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2� 17� 1283 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ���ntinu�d� Page 4 <br /> incurred in �ecarding, pe�fec�ing or continuing �his Deed o� Trust, including withou� iimitativn a!! taxes, fees, <br /> dv�umentary s�amps, and other charges for recording or registering�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> Taxes. The foiiowing shall cons�itu�e �axes �o which this se��ion applies: {'1� a specific �ax upvn this type of <br /> Deed ��Tt-ust or upon all or any part o��he lndebtedness secured by this Deed a�Trust; {�� a specific tax ❑n <br /> Trusfar which Trus�or is authorized ar required to deduc�from payments an�he Indeb�edness secured by�his type <br /> at Deed of Trus�; {3� a fax❑n�his type❑f Deed of Trus� chargeable againsf the Lender ar the haIder of the Credit <br /> Agreement; and �4} a specifi� fax on aII or any porkian afi fhe Indebfedness o� an payments of principal and <br /> in�e�est made by Trustor. <br /> Subsequent Taxes. 1f any tax t❑ which this se�tion appli�s is enacted subsequen� to �he date ot this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust, this e�en� shaIl ha�e �he same ef-Fec� as an E�en� af ❑efaul�, and Lender may exercise any or aIC of i�s <br /> available remedies �or an E�en� of Default as pro�ided below unfess Trustor either {'f} pays the ta� before it <br /> becomes delinquent, ar �2} cantests the tax as pro�ided above in the Taxes and Liens sec�ion and deposzts with <br /> Lender cash a�-a sufficient�orpor-ate surety bond or other security safisfactory�a Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The fol�owing provisions relating �o �his Deed of Trust as a <br /> se�urity agreemen�are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Se�ur'rty Agreement. This instrumen� shal! constitute a Security Agreemen� fo the extent any o� th� Property <br /> constitutes fixfures� and Lender shall ha�e alI of the r-ights o�F a secured party under�he Uni�o�m Commercial Code <br /> as amended fr�m time to�ime. <br /> Security [ntere�t. lJpon reques� by Lender, Trus�or shall take whate�er action is r�quested by Lender�❑ perfect <br /> and continue Lender�s security interes�in �he Per-sanal Property. In addition to recording this Deed of Trust in fihe <br /> real praperty records, Lender may, a� any time and withou� fur�her au�harizatian �rom Trustorr file executed <br /> counferparts, G�pies or reproductians of �his Deed ❑f Trust as a �inancing stat�men�. Trus�ar shall reimburs� <br /> Lender fv� aII expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing �his security interest. Upan defaux�, Trust�r shall not <br /> remover se�er or detach the Personal Property fram the Praperty. lJpon defaul�, Trus�ar shall assemble any <br /> Pe�-sonal Property not affixed to the Property in a manner and a� a pIace �easonab�y con�enien� fo Trustor and <br /> Lender and make i� available �o Lender within th�ee �3} days after receipt of written demand �rom Lender to �he <br /> extent permitted by applicabie Iaw, <br /> Addresses. The mai�ing addresses ❑f Trustor �debtor� and Lender �secu�ed party} from which information <br /> �oncerning the securi�y �nterest granted by this Deed of Trust may be obtained {each a� required by the Uniform <br /> Commercial Code) are as s�ated an the firs�page ofi this Deed o�Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTDRNEY-IN-FACT. The fol�owing pra��sions relafing �o furthe� assurances and <br /> at�orney--in-fac�are a part❑�this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Further Assurance�. Afi any�ime, and from �im�fo time, upan reque�t of Lender. Trustor wi11 make, execu�e and <br /> deliver, ar will cause to be mad�, execut�d �r deIive�ed��o Lender❑r to Lender's designee, and when requested by <br /> Lender, cause to be fiifed, �-ecorded, refiled, or rerecorded, as fhe case may be, a�such times and �n such offi�es <br /> and places as Lender may deem appr-apria�e, any and all such martgages, deeds of trus�. secu�ity deeds, security <br /> agreements, finanG�ng statements, continuation statements, instruments o� further assurance, certificates, and <br /> ❑ther documents as may� in the soIe opinion ❑f Lenderr be n�cessary �r d�si�able in order�o e#�e�tuate, completer <br /> perfect� continue� or preserve t�� Trustor`s obIiga�ions under the Credi�Ag�eemen�r this Deed �-�Trust, and the <br /> R�Iated Documen�s, and �2� the Ii�ns and security interests crea�ed by this Deed o�Trust as�irs�and prior Iiens <br /> on the Property, whe�her now owned or hereafter acquired by Trustor. Unless p�ohihited by law vr Lender agrees <br /> �o�he con�rary in wri�ingr Trustar shaII