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<br /> { � .
<br /> ACKNOWLEDGEMENY ��.AEED aF TAUST 9���'��g88 �
<br /> - Trustor under5tands that the dacumsntthat Trus?or is about^�axa��h d�a Deed o4 Trustand nat a mortgage and that the p�wer
<br /> � ot sate prav[ded foc in tho Deed o!Trust provides sub�tgnti�lF��cii��ftiT6at iri��1t�and obligatlons to Trusto�li'tan a mnrtgage in the eveM
<br /> ot a detault or breach of abfigatton under tha Qee�of Trust,inait�din�,bn►1��+Nb timited to,the Lender's rightto have the PrOperty sold
<br /> '" , by the Trustee w#ttiaui ar�y judl�ia!procs�ling_Tni�?o�re�r�.arit&entl w�zrants that ihia acknowledgemen!was executed 6y • _ .
<br /> _ Trustor beto�e thB executian oi{ha Qeed of TruSt ' �
<br /> �
<br /> - C�..,�, �'�� � �
<br /> Truator (Cl ID tiew�)
<br /> .
<br /> . � � , ` Trustar. (A. 3eaa Hewitt
<br /> �
<br /> DEE� �r-;Fd�SZ{f/t't'�+i.f�TTt��E ADVANCE� . �
<br /> 'iTitS DEE[f��Ti�UST�fs m.�da as o€�tti� ���� day,os; Februsry ;199a by and among .
<br /> ' theTrustor. Clea� Hevite a�sd A Jean.Aewitt�husband and �s�€�, �=eSi in his own ri�,ht and ar �
<br /> � spouse of r,�� other �
<br /> ; � whose maiGng address!& ��a��t- Stn7 t� p,�k Rnad� Grand Ta1 an� ��;��rr��`?rustor,"whether one or more), , •
<br /> � • the Trustee, 1ii121acn �. �Biaclr6n�tt; Q�" Member of the NebrasLc� State Bar Assoeiation , �
<br /> - w!r-,:�mailing edcdrr��s � g�+j. Bar, Z2�30;. Gr,and� Island, NE 6$���ti� (he:ein"Trustee'?,and � �
<br /> - • '_ the Beneflciary. Bive ��Lr�.ts H�rs� . .
<br /> whose maiting address is �°�. ���:=507, Grand Isl.an�, NE 68802 (herein"Lende�'). � ��
<br /> J . FOR VALUABL�CONS!.�'i��i,�''t�^P7,�r.�'.�lding Lender's extension af credit ideztitied herein to Clem He�litt and •
<br /> � A. Jean Hew�'�t, husu�r,�ci �� r,c;��p �herein°eorrowe�',whether one or more)and the trust herein Created, � . ' `�
<br /> � the receipt ot which is heref���:��r:-aw�e���,Trustor hereby irrevocably grants,transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee,IN ' .�.
<br /> - � THU�T,WITH POWER OF SAL�t°�•fae benefit and security of Lender,under and subjeGtto the terms and conditiona hereinatter set :� r'�;
<br /> • forth,the real property,descriL�•as tol�flws: Lot Sev�r (7), in Holcomb's Hf hwa Homes a Subdivision �`,.'`"��
<br /> 8 Y � '-:f`�,;,,�.�
<br /> . of a part o£ the North2ast Quarter of t?�e Northeast Quarter (NE�NE'�) and a part of Lot �.'�==:
<br /> Four (4), Mai.nland all in S�ction Twenty Eight (28), Township Eleven (11) North, Ran�e �:.-
<br /> ,
<br /> Nine (9) West of the fxth P.M., according to th� recorded plat thereof. �r
<br /> " Together with eli buildinc�.z �.�^provements,fixtures,streets,alteys,passage�ays, easements,rights,privUeges and appurte-
<br /> nancea located thereon or in anywise perEcir►ing thereto,and the rents,issues ana�roiits,reversions and remainders thereof,and
<br /> • such personat property that is attached ta tT��improvements so as to ctinstitute a fixture,incfuding,but aoi limited to,heating and - � -
<br /> cooling equfpmen�and togethe?with the:-a+-��stead or marital interests,it any,which interestsare horeby reteased and waived;all •
<br /> d}�tiht�.",11,including replacerrcr+�,:nd addit��ns thereto,is hereby declared to be a�,�rt of the real estate secured by the lien ot this
<br /> Oee�ur,Trust and all of the tcr•���ing being reievred:n t��.-ein as tne"P�operty" e: "��
<br /> This Deed u(�Trust shall secure(a)thp payment u1 the principa��u��a antl interest evidenced ay a promissary note or credii
<br /> y agreement dated February I5 t 1990 ,havir+g a maturity�•.°01 February 15, 2002 .
<br /> 34,781.85 ,
<br /> � in the o�iginal princlpal am�wrt�Gi� _-_ _--___.._. ,artd ar,•f��-�� al. modificatians,extensions and renewats �
<br /> � thereol or thereto and any Frr,�ali future advances and readvances to Borrcu�r-�:�;ar any oi them il more than ona) her6under '�
<br /> � pursuant to one or more pre,r.,;;,ory.iotes or credit agreements(herein cafled"Jti��to"};(b)the r�a��mant of other sums advanced by � �
<br /> - Lender to proteCt the securif}��t the Note:(c)the performanca of all coo•enants and agreemer:z ct 1rr�stor set torth h�rein;and(d)all =
<br /> � prosent and tuture lndebtedria=;and oblig�tions ot Borrower(or any of them it mCYe than ore�':�Lender whothQr direct,indirect, ��
<br /> - absolute or cantingent and wnelfior arlsmg by note,guaranty,ovArdratt or othe�wi rc, The Note,this Deed��`Trust and any and al! ,
<br /> ' othordocuentsthatsecurQ�hr�PLateorotherwiseexecutedinconnect?pn:`�orewitYr �!�c':udingw�:�;�oa2limital��^�guarante3s,securiry �
<br /> agreemonts and a�signme;;� al leases and rents,shall be retorreti ta i�c:rQin as•:P,e"t.oan In��Ju��ents".
