2� 17� 131 �
<br /> Pay�n�nt of Pr�ncxpa�a�d I�.��rest; Dther�harge�.Borrovver shaX�[prtimp�ly pay v,�hen due�he pr�nci��a�of and
<br /> xnterest�n the debt owed under�he Con�ract and.Iate�harges or an�r oth�r fees and charges due under�he Con�ract.
<br /> Appli�able Law, As used � �h�s 5ecu.rzty In.��rume�at, the term "14pplicable La�v'8 shal� mean a�I c�on�rol�ing
<br /> app�icable federal, s�a�e an�cl lo�al s�atutes, regula�ians, ordinances a��d administra�iv� ru�es �nd arders �;that ha�e
<br /> �he effec�af law�as wel�as all app�icab�e fnal,���n-appea�able judicial apinions,
<br /> Charges; L�ens. Bflrro�ver� sha�1 pay al� �axes, assessm�nts, cha.�ges, fines and imposi���ns attributa���� �o the
<br /> Property u�hich may attain��rior�ty over this Seclurit�Instru�nent, an�l leaseho�d payments or ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> At the requ�st of Lender,B�carrower shali prvmp��y furn�sh�a Ler�der re�eipts evidenc�ng the paymen�s.
<br /> Borrov�rer shall promp�ly di,�charge any lien which has pr�ority❑v�r�his Security�nstrument un�ess�an�aWer: �a}
<br /> agre�s �n �x��ng to the paymen� �f the ob�ig��tion secured by the �ien in a r.nanner acceptab�e �fl L�:nder; �b}
<br /> �ont�sts in gaod faith the lien by, or defends aga�nst enf�rceme�t of the ��en �n, 1ega� proceed�ngs which �n the
<br /> Lender's opuaz�n aperate tr� preven� the enforcemen� of the lien; �r �c� secures frarn the haZder of tr�e �ien an
<br /> agre�ment satisfact�ry�a L��nder sub�rdir�ating �he Iien to tl�i� 5ecur�.�y Instrun�ent. If Lender determines that any
<br /> part of the �roperty�s subj�;ct to a �ien vahich n�ay a�tain priorifiy ov�r this Secu.rity Instrumen�, Lender may gi�e
<br /> B�rraWer a not�ce identifyi��g the 1ien. Borrovver shall sa��sfy the lien�r tak� one �r more o��he a�t�on�� se�for��
<br /> above vvith��. �.�days of the giving�f na�ice.
<br /> Hazard or Praperty Insua�an�e. Borrov�er sha:�I keep �he i�anpro�renzents naw ex�stin�or herea�er erec�:ed an the
<br /> Praper�y insured aga�nst Ia�,�by fire,�a�ards inc��uded wi.th�n the�erxr�"�xtend�d co���age" and any othe:r hazards,
<br /> incl�ding floads or fltioding, ��r tivhich Lende�r requires �risuran�e. This insurance shall be maintained in �he
<br /> amo�.nts and for the peri�d�;tha�L�nder require�,. The ins�ranc�carri�r prov�ding the insurance sha�l be c�hosen by
<br /> Borrav�rer subj ect to Lende��'s approvai �hzch sha�� riat b� unreasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to main�ain
<br /> caverage described above, Lender may, a� Lender's option, ob�ain caverage t� protec� Lender's righ�s in the
<br /> Froper�y in acc�rdance�xri�h se�tion titled Prote+�t�on of L��der's Iti�hts�n the Prop�rty.
<br /> A�1 insuranc� policies and �enewa�s shal� be ac+�eptab�e ta ]Le�der and sha�� inc�ude a s�andard m�r�ga�e clause.
<br /> Lender sha��have the r�ght�:o hald�he p�liczes and rene�als. If Lender requires,Borrovver sha11 pramp��iy give�a
<br /> Lender aI1 r�ceip�s af paid;��rem�ums and renev�al no�ices, I�the e�ent of loss, B�rra�rer shall g�ve pronlpt no�zce
<br /> tfl th��nsurance carrier and]�.ender.Lend�r may make pr�nf af loss if not made pramptly by Borrotiver.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrovver o�herv�r�se agree :in wri�ing, insuran�e praceeds shal� be app��ed t� rest��ra�ion �r
<br /> repa�r of the Proper�y dam�.ged, if, zn Lender's sole discr���on, the r�es�oration ar repair is economicall� feas�ble
<br /> and Lender's se�ur��y is n�1.�essened. �f, in Lender's sflle discre�ia�., �he restvr�.�ion �r repazr is na� ec��lom�ca�ly
<br /> feas�ble or L�nder's secur��y vvould be lessened,�.he insurance proceeds sha1l be applied to the sums secur�d�ay this
<br /> Secu.rity Ins�rument, vtrhet���r or no� �ien due, tiv�th any exce�s paid �o Borrov�rer. �f Borr�v�rer abarldons �he
<br /> Pr�perty,or�o�s not ans�r��-wi�hin the num�er��f days pr���ribed by App�icable La�w as set for�h in a na�ice fr�m
<br /> Lender to Bvrr�wer�hat th��nsuranee carrier h��s offered to se�t�e a c;�aim, �en Lend�r may c�Ilect the insurance
<br /> proc�eds. Lender may use �;�ie proceeds �� r�pai.r or rest�re the Prop�rty or tn pa�r sums secured b��hi�; 5ecurity
<br /> �ns�r�xment,�he�her or not t�ien due. The�erifl d of�nze for B orrow�r�o answer�s se�farth in the notiGe�t�rill b egin
<br /> �vhen the noti�e�s given.
