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2� 17� 131 � <br /> Transfer of the]Proper�►��r a Benef�c�a�In�eres��n B�rrow�r.�f�a�l or any part of the Pr�per�y or ar�y interest <br /> in it is s��d �r �ransferred '�ar if a benef cza� xn.t�res� in �arr�ur�r i� sold �� transferred and BorraWe�A is na� a <br /> � <br /> na�ural person} u��thaut Le��d�r's pr�or writ�en consen�, Lender ma�r, at xts �ptitin, require �mmediate paymen� in <br /> fu11 �f aI� sums sec�tred b3� th�s 5ecur��y �ns�r�.:ment. H��vever, ��zs apf.ion shall no� be exercis�d by Lender if <br /> exercise is pr�hibited by federallaw as of the da�e of this Securi�y Ins�rtxmen�. <br /> If Lender e�ercises �his ap�t��n, Lender shall �ive B orrav�r�r na��ce of acce�eration. The �.otzc� sha�l ��rovide a <br /> period of no� less �han the ��.inimum number of days estab�.zshed by Appl�cable La�u from the date the not�ce zs <br /> delivered or ma�led within ,which B�rr�wer mus� pay a�l sums s�cured b� �his Securi�y Ins�rumen�. If Borro�ver <br /> fails to pay�hese sums prior to fihe exp�rat�fln c�f this period, Len�er may in�roke any remedies permit��d by �his <br /> Securi�y�ns�ru.ment�vi�h�ut fur�h�r notice or dernand�n��rroWer. <br /> Borr�wer's Right to l�ei�►state. If Borrov�er meets c�r�in cand�tzons, Borra�er shal� have �he right �� have <br /> enfo�-cemen�of this 5ecur��►�ns�rument d�sc�rit�nued a� any t�me prior to �h� ear��er of: �a} 5 days �or such o�her <br /> period as App�i�able LaW m.ay specify ffl�r�insta.tement}before sa�e�f�he Property�u.rsuant�o ariy po��er of sa�e <br /> cantained in �his S��ur�ty �ristrumen�; or (b} entry of a judgm�n� enforcir�g �his Secu.ri�y �ns�rumezat. Those <br /> cond���ons are tha�B orrav�r�r: �a} p ays L�nder all sums v��ch�hen would be due under�h�s S ecurity Ins�rumen� <br /> and the Contrac�as zf no acrelera�inn had o�curred; �b� ct�.res any d�fa.u1�af any other covenants or agreernent�; �c} <br /> pays all exp�nses incurred z.r�enforcing this Securi�y�nstrum�nt,�n�luding,but na�lim�ted ta,reasanable attarneys' <br /> fees to �he extent permi�ted by IaW; and �d� takes such a�tion as Lender may reasvnab�y requ�re to assur�e�hat the <br /> lien�f this Security Ins�rument,Lender's r�g�ts�n the Prape�-ty an�B�orrovver'�obligatian�o pay the sums secured <br /> by �hzs S ecur�ty�nstru�ment sha�� continu� un�hanged, Up on re�nstatFm�n�b�r B orra�ver, �his S ecurity �ns�� <br /> and�he o�liga��ons secured hereby shal� remain ful�y effective as �f��o acc�lera��on had accurred. However, �his <br /> righ��o reins�a�e shall not a�~�p�y in the ca�e of acceiera�ian u.nder�he�ection�it�ed Transfer of the Pr�perty or a <br /> Benef�cial In�erest�n B�rr+�v�er. <br /> Haz�rdflus�ubstance�.]Borrourer shal�n�t cau�e or permit the pr���nce,us�, dispa�al, starage, �r of any <br /> Haz�r-dous Substances on o�r�n the Pr�perty.Barro�ver shall not do,nor allavv anyone else to dfl,anything affec��ng <br /> �he Property�hat is in violat�an of any Environmenta� Law. The preceding �r� sentences sha�� nat ap�Iy to th� <br /> presence,use,or storage�n tri�Proper�y af small c�uantities flf�-Iazardous Sub��a.�ces�at are generally r�.cflgnized <br /> to be appropr�ate�o norma�residen�ial uses and to main�en�.nce af the Praper�. <br /> Borr��wer sha�l pramptly gi��e Lender wri�ten no�ice❑f any�nvest�ga�i�n,claim, demand,1av�rsu��or o�ier action by <br /> any gavernmental or regu��.