2� 17� 1287
<br /> �1. HazardousSubstances.As use�in th�s��ct�on�1: �a� "�-�azardvu.�Su�.�tar�ce.�"ar�those��ahs#�r�c�s
<br /> de�ned as toxic or h.azardous�ubstances,pollutant$,or wastes by Envi.ronmental Law and the fal�owing
<br /> substances: gasa�ine,kerosene,ather flammable ar toxic pe�roleum products,toxic pes�icides an�herbicides,
<br /> �olatile solven�s, materials contain�ng asb�stos or f�rmaldehyde, and radioac�i�e n�ateri�ls;(�}
<br /> "Er�viro►�me�atal Law"means federallaws and la�vs af the jurisdiction wh�re the Praperty i��ocat�d that
<br /> relate t�hea�th, safety or en�ironmental prateetian; �c} "�►�viror�►�er�tal�'lea►�up"includes aay response
<br /> actiQn,rer�edial ac�i�n,�r rerno�at action, as defin�d in Environm�ntal Lavv; an��d}an "En�i���mentat
<br /> �oradztron"means a conditi�n that can cause,contribute to, or�th�rwise�rigger an Environmental Clea�up.
<br /> Borrow�r shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,stflrage,ar retease of any Ha�ardous
<br /> Substances,or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances,on or in the Property.Borrower sha1�no�do,
<br /> nor allow anyon�else ta do,anything affe�ting the Froperty�a}that is in violati�n af any Enviranmenta�
<br /> Law, (b}which creates an En�iranmental Condition,or(c)which,due to the presence,use,ar release of a
<br /> Hazardous Substa.n�e,creates a condition that adver�ely affects the�alue of the Praper�y. The preceding tvvo
<br /> sentences shall not apply to the pr�sence,use,or starage on the Praperty of sma11 quantities of Ha2ardous
<br /> Subs�an�es that are generalty recognized ta be apprvpriate to normal residentiai uses and ta ma�ntenance of
<br /> the Property(including,but nflt limited to,hazardaus substances in cansumer products}.
<br /> Barrovv�r shatl promptly�git�e Lender v�rritten notic�of�a3 any in�estigation,ctaim,demand, lawsuit ar ather
<br /> action b�y any governmental or regulatary agenc�ar private party invol�ing the Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance or Eavironmenta�Law of which Borrower has actua�knowledge, (b}any En�ir�nment�l
<br /> Candition, including but not Iimited to,any spillin�, leak�ng�d�schargea release or threa�of release of any
<br /> �azardous Substance,aad(c)any conditian caused by the presence,use or release of a Hazardou�Substanc�
<br /> wh�c�ad��rsely affects the value af the Proper�y. If Borrower tearns,or is no�ified by any go�ernm�ntal or
<br /> regulatory autho�i�y,or aray pri�ate party,that any remo�al or other remediation of any Hazardaus Substance
<br /> aff�cting the Property is necessary,Borro�ver shail promptly take all necessary rerriediai actions in
<br /> ac�ordan�e w�th En���oqmental Law,Nothing herein sha11 create any obligation on Lender for an
<br /> Eavironmen�al�leanup.
<br /> Nvn-UniformCv�enants.Borrower and Lender co�enant and agree as follows;
<br /> Z2. Acceleration;Remedies.Lender shall gi�e notice t�B�rrawer priar to accelera�ion fallawing
<br /> Bvrrower's bre�th af any eo�en�nt or agreement in this Security Ins�rument�but not privr to
<br /> ac�eleration under Sectian 1S uniess Appii�able�aw pr�v�des��herw�se}.The n�t�ce shall specify: ��}
<br /> the defau�t;�b}the�ction required t�Cure the default; ��)a date,nat Iess than 3�days frarn the date
<br /> the noti�e�s given�o Barrower,by which the def�ul�must be cured; and�d}that failure tv cure the
<br /> defau�t on�r before the da�e specified in the notice may result in aeceleratian of the sums secured by
<br /> this Se�ur�ty Instrument and saie af the Prvpert�.Th�notice shal�further infarm Barrvwer of the
<br /> right ta reinstate after�Cce�er$t�on and the righ�to bring a caurt action ta ass�rt the n�n-existenCe af a
<br /> defau�t or�ny other defense of�orrawer to aCce�er�►tivn and sale.If the defaul�is not cured vn flr
<br /> befare the date spe�i�e�in�he n�ti�e,L�nder at its aption may require immedi�t�paymen�t�n fuil vf
<br /> ail sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invake the pawer of sale
<br /> and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law.Lender shall be entitled tv ca�lec��Il expenses
<br /> incurre�in pursu�ng the remedies pr�vided in this Section�2,including,but n��limi�ed to,reasonable
<br /> �ttarneys'fees�nd costs vf title ev�dence.
<br /> q4337�285�Q1 �233 559 1417
<br /> NEBRASl�A-Single Famfly-Far�r�ie Ma$IFreddie Mac LJNIFQRM INSTRl1MENT WITH MERS Form 30�8 1141
<br /> VMP� VMP6A�NE}(13QZ].4Q
<br /> Wolters IC[uwer Financial Services Page 14 a#17
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