vledgeo �f Borro�ver learns, or is no��f ed by any <br /> government�l or regula�ory authori�y,tha�any removal o.r other remed�ation of any H��ardous Substance�affec�ing <br /> �he Property is necessar�, �orrawer �ha�� promp��y �al�e a11 n�cessary remedial actions in accord�nce with <br /> Env�ronmen�:a1 Law. <br /> As used�n th�s paragraph, "Ha�ardous Suhstan�es" are those subs�ances defzned as taxic or hazard�us subs�anc�s <br /> by Environmenta� Lavv an�� �he following substances: �as�line, ker�osene, other flammabl� or toxi� ��etroleum <br /> produ��s, to�ic pestxc�des and herbicides, vo�atile solv�nts, materials c�ntain�ng asbes�as or f�rmaldel�yde, and <br /> radioact�ve ma�erials. As u���d in this paragraph, "Env�ronmenta�Law" means federal laws and lav�s�f t�ne s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska th�.t rela�e��h�a��:h.,safe�y�r enviranr�en�a�pr��ection. <br /> Acce�eration; Remedies. Lt��der 5ha11 give n��ice �n Bflrro�ver prior to �c�e�eration f�l�o�vv�.ng Ba�rrflwer's <br /> breach af any covenant vr agreement fn �his Security I�strument ar the��ntrac�under which aeCel.eration <br /> i.s permYtted �but nat prio�r��o a�ceieratr�n under the 5e��ion ti�led Transfer�f the Property or a F�eneficiai <br /> Interest�n Borrower, unl��ss App�icable Lav�v provid�s o�hervvi�e��. The n�tice Shal� specify: �a} th�: defaui�; <br /> �b} the act�on requ�red to cure the defaui-�; �c� a da�e, n��: �es5 than �he �nimurn �number of days <br /> established�by App�icable:LaVv from the date the nQti���s gi�en ���Borrvv�ver,by which the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d} that fa��ur�� �o cure th� default on or before th.e date spec�fied in the notice may resuit i� <br /> accelerat�on �f the sums �ecured by this Se�urity I�.strum�rnt and sal�e of �h� Prop�rty. Ta tr�e ext�n� <br /> permit�ed by l�v�, thQ x�v���ce 5ha�1 further�nfvrm B�rrflwer nf the righ�t� reins�a�e af�er a��e�era�tion and <br /> the r�ght to br�ng a court�.ct�an�o a5sert the��n-ex�st�n�e�f a d�faul�ar�ny other d�f�nse of�or�rov�ver to <br /> acce�eration and 5a�e.If th_e defau�t�s not cured vn ��r b�fare the date sp��i�ed in the notice, Lender at it§ <br /> op�ion may requ�re imrn��diate payment xn ful� of alI 5um� �ecured by this Security Instrum�nt vvxthou� <br /> fur�her derrnand and may :invflke th� power �f sale ax�d �ny at�.�.r remedi�s perrnitted �y Applicable Law. <br /> To the extent perxnitte� by law, Lend�r sha�i b� ent�tled ta �ull�e�t a�i ��penses �ncurred in pur�u�ng the <br /> remed�es pr�a�i.d�d in th�s :3ection,�nclud�ng,bu� not�irr��ed to, r�asonab�e a�torneys' fees and�us��s of t��l.e <br /> evid�nce, <br /> If th�power of sale is�nvoked,Trustee �hall�-ecord a na�ice of d�fault in each caunty i�which an�part of <br /> the PropertW is�v�ated an�l�hall mai��opies of such mo�i�e in �he manner pres�ribed by App���ab��Law t� <br /> Borrnwer a�d �o the other persans pr���ribed by Ap����able La�w, After the �ime requxred by Applicable <br /> Law, Trust�e shai� gi�e pY�blic notice �f sale to th� p�r�on� amd in the n�ann�r prescr�bed b� App��cab�e <br /> Lawa Tru�tee,w�thflut de�r�and an Borrawer, shal�sell�h�Proper•ty at pub�ic ax��ti�n t� the hzghe5t b�dder <br /> at the t�me and�la�e and��nder the terms de�gnated�r�the��tic�:of Sale��one or more p�r�els an.d i�n any <br /> arder Trustee determine�„ Trustee m�y p��tpone s��� flf all ��r any p�ar�el of the Property b�y public <br /> ann�uncement�t the���n.e and p�ace of any prev�vusly�chedu�ed�a�e.Lea��er or its desig�ee m�.y purchase <br /> the Prvp�r�T at any saie. <br /> Upon r�Ceipt vf payme�t a�f the prfee �id, Trus�ee shall deiiver to the p�.r�haser Trustee's dQed c�nveying <br /> �he Propert��. The recita�s;in �he Trustee's deed shall lbe pr�rn� fa�xe evidence of�he tru�h of the st��tement� <br /> C�24Q4-2415 Corr�pli�nce Systems,Inc.518A-�i09Q-2� i 15 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�36 Pa�e�vf 5 www.cvFnp�ian.cesystems.�vm <br />