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<br /> i
<br /> „ ' � �
<br /> TrasWr unders'ta�sds tt�at the dacument that Trustor is ahout to execLte is a 0esd of Trust and nat�moitgage and that the pcwer _
<br /> � af sz=s provided for in the Dee�of Trust pravides substantialiy diHerent rights and cbligations taTrustorthan a moRgage in the event �
<br /> of e datauit or breach otabttgatfon under t�e Oeed at Trust including,bui not limitad to,the lender's righ4 to have the Property soid
<br /> "� - by ttts Tsusist wfihvut any�tsdicla! pro�es�}ng. Trust�r r8presents asrants ih8t knowle�igemen'.was executed by .
<br /> Trustor beiore the exegu�on?a�t�e O��d of Trust �, `
<br /> � � �r c ` � !�' ' ,
<br /> � _...-. �./ L�=L,
<br /> (Willfam D. SaPP, ���a� � obert I�. Poland, T tar Husbaad)
<br /> _� . � . ' • , ' "
<br /> `� th K. Poiand, Trustor Wife)
<br /> (Lu i�.la M. Sapp, W �
<br /> : ���
<br /> ' THIS DEEQ OF�'RUST,is made as of the 5 day of Febr,���v � ,19 9�,by artd amcea� �. • �
<br /> . the Trustor, Robeat K. Poland and Judith K. Poland, H��.�td �-�fi':�£e and ir�iiliam D. Sapp auc�.• , •
<br /> Luciile M. saPP, Husband and r�•i�.fQ � .,
<br /> ? whose maiiing address is—=�g,��qe��g�;����s��a *� �°A^'' ,���ein"Trustor;'whelher one or mos��, .
<br /> ' `�`:e Trustee. �{��i am [,_ R7 ar_ki�nrn F a n+omAar e�f the NE S te B� Aagn_
<br /> � ; wfio��a`:�g asldress ls P- O. 8ox 2280. Grand Island, NE 6880�-�280 (herein"Trustee"►,and �
<br /> ,. the Beneficiary. ,.F�ve ei n _ia Banic , . ,
<br /> � whose mailing address is g•0. Box 1507. Grand Island, NE 68802-1507 (herein"Lender"}. ,
<br /> J s FQr��'V.�LUABLE CONSiDERAT'.�N, including Lender's eMension of credit identifie��erein to d
<br /> Judit2+i t�. Poland, Husband artd Wife and Wi2liam D. Sapp and :.�scille . app, • • -
<br /> • ���, �:,,,���tifg (herein"Borrower",whether ane or m�;�k and the trust herein createsi, �
<br /> � the recei�t af which is hereby acknowledged,Tnzstar hereby irrevocably grants,trans`ers. come�s and assigns to Trustee,iN +
<br /> - THUST,VL'yc'riP�WE�QiSALE,fortheber+efitandsecurityo}Lender,unQerandsub}2�2othetermsandcondit(onshereina`6 s8t ��
<br /> farth,the�Ea'r properry.dascribed as follaws:
<br /> i
<br /> See Attachment hereto - -
<br /> •�;-
<br /> Tagether with all buitdings,improvements,fixtures,streets,allays,passageways,casemenis,rights,priviieges and appurte- �
<br /> � nanc�located thereon or in anywise partaining thereto,and the rents,issues and pr�.`.�ss,reversions and remainders thereof,and - _
<br /> ` such persanal property that is attached to the im�rovements so as to constitute a fixture,Inctuding,but nfli Ilmited ta,heating and ,
<br /> � caofing oquipmen�and together with the home:.*e��or macital inter�sts,if an�.c.•r,:�h interestsare hereby reteased and waive�:r_!I _
<br /> oi which,including replacements and additions tnereto,is hereby declare�t��:,::s G.:rt cf the real esfia*.a secured by thelien c:i-sis
<br /> � Qeed oi T�ust and all of the toregoing being referred to herein as the"Pro;,:::.y". ,
<br /> �
<br /> ' Thia Deed ot Trust shall secure(a) the payment uf the principa►sum and interes:�videnced by a promissory note or credit
<br /> �
<br /> : agrc�ment dated Fwhr,�arv 5* 199� ,having a m�:t_rr.y date ot May 6. 1990 ,
<br /> � lr�the or�g�.nal principal amount ot S�QQO,.pA ,and any and�'�modilications,extensions and renewals �
<br /> thereot o�triereto and any and aR��:�re advances a�d reeCrances to 8orrower{c;��•y of them il more than one)hereunder '1:.=-�-
<br /> � pursuant to one or more promissory:otes or crE�"`agreements(herein c2"°_�"tvote';;;�;the paymeni of other sums advanced by -
<br /> Lender to D�otecs the security oi 4he Note;(c)the r,.e�Ormance o1 all covenFr;;�:id agreements of Trustor set forth herein;and(d)all T
<br /> present and future indebtedness and obligatlons ol8orrower(or any of tr.cr ;more than ono)to Lender whether direct,indtrecL . ,
<br /> — ' � abso�ute or contingent and wheth�-�,rising by note,guaranty.cverdraft or c�:^erwise.T��s Note,this OPed ot Trust and any an�3 all �
<br /> other docuents that secure the No;�ar ptherwise exocuted tn r,�^nection therewith,inc'u��:�g without limitation gua�anteas,secu;ity
<br /> . agreements and assignments oi I�,fs anc!rents.shali be r�r::red to hereir as the"l.�an Instruments". �
<br /> . . • Trustor covenants and agrees w;th Lender�s?oltows:
<br /> 1. PaynNnt ol Ind�bt�dn�.AU indebtedr.e:,r secured hereby sha�l tre��3id wnen due. �
<br /> _ 2. Till�.Trustor is the owner ci the Properr,�,t•.ds the r)ght and autrcci!•� to convey the Properly,and warrants that th�Ili:r.
