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2� 17� 128� <br /> Tr�nsfer of the�?roperty or a Benef�cia�In�erest in B�rrower.Zf al�o�r�any par�af the PropertE�ar any in�erest <br /> �� it is sold or transferre� �ar if a benef�ial inter�st in Borrourer is sal��. �r �ransferred and Borr�,wer is no� a <br /> natura� persan} ��ithou� Lender's prior wri�ten cansent, Lend�r ma�, a�t it� opt�on, require immediate p�.yrnent �n <br /> fu1l af ail sums Cecured by �his Security �nst�men�. Hov�ever, �h.�.s �p�z��n shal� na� be exerc�sed b}T L�nder if <br /> exe�cis�is proh�bi�ed by federal lavv as�f the date�f this 5ecur�ty��ns�rumen�. <br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender s�al� give B orr�Wer �otice �f a�:celera�ion. The notice sha�I provide a <br /> period af no� less �han�he minimum number o�days establ�shed by App Izcable Law from the date the no�ice is <br /> de�ivered or mailed tivi�hin Which Barrour�r mus� pay a�l sum� secured b� this Securi�r �nstrum�n�. If B�rrotiver <br /> fails to pay these sums pr��r tfl �he expirat�on �f�his period, Lend�r may invoke any remedies pLrrr���ted by�h�s <br /> Security�ns�rument w��hout further nfltice or demand on Borrower. <br /> Borrower's Ri�ht to l�einstate. �f B�rrower meets cer�a�n cond�t�ons, B orr�vver sha�I have �he �ight �o have <br /> enforcemen�of�his Secu.rity�ns�rumerit dis��n��nued at any tzme pri�r to �he earlier flf•. �a� 5 da�r� �ar such other <br /> period as Ap��icable Law may spe�ify fflr reins�a�ement}bef�re sal�of�he;Property pursuan��o any povver of sale <br /> contained in �his 5ecurity Instrument; or �b} entry af a j�dgmen� ��forcing this 5ecur�ty �nstrum�nt. Those <br /> condit�ons are tha�Borrower: �a� pays Lendcr a1I sums which then�vo�cl be due under this Securx� �nstrum�nt <br /> and�he Con�rac�as if no accelera�ion had accurred; (b}cures an�default o:�'any other c�venants�r agre�ments; �c} <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enforcing this 5ecur�ty Ins�rumen�, inc�uding,but not Iimi�ed�o,reas4nabl�at�arne�rs' <br /> fees�� the ex����p�rm�t�ed by Iaw; and �d} �ak�s such ac��an as Le�der m�ay reasanably requ�re�o assure �hat�he <br /> ���n of�h�s S�curi.ty Instrument, Lender's r�gh�s in the Proper�y and Barr�vver's�b�igati�n ta pay the su�ns secured <br /> by�h�s Security Instrumer�t shall cont�nue un�hanged. Upon reins�atemenl:by Barro�rer, this Secur��y Instrumen� <br /> and �he abliga�i�ns secured hereby shall r�main fully effec�ive as i�'no a�celeration had occurred. I3o,wever, this <br /> right to reznstate,ha�l not apply�n the case of a�celeratiar�un�ier th�sectia�n�i�led Transfer af th�Prop�rty or a <br /> �er�eficia�I�terest�n Bvrruwer. <br /> I3a�ardaus �ubstances.�3orr�vver sha��na�cause or perm�t the presence,use, dispasal, storage, �r re��ase of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or i.n.the Praper�.�3orr�vver shall no�da,�ar a�ic�w anyane else to do,a�yth�rng a�'fec�ing <br /> �he Property tha� �s in vivlat�on of any Environmen�al Lavv. Th� p�ec�di��g �wa sen�ences shall not appl��� th� <br /> presence,use,ar storage on�h�Proper�y of smal�quan�i�ies�f I-�azardous�'ubstances�hat are gene�a�ly rec�gnized <br /> �❑be appropr�a��ta norma�resident�a�uses and�o maintenance of�he Pr�p er�y. <br /> B�rrower sh�l�promp��y give L�nder writtez�notice of any inves�iga�xon,claim, demand,lawsui�or ot�er ac�ion by <br /> any governm�ntal, or regula�ory agency or priva�e party �nv�Iving �he Pro�per�y and ar�y Ha�ardous Subs�a.nce or <br /> Envzro�men�a� La,w of v�rh�.ch Borravver h�s actual knoW�edge. If Borr�vver learns, or is notif�d by any <br /> governmental or regulatory authority,�hat any r�moval�r oth�r rem�diation of ax�y�-Iazardaus Substan�e a�`fec��ng <br /> the Property is necessary, Borrov�rer sha�l pramp�ly �ake a�1 ne�essary remedial act�ans in a�cordan�e �vvi�h <br