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2� 17� 1289 <br /> The Funds sha1�be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, <br /> ar entity(including Lender, �f Lender is ar�institution whose depos�ts are so insured)or in any Federal <br /> Home Loan Bank.Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay the�scrow�tems t�o later�han the#ime s�ecif ed <br /> under RESPA.Lender shall no�charg�Borrower�'or hotding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing <br /> �he escrow account,or�erifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on th�Funds <br /> and Applicable Lat�perm�ts Lender to make such a charge.Unless an agreement is made in�vriting or <br /> Applicabte Law requ�res in�erest to be paid on the Funds,Len�er shall nat be required to pay Borrawer <br /> any inter�st Qr�arnings on the Funds.Borrow�r and Lender can agree in writ�ng,h�wever,that interest <br /> shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shalt g�ve to Borrower,w�thout charge,an annuat accounting of the <br /> Funds as required�y RESPA. <br /> �f there is a surplus of Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender sha11 account to Borrot�er <br /> far�he excess funds in accordance with RESPA.If there i5 a�hortage of Funds held in escrow,as d�fined <br /> under�ESpA,Lender shall notify B�rrawer as required by RESPA,and Borrower sha1�pay to Lender <br /> the arr�ount aecessar~y to ma�e up�he sho�-tag��n accordance�r�th�ESPA,�ut�n�.Q more than �2 <br /> month�y payments.Zf there is a defici�ncy of Funds he�d in escraw,as defined under RE SPA,Lender <br /> sha11 natify Borrow�r as required by RESPA,and Borrower sha11 pay to Lender the amaunt necessary to <br /> rnake up the deficiency in accor�ance�vith RESP�,�ut in na mar�tl�an �2 manthly�ayments. <br /> Upan payment in full af all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to <br /> Bar�rower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges;L�ens.Borrawer shall pay a11 taxes, assessments,charges, fines, and impositians attributa.ble <br /> to�he Property which can attain priarity o�er this 5ecurity Instrumen�, leasehold payments or ground <br /> rents on the Praperty, if any,and Gommunity Association Dues,Fees,and Assessments, if any, Ta�he <br /> extent tha�t these items are Escro�Items,Borr�w�r shall pay them in the manner provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower shall prompt�y discharg�any lien�vhich has priarity over this S�curity Instrument untess <br /> Borrower: �a)agre�s in writing to the payme��of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner <br /> acceptable to Lender,�ut only s�lang as Borrovver is performing such agreement; �b}contes�s the lien in <br /> g�od faith by,�r defends against enfQrcement of the lien in, legal proceedings vvhich in Lender's apinion <br /> operat�to pre�ent the�nforcement af the lien while those proceediags are pendiag,but only until such <br /> praceedings are conc�uded;or�c}secures from the halder of the lren an agreement satisfactory ta Lender <br /> subord��.ating the t�en to th�s Sec�.r�t�Instrument. If Lender determines that any pa�-t af th�Prv��rty is <br /> sub,�ect to a lien which can attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender may g�ve Borrawer a <br /> natice ident�ifying the iien, �Vithia ��days of the date an which tha�notice is given,Borro�ver�ha11 <br /> sati�fy the lien ar take one ar more af the act�ons set f�rth aba�e in this 5ection 4. <br /> 5. Property�nsurance.Bono�ver shall l�eep th�improvements now existing or hereafter erected an the <br /> Property insured against 1�ss by fu'e,hazards included�ithin the term"extended c�verage,"and any <br /> other ha.2ards including,but nt�t limited to,earthqual�e�and floods, for which Lender requir�s insurance. <br /> Thi�iasurance sha11 be rnaintained in the amaunts(including deductibl�te�els)and for the periods that <br /> L�nder require�. �Vhat Lender requires pursuant to the pr�ceding sentences can change during the term of <br /> the Loan. The insuranGe carri�r provid�ng the�nsurance shall be chosen by Borrower subj ect ta Lender's <br /> right to disapprove Borrawer's choice,which right sha11 not�e exercised u�reasonably.Lender may <br /> re�uir�Borrower ta pay,�n connection with this Loan,eith�r: �a}a ane-time charge for fl�ad zone <br /> determinatiaa,c�rtification an�tracking services;ar�b}a one-time charge for fload zone determination <br /> and cer�ification services and sub�e uent char �s each time rema in �ar similar chan �s accur which <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS�IE 913Ul2414 <br /> Bankers 5ystems�++ VMP� VMP4N(NE�(15dB}.44 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page fi of�? <br /> q 37 4533 U23 79 �617 <br />