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2� 17� 1314 <br /> E�HIBIT "A" <br /> A tract of�and comp�-ais�ng a part af tbe Northwest�uart�r[I��V114) of Sect�on Tvventy Thr�e(23),Tativnship <br /> Eleven tll}North,Range Ten(lU}�Ve�t f the 6th P.M.,in the�ity of Grand Is�and,Ha���vunty,Nebraska,more <br /> part�cu�arly de5cribed as follows: <br /> I3eginn�ing at the southvvest corner af 5a�.d Northwest�uarter�NW114�; thence running n�rther�y on the wester�y <br /> line of sa�id Narthwest�uarter�NW114},�n an A�sumed BQar�ing of N00°1�'24"E,a di5tance af F�ve Hundred <br /> Fifty N�ne and Eighty Five Hundredths(559.55�feet; then�e running S89°42'44"E,a distance�f F�ur II�ndred <br /> Thirty�ne and Sixty Nine Hundredths(431.��}f�et; thence running S�U°37'21"W,a distance of Five Hundr�cl <br /> Sixty Frve(5�5.UU}feet,to a pa�nt�n the 5outherly��ine of said N�rthwest�uarter�NW114}; thence runn�ng <br /> N89QU1'26"W, al.vng and upon the sauth linQ of the Northwest�uarter(NW114} a d�5tance of Four Hundred <br /> Twenty Eight and Sev�nty Seven IIundredths�4�8.77}feet t�the Paint of�eginn�ng. <br />