reimburse Lende�for aII costs and expenses incurred in�annection wzth the <br /> matters referred ta in this paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fact. ��Trustar fails to do any vfi the things referred �o in the pr�ceding paragraph, Lender may do s❑ <br /> for and in �he name of Trustor and a�Trustor`s expense. Far such purpases, Trustor hereby irre�a�ably appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trus�ar's attor-ney-in--fac��or�he purpose of making, executing, deiivering,filing, �-ecording, and daing all <br /> o�her things as may be necessary vr desirable� in Lende�-'s sole opinion� to accomplish the matkers refe�red �o in <br /> �he p�eceding paragraph. <br /> FULt PERF�RMANCE. I�Trustor pays all�he Indebtedness when duer termina�es the credzt line accauntr and o�herwise <br /> perfarms all the vbligatians imposed upon Trustor under�his ❑e�d a�Trus�, Lender shalI execu�e and deliver ta Trustee <br /> a reques� for �ull recanveyance and shall execute and deli�er �o Trust�r sui�able s�atements o� �e�minatian of any <br /> financing s�a�emen� ❑n tile evidencing Lender's securi�y interest in �he �ents and the Persona! P�vperty. Any <br /> recan�eyance fee requi�ed by law shatI be paid by Trustor, if permitted by appI�cab�e law. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trus�vr will be in default under�has Deed ot T�us� if any ❑�the fol�owing happ�n: �A} Trustor <br /> cammits �raud or makes a material misrepresentati�n at any time in �onnec�ion wifh the �redit Agr�ement. This can <br /> include, �ar example, a fialse s�a�emen# about Trustor's income, assets, liabilities, o�- any other aspects of Trustor-'s <br /> financ�al condition. {B} Trus�or daes no� meet�he repayment terms of the Credit Agreemen�. (C} Trustor's action or <br /> inaction ad�ersely affec�s the calla�eral or Lender's �ights in the coIIateral. This can in�lude, far example� fiaiIure to <br /> main�ain required insu�ance, waste or destructi�e use o��he dwelling,failu�e to pay�axes, death of all persons Iiable on <br /> �he aCCdlIfl�� fransfer o� title vr sale of the dwelling, creation o� a senior lien on the dwelling withou� Lender's <br /> pe�mission,foreclosure by�he holder o�ana�her lien, ❑r the use of funds ar the dwelling fa�prahibifed pu�poses. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMED[ES QN DEFAULT. I�an E�en�of De�auIt occurs under this D��d o�T�ust, a�any time thereafter, <br /> Trust�e or Lender may e�ercise any one or-mvre of the fallawing ri�h�s and r�medies: <br /> Acceleration Upon DefauIt;Additivnai Remedies. If any E�ent af❑�fauNt occurs as per�he terms o�the Credifi <br /> Agreement secured hereby, Lende�may decIare all 1 ndebtedness secured by this ❑�ed of Trus�to be due and <br /> payable and the same shaII thereupon become due and payable withaut any presentment, demand, protes�or <br /> notice a�any kind. Thereafter, Lender may; <br /> {a} Either in person or by agen�r with or withaut bringing any action or proceeding, or by a recei�er <br /> appainted by a court and withou� regard to the adequacy of ifs security, en�er upon and�ake p�ssession <br /> o�the Propertyr or any part the�eafr in its own name ar in the name o�T�usteer and do any acts which it <br /> deems necessary or desirable�o preser�e�he�aluer marketability ar��ntability af the Property� ar part o� <br /> �he Property o�-interes�in �he P�operty; increase th� income fram �h� Property or prateGt the security of <br /> the Properky; and, wi�h or withou� �taking possessian of�he P�-aperty, sue fot- or o�herwise co!le�t �he <br /> rents, issues and prafits ❑f the Property, including those past due and unpaid, and apply�he same, less <br /> cos�s and expenses of opera�ion and collec�ion atrorneys' fees,to any indebtedness secu�ed by this Deed <br /> o�F Trus�, all in such order as Lender may determin�. The entering upon and �aking possession of �he <br /> Pr'operty, the c�llecfion ❑f such rsnts, issues and profits, and the applicatian thereo� shar� not cure or <br /> wa��e any de�auIt o�noti�e v�defauI� under�his Deed ❑f Trust ar- in�aIida�e any a�t done in r�sponse t❑ <br /> 1 such default or pursuant fo such na�ice a�default; and, notwithstanding�he continuance in possession of <br /> the Property �r the collection, receipt and applica�ion of rents, issues or profits, Trustee or Lender shaII <br /> be entztled �o exercise every righ� pravided for in the Credit Agreemen�or the Rela�ed Documents or by <br /> iaw upon the occurrence of any e�ent of defauit, including the righ�to exer�ise the power o�sale; <br /> {b} Commenc�an action to foreclos�fihis Deed of Trust as a martga�e� appoint a recei�er or specifica�iy <br />