<br /> created hereby is a first and prior �ien on the Property,except tor liens G^d encumbrances se!torth by T�ustcr in writing ar�d
<br /> ` delivered to Lender betore exeoutic�ai this Oeed of Trust,and tr�e executron and delivery o}this Deed ot T►ust does not violate any
<br /> contract or other obligation�which Trustcr is subject.
<br /> , 3. Tax�s.AsMSSm�nb.To pay before de{�rqu�ency all taxos,speciat assc:ssments and all other chacges against tho Properry
<br /> now cr hereaiter levied.
<br /> � 4. InwnnC�.To keep the Property insured against damage by tire,hazaras included withintt�e term"extended caverage",and •
<br /> such ofher hazards as Lender may►equire,in emounts and with companies acceptabte to Lendor naming Lender as an addilionai
<br /> '� named insured,with loss payablo to ifie Lender.In case ot toss undor sucn policies,the Lendor is authorized to adjust,coltact and
<br /> compromise.aU ciaims thereu�der and shall have the opiio�ot applying all or part ot the insurance proceeds(i)to any indebtedness ___
<br /> sec�red hereby and in suCh order es l.ender may determino.(ii)to the Trustar to be used tor the repai�or restoratlon o}tfie Property �--`-`--
<br /> � or(iii)tor any other purpose or abJect satislactory to Ler.der without affecting the lion of this Deedai Trust for the full amount secured �
<br /> hereby bei0re suCh payment ever took place.Any appiicetion ot praceeds ta indebtodnes9 shalt not extend or postp�nQ tho due ;
<br /> � date of any payments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder ar hereunder.
<br /> 5. Eaeror.Upon written clemand hy Lender.Yrustor shall pay to Lendsr.in such manner es Lender may designate.suHicient � r
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one o�more ot the foltowing�(i)al!taxes,assessments and other chargss against
<br /> ' tre Property.(li)the premiums on the properry in�uranee requ���d heseunder.and(ii�)thq prem�ums on any mortyay��nsuranco
<br /> � � requued by Lender.
<br /> 6. Malnt�n�tnC�, ii�palrs ind ComABanc�v�ttb Lawa. trustor sha41 keep the Proporty in good candition and ropair:shal!
<br /> promptty repalr, ar roplaco any Improvement which may be damaged or destroyed; shall npt Commit Or porm�t Bny wastf�or
<br /> � Ceterroration ot the Properry;shall not rpmove,damol�sri ar substantEatty alt�r any 61 thg�mprovaments on thv Propgrty,shall nat
<br /> COmmiL suiter or pe�miteny�cttob�dbngm br unon the Property in vioiaUan o}any law,ordinance,or regulat:on.nnd sh�lt pay and
<br /> p+omptly discharge at trustor's cost encl eMDense alt 1��ns,GnCumbtanGds Und Ch�rgf�s I�v��O,�mp�sed or�sst�ssed aq�mst tho
<br /> Praperty ar any part thoreaf. ,•`
<br /> '� ErMn�nt DomaM.Larrder�9 herpby 25s�gnod aII com�ensat�on.8War85.d0mageS�ttcf Other p8yments Or tglipf(hetetnaf2et E- °
<br /> � "f�rottt�ds"f�n�.dnnE�Ction with condemnatcon or othar laking ottfie Praperty or p�rt thereal,or for conveyance m I�ou ot condemna-
<br /> t�pn Eattclot;��I!bE�t�tiUtfod at+t9 option to cUmmenCe.cippCar m and prosacute�n rts oti��•�ame any txCUOn ar proCl�edings,nnd
<br /> �hal!pt�p�P Unht!C�'.O��UkU tiny Lvmp�OmigQ U�SUIt�Elft7@t+��f�CU�tftE;CltU�i tV�!►�SuCh!lk�ncr r3r d�mt��.� !n 1hv tvCnt:trty�TC�+OUt'r dt
<br /> Ne�s+�9���,�:,y�:_�.,,.:o.wirt�„+o ea ` �
<br /> O tY...9+ts•,�a�Cu,M a!C:,r.�;�:s"•ow s:xf Sn r,C��ts;.n:,c.•�,�v,;�� tra-�.s�•
<br /> =f�f'��
<br /> �-r�.
<br /> fj
<br /> j•a
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