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2� 17� 132� <br /> E�HNBIT A <br /> Tra�t 1: A c�r�a�n par�of�he S�uthea.�t�u�rter af�he��rtheast�uarter�SE�14�E 114} o� <br /> S�ction Tv�enty F�ur��4}, in Tawnship El�ven��I}�'or��,�e Ten�10��est of th��th P II�I., <br /> Hal� County,I�I�ebras�a m�re part�cula,�ly de�crib�d-as failovvs: ��mrnencing at a poin�on the � <br /> east l�ne of said �ecti�n�4, 1,135.0 fee�n�rth�f�he��utheast c�rner af the I�T�114�h�reof; <br /> runnin�then�e w�st�aral�e�to�he�Qu�h�ine of�aid quart�r s��ti�n for a d�stance af 133.� feet; <br /> runn�ng�hence north para�Ie1 t��h�ea���ine of said �e�ti�n�4, for a d�stan�e a�`5� f�eta run.ning <br /> thence east para��e�to�he sauth�ine of said quar�er sect�an, f�r distanGe of 133.��'e�t�o a paint <br /> an the e�st l�ne of said Sec�ion 24a runn�n�thence s�u�h alang and upan said east s��tion line f�r <br /> a dis�ance of 5� feet�o the a�tua��a�n�t af begYnning, aIl�o�a��d in Ha���ou�n�y,�ebrasl�a. <br /> �i`ract�: Part of the Sautheasf�uar�e���E114��f�he Nvrtheast Quarter�NE�1�}in Section <br /> Tv�en�y Faur��4)Tov�rnship�le�en��I},�or�h,�ange Ten ��0� �V����f t�e���' P.�., �al� <br /> �ounty,Nebraska mar�part�cularly descr�bed as fc�llov�r�; Be�innin�at a p�in�an the�ast�ine <br /> af th�NQrtheas� �u�arter�I�E 114��f said Secti�n Twenty Faur��4} 1�78.� feet N�r�h af the <br /> �outh�ast cQrner�f the�vrtheast�uarter�I��114}ther�of� runn�n��ience West para�lel to th� <br /> S�uth lin��f saYd�uarxer Se��ion for�d�s�anc�v�"I 33.� f�et;ruz�ning t�en�e Nar�h par��Ie�to <br /> the�ast ii�e of saad�ec�ian Tw�nty F�ur��4�f�r a dis�an���f��.� f���;running�hence East <br /> parall�l to the Svuth line of said Quart�r sec�ian f�r a dis�anc�of�33.a fee��g p��nt or�the�a�s� <br /> �ine of said S�ct�or�Tw�nt�r�Faur����; runnir���henc�South ai�ng and upon�h�East sec�i�n �ine <br /> far a dis�ance of�Q.�feet to�he ac�ual poin�tif beginning. <br />