<br /> Trusto�covenaris azd agrees with Lender es follo►vs:
<br /> ' 1. Paym�nt af ls�d�bt,dn�n�.All indebtedness secured heroby.s�;.�!� be paid w:�en due
<br /> _ ' 2. TNI�.Trustor is the oyrner of tho Property, has tho right and authoriry t�cqiY�ey the ►'roperly,and warrants that the N4n
<br /> ! created hereby is a first and pifvr lien on the Properry, excopt tor iiens and ercumurances set tarth by Trustot in writing and
<br /> ` , doliverod to Lender before ex�:���tion of this Oeed of Trust,and the execution and C::::��ary of this Deed ot trust does not viatato any
<br /> , ContraCt or other obtigation to which Trustor is subjact.
<br /> 3. Tsxrs.Au�ssmfnt�.To pay betore dallnquency aU taxes,spec,ial assossmonts and a.f o,her charges against tho Properry
<br /> now or hereaiter levied,
<br /> 4. Irnuranc�.Ta keepthe Property insured against damage by tire.haza�as inr,,+ld�d within the term"extcnded coverage".and �
<br /> � such other hazards as Lendei may require,in amounts and w�th companies accet}�����to Lendctr,naminn Lendar as an atiditional
<br /> named insured,with los�payabte to tho Lender In case of loss under such poliC,::s,tha Lender i�authoriz�d to ad�ust,coltact an�
<br /> � comprOmise.RI3 Claimsthereu�der and shal�havo the aption ot r�ppiyir�3 all or part ot the insuranco praceads(i)to any indebtadnass '__ __ _ __
<br /> secured heroby an�in sush order as Lendor may ddtorminv,(ii)to the Trustdr to be used tor tho repau or resturation at the Property ' ���- �
<br /> or(iii)tor any other purpose or cbject satislactory to Lender without affectirtg th�lien o1 this Deed olTrust tor the tull amount socured �
<br /> . nareby betors such payment ever took place.Any app�ication of proceeds to in�ebtedness shatl Rot extend or postpone the duv ,
<br /> � . date of any payments urtder the Note,or cure any detauli thereunder or hereurt9er. �
<br /> 5 Eu�e�r,!Irfnn writtPn�9mane9 dy F AndHr,7nictnr shall�,3y to Lender,in au�h manner ns Lender,�nay designate,suthc�ent �
<br /> sums to enabte Lender to pay as thpy beCOma dua onv or morQ ot the fottowing:(�)�11 taxes,assessments and other churg;�s against
<br /> - � Ih9 Property.((i)tha prem,ums on tho property incu►ance•equi►ed here�nder,and(�i:)the premium�on eny mortgag�insurance
<br /> L required by Lender.
<br /> � 6 MaMMnanc�,R�p�ks�nd Con+pllanc�wftA U►w�. Trustar shall keep ihe Property in gnod condition and repair,shall
<br /> promptly repair, or rept�ce any improvement which may bo damag�d or destroyed, sh�ll not cUmmd or pdrmiC any H•d9tEr ur
<br /> � dvteri�ration ot thc+Vraperty:shall not ramovo.damolish or sub�tant+alty atter any oi the imRrovements on thv P�oparty.5ha11 nb! h
<br /> cOmmit�Sufter o�p8rmit gny sct to be donp in or upon the PiopErty ih violation of an,r law,ordinartce.or reyulatior�,nnd si�all pay an�
<br /> promptly discha►ge et 7rustar's Cos�and e�pense au I�ens,vncumGranCVS ar�d Charges I�vied. �m�c,sed�r assessc�c!bc�a�nst the
<br /> pro�N!tty or eny psrt thErreO} v`
<br /> 7 EMiMAt 0011'f�lff.LOnCet sg he�aby�ss�pned nIF compvnsat�on.awards,dam�,gps anft Oth2r payments or relrpl�heremattPr � `
<br /> � "P�u;;eec��'i ir}cor.rtect�unw�th condemnat�On ar plhet tak�ns}Uf tho Prope�ty or p�rt there0f,or tpr C�nvCyanCC�n l�eu otCnr�emna•
<br /> IiUft (.bftU(7t$h�11i bQ etlLtleO JS:t9 OU�'�h 1!3 GOh�frtUflCU.f1UV01t rtt i1r1�pIn$pCUTO�R�tS G�`Itl f1F1ff�Q L1n�;IL'LU��f�r prUL'CCd'('�5. .'In�
<br /> �t��l!;llso bc ent,tted t�r���k�+�n�corrprUm�sUUr settioir:ant�n conn�Ct�pn ,rnth 5uGh t�'�kingp!dam3ge In !hC oue��t.i,tu�pOrt�;��Ct
<br /> � ,. MEt.t1�I:1c�r.fy.cu!�.u�:6attS�Rav1:; tll �
<br /> ,! Q�43.1�iT..rs;C➢rdUr:..•.+or.�7.rt'�r�]Sa...��+��:t._..a�. .-t�'�.�'� N:'�t4�D
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