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<br /> (A) Bo�mwar Hpt q�N�a�d.E�ciension of the tima tor payment ar modification of amorti2ation of the sums secure�by this
<br /> dTaed of Zn�slgrant�d by.�.andar to any successor in interest ot Borrower shall nat operate to retease,in any manner,the liability
<br /> -- oi�a arfginal8osrowe%&nd Sarrowers successors in interest Le�der shall not be required to commence proceedings agafnat
<br /> suct�suecessor as refuae t�extend Gme for Payment or othenerise modify amortizaGon o1 ti�e suma sscured DY thfs Qaa�a!T�u�t
<br /> by reason o1 any demsnda�rre�a l�iy.ihs original8orrower aruS�orrower's suCCessars in�n!erest �
<br /> (b� 1;md�+�po�y�R Wit'�a�e!tr;rting the liabiliry af any ather person IiabEe iot tf+�payment ot any obligatio�e herein � �
<br /> manrano�d,an�w�:'�a��"���u'?���'11en or charge of this Qeed of Trust upon any poRion otthe Property nat then ar ther8tofore � .
<br /> re?e�ssd assacu:iiji�fo�'.��futl amount of all unpai�obfigations,Lender may.from time to Ume artd withaut notice�i)�e!ease any
<br /> persan r,a ti,�+b�.(i�1 axtend the maturity or alter any oi the terms oi any such ebtigations,(iii)grant other ind�tgences,(iv)release
<br /> or recnrnYry:.os�cause to be retEased or reconvayed at any time at Lender's option any parcei,portion or all oi the Rraperty,
<br /> '� (v�.taSc�a pn��!&ase any other or edcfifio�rai sgcurity tor any obligation herein mentioned,or(vi}matce etimpositions or other
<br /> srf�ngEm�nts witi�defoiors in retation thereto_
<br /> - (o) Fasbsarsnc�6y LendK Not s Waiver.Any fori�earance by Lender in exe�cising any right or remedy hereunder.or
<br /> • a�onvise afforded by applicaGle iaw,shall not be a waiver of or preclade the exercise o!any such right or remedy.The -
<br /> � procuremsnt af insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of lend�ds right to
<br /> �• ; aCCSierate the maturity of the indehtedrtess secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> {u).&u�aasats and Assf�ns 8nun�;Ja[nt end Saverel LishKity;CapNons.The co��reants and agreements h�in con-
<br /> � t�tned�hEtt bind,and the rights her�uncter shall inure to,the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Tnrstor.All
<br /> coven2rr15�d agreemenis ot TrustQr�aii be jaint and several.The captiorts rsnd headings of the paragrapha of thia Deed oi
<br /> Tru:3�re fer conventence oniy and ar�n�t ta be u�ed to interpret or d�rte ti-e provisions hereof.
<br /> (E) B�qt tor Notkss.The partie�t�ereby r�?�l°st that a copy of any notice of default hereunder and a copy of any notice
<br /> � ' Qf"�fs tz�r�nder be mailed to each p�.�tyr t��r:��eed of Trust at the address sst torth above in the manner prsscaibed by
<br /> �,R.�it�.^.�le 3w.Except for any other nctice required under apRticable taw to be given in another manner,any notfcQ pro�ided
<br /> f�rL�t3'tis Deed ot Trust shall be given by mailing�i��h notice by certitied mail addressed to the other parties,attile��dress set
<br /> - fr�rsf�:above.Any notice provided for in this De�d u-[��rust shal{be effective upon mailing in the manner designated herein.if
<br /> - �'custor is more than one person,notice ssnt to tfsc address set foRh above shall be notice to atl such persons.
<br /> (� Ieap�cUon.Lend�r may make or causa to 3ce made reasonabte entrles upon and inspections of the Property�provided
<br /> - that Le�der�shall give 7rustor notiee prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable eauss the�efor�elated Us f_ender's
<br /> � : UItBf85;tr.`�r9 PfOpeRy. -
<br /> ' � ;g} C�scanwysnca.Upon payment ot all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lend�st-�U request Trustee to r�ruey the
<br /> �re�Errf a�d shall surr�:'der this Deed of Trust art�all notes evidencing tndrybt�ness secured by this Oeed of Trustk.c Trustee. ;
<br /> 't"��s'°3il reconvey the Property without war�nry and without charge!� ihe person or persons tegal(y entiUesi thereto.