�4ary agency �r priv��e party inva�ving th� �roperty and any Hazardous Su�stance ar <br /> En�rironmental Lativ of tivh�ch Barrower has ac�ua� knflwledge, �f Borravver �earns, or �s not�fzecL by an� <br /> governmenta.I ar regu�atory��uthori�y,tha�any r�moval a�-other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting <br /> �he Property is r�ecessar�r, Borrav�er shall pr�mp��y take a�1 necessary r��r�edia� actions in acc�rda.nce vvith <br /> Enviranmenta�Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�Hazardous Substanc�es" are thos� subst�n�es def ned as toxic or ha2ardous s�ubs�ances <br /> by Envir�nmental La�w and the fol�owing sub��ances. gasoline, �erosene, o�her fla�nmab�e or tox�c pe�roleum <br /> prod�c��, toxic pest�cides �:r�d herb���des, volat�le s��ven��, ma�erials contai�ing as�bestas �r formaldehyde, and <br /> radioact�ve materials.As usE�d zn�his para.graph, "Environmental L�.vv" rneans federallaWs and laws of�he state of <br /> Nebraska that relate�o heal�l�,safety or env�ronmen�al pro�ec�ion. <br /> Acce�eration; Remedie�. Lender shall ���e noti�e �o B�rrawer �.rior tv �cceleration fo�Iowing Borroyver'� <br /> brea�h of any c��venant�r�agreement i�th�s Se�urxty Imstrument or the Con�ract under v�hi�h acc�e�eration <br /> i5 permitted (�ut no�prion to accelerativn under the �ec�i�r� tit�ed '�ransf�r af the Property or a��n���ial <br /> Interest in B�rrower, unl�ss Applicabl� Lavv prov�des �therw����. The nvtfce shall spe�ify: �a� th� d�fauit; <br /> �b} the action require�l �t�a cure �he �lefau��; �c� a t�a�e, no� 1{es� than �he nr�inimum number of day� <br /> establish�d by AppliCable]La�from th�date the n�t��e��g�v�r� tn B�rro�ver,by wh�ch the defauZt mu�t be <br /> curec�; and �d} that fai�ur�1 to cure the default on �r be�'ore the �date s�e��fied in �he r�a�ice m�y resu�t ir� <br /> aC�e�eration of the sums secured �y th�s S�curit� Instrument ;and sale of �he Property. To t��e ex�en� <br /> perm�t�ed by Iavv, �he natn+�e �ha�I further inf�rm I3orrflwer vf�he right t� rein�tate after a�ce�era.tian and <br /> the right to brxng a cou�t a�ti�n fo ass�r�the non-e�is����e�f�def�ult or any ather def�r�se�f Borr��er tti <br /> acce�era�fon and sa1Q. If the defau�t�s n�� cured tin or before the da�e sp�cif�ed�n the no�ice,Lender at i�� <br /> �ption may requ�.re imm��3ia�e payment in full of all sum� secured by this Se�ur�ity Instrurr�ent without <br /> further demand and m�y iinvoke the p�wer af sale and any othe�r rem�d�.es perm�it�ed by Appli�a�b�e La�vv <br /> To the e�tent perm�itte� �;y law, Lend�r sha�l be ent�tle� to �all�c� all e�pense� �.ncurred in pur�.uing the <br /> remedies pr�vid�d in this '�ec�ion,i�ncl�ding,�ut n��lirr�ted to, r�asonable attorneys' f�es and cos�:s of ti��e <br /> evidenc�. . <br /> If th�po�w�r of sa�e�5 i�v��ec�, Tru�tee shall recor� a notic� of d�fauit�n e�ch c�unty in which an,Y part of <br /> the Fr�perty is lo�a�ed an�el shall ma�I c�p�es of such r��ti�e i� the manner pre5cribed by App�icabl�Law to <br /> Borro�ver and ta the othe�• persons pr�scrib�d by A��li�able La,w. Afte� the ti�ne required by App�i�ab�e <br /> Law9 Truste� sha�l g��e p�tbii� n�tice vf sale �n the per5vns a�td �n the rnannQr prescr�ibed by Applicabie � <br /> Lawn Trus�ee,vvi�hout d�r��an�i vn Borr�wer, shall�e�I �h.�Prop�r�ty a�p�b�i� au��ion �o the h�ghe�t b�dder <br /> a��he t�me and p�aCe and��nd�r the ter�ns des��gnat�d�m�he n�����af sale in�ne ar mvre parce�s and in any <br /> orde�r Trus�ee deterxnYne��, Trustee m�y po�tpone sa�e �f all o�r an� p��rcel of the Property ��y pub�zc <br /> ann�uncement at th�t��ne and p�ace af any p�ev�vus�y�c]heduled�a�e,Lender or its de5ig�ee may�rurchase <br /> �he Pr�perty at any sal.�. <br /> Upvn receip� of payme�t��f t�e pri�e �id, Tr�stee �hall ��liver to the purchaser Trustee's deed c�n�eying <br /> the Pr�perty. The re�ita�.s�in �he Trustee's deed �hall b�prim�f���e eviden�� of�he�ru�h of the statement� <br /> �2Qd4-2415 Compliance Systems,In�.d l 8A-I�D3A-2fl i 5.12,3.1,1 l 15 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Instrument IJ�2435 Pa�e�of 5 www.complian� <br />