<br /> Uniess Lend�r and Borrower�therwzse a�ree in writing, an�app�ication of proceeds ta principal sha��not extend
<br /> ar p�stpon��he due date of the paymen�s due u��der the �on�ract�r�hange �he amaunt of�he payments�. �f under
<br /> the sec���n ti�led A��el��ation; Remedies, the�'roperty i� a�qurr�d b�Lender, B�rro�rver's r�gh�to any:�nsurance
<br /> po�ic�es and praceeds resu��ing from da�x�.age �o �he Property priar�o �he a��uisi�ion shal� pass �o Lender �o the
<br /> extent of�he sums secur�d b.y this Secur�t�Instru.rnent imrnediate�y priar�o�he acquisi��on.
<br /> Pres�r,vat�vn, �Vlain�enan��e and Frot��tion ��f the �r�per�y; B4rrower's Loan Applica��ifln; Le�seho�ds.
<br /> Borr�v�rer shall nvt des�roy, �damage or impair the Property, allvv�r�he Property�o deteriora�e, or cammit v�as�e on
<br /> the Proper�y. Borravver s�a�i be�n defaul�if any forfeitur��c�ion or pr�c��d�ng,vvhe�h�r civil❑r criminai,,is begun
<br /> tha� ��Lender's gaod faith�udgm�n� cauld resu:l�in fnrfeiture of the Pr�perty or a�her-w�se materially��npa�r the
<br /> lien �rea�ed by �his 5ecuri�y Ins�rumen� or Ler�der's s�cu.ri�y interes�. Borrovver may cure su�h a default an�.
<br /> re�nstate, as provided in sec�.�on�itled Borrvwe�•�s Righ� to Rein��ate,by causing the actio��r procee��ing to be
<br /> dismissed tivi�h a ru��.ng�ha�, in Lender's g�od fa�th det�rmin�tion,pre�ludes fflrf��tur��f�he Borrflvtrer's�nteres��n
<br /> the Praperty or other materia� impa�rme�� �f tJze lien �r�ated by th�s Security In�trument vr Lender's security
<br /> in�erest.Borr�wer sha�l also}�e in defau��if Borrourer,dur�ng the Iaan applica�ion pracess,gave mater�all;y false or
<br /> inaccurate infarma�ian ar st�atemen�� �o Lend�r �ar fai�ed. t4 prov�d� I�ender �v�th any material inforn:�at�on} ir�
<br /> conn�c�ion w��h�he 1�ax� evidenced b�the ��n��rac�. �f this Securr�y Instrument is on a leas�hold, Barrfl�wer shal�
<br /> comp�y u�ith all the provisza�is nf the Iease. �f Borrower a�quires fee ti��e�o�he Property,�he�easehti�d a�.d the fee
<br /> ��tle sha�l nat m�rge unless Lender agrees to th�r.�erger in writing.
<br /> Prot�ct�on �f Lender's �;;ht� �n the 1'roperty. �f Borr�vv�r fails t� perform �he c�venan�s and agreements
<br /> cori�ained�n�his Security�n,atrumen�, ar��ere is a legal proceeding�hat may significant�y affec�Lender's rights in
<br /> �he Property �su�h a� a pro��eeding �n ban.kruptc.�, probate, for condemnation �r forfeiture or �to enforce �aws or
<br /> regulations}, �hen Lende� m.ay do and pay for ulhateve� is necessar� �� pro�ec� the value af the Praperty and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in th�Proper�.y. Lender's a�tions�nay inc�ude pay�ng a��y sums secured by a l�en which ha�priarity
<br /> over�h�s Se��x�-it�Instrumen.�., appearing in caurt, paying rea�onable attorneys'f�es and enter�ng on�he Praperty t�
<br /> make repairs.Al�haugh Len�.er may�ake a.ction u.nder thi�section,Ler�der does no�have�o do so.
<br /> Ar�y am�un�s disbursed by �:�ender under th�s s�:�tion shal� become addi�iona� deb� of Borrav�er s�cure+3 by this
<br /> Security Ins�rumer�t. Un�es� Borrower and Len{der agre� t� a�her t�rms of payment, �hese am.ou.n�s s:hall bear
<br /> �2fl4424i 5 Camptiance Systerras,Irtc.d18A-:C�D3A-2D15.k2.3.1.I 1 I5
<br /> Consumer Rea�Esta#e-Sec�rity Instrument DL�436 Pa�e 2 of S www.campliancesystems.com
<br />