<br /> Tru�cr__`.a'.�pay all cost�of recordation,ii any. ' =
<br /> (h) Personsl Proptrty:S�curity AQreem�nt. As additional security for the payment of the Note,7rustor herc-t1y grants ; �i
<br /> Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commeroial Code a securlty interest in ail fixtures,equipmenL artd other pe�rrr�l property ; _'
<br /> used in connection with the real estate or improvements located thereon,and not otherwlse declared ar�S�esr.e�t,�'ae a paA of ;:•;-,`,.=�
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This instrument shail be construed as a Security Agreemem under sa.i.d L:��e.�nd the Lender •�;;.•�.;..--
<br /> shall have a!1 the rights and remediesof a secured party u�der said Code in addition to the rights and r�^�edies created under :���--
<br /> and accorded the Lender pursuant tpthis Deed of Tru��provlded that Lender's rights and remedies under this parr:,7raph shall
<br /> be cumulativs witb,and in no way a limitation on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other security agreemEr�t�gned by
<br /> Borrower or Trustor. ---
<br /> � (i) lNni and Encunnbranees.Trustor hereby warrants an0 represents that there is no default under the pro�isions of any
<br /> . mortgage,deed of trte;��.:3ase or purchase Gontract describing all or eny part of the Properry,or other contrac�instrument ar. •___
<br /> agreemont constituting a lien or encumbrance agains4 alt or any pan of the Property(collectivety."Liens"),existir�as of the —
<br /> data of tbis Oeed of Trust,and that any and all existing Liens remain unmodified except as disclo�ed to Lender in Trustor's
<br /> written disclosure of liens and encumbrances provided for���r�;in.Trustor sha►I timety perform all at Y�ustor'r��b�sgations,
<br /> covenants,representations and warranties under any and all�cx;sitlnfl and future Lisns,shall promptly forward ta G:rrt�r copies !
<br /> of a11 notices of defauit sent in cortnection with any and al{existing or fut�re Liens,and ahail not without Londei�G,r ar wriKen �
<br /> � consent in any manner modity the provisions of�r allow any future advances under any existing or future Lier�a '� ,
<br /> ; (j) AppNc�tlon ot Paym�nts.Unless otherwise required by law.sums�aid to Lender hereunder,including with�uC�i;mitation
<br /> payments o1 principat and intere�.e.��surance proceeds,condomnation proceeds and r�nts and protits,ahaii t��aptied by
<br /> Lender to the amounis G�e end oart����rom Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lenacr��its sofediscretion deert;s dssirable.
<br /> �.�.:
<br /> (k) Sw�nb(Ifty If��i�C�rovis�on ot this Deed of Trust conilicts with a��'�cabte�aw or is declared invalid or otherwlse =
<br /> unenforceabte,such c�T"�•.t or invalidity shall not aifeCt the other prov�:t:�n:�•J1 this Oeed o!Trust or the Note whiCh Can be �'
<br /> glven effect without the contlicting provision,and to this end the provisions oi this Deed o1 T�uat and the Note are d�ctared to be .
<br /> — severable,.
<br /> (I)Tinrrsl.Tha te�ms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall inc��lr e both sirtgular and plural,and when tho Trustor ard 8orrower .
<br /> are the same persor.�:si.those terms as used in ihis Oeed�t•Tcust shall be interchangeable.
<br /> (m) Gor�rnln�L�.7his Oeed ot Trust shall be governed by the laws oi the State ot Nebraska.
<br /> "vstor has executed this(�•�d of Trust as of tho aate written above. .,
<br /> - ��-� �y.�.�,-� ,
<br /> - � Trustor (Clem H�w.itt)
<br /> _ �_�
<br /> C�. . n v -
<br /> ' Trustor {:A. Jean Hewitt)
<br /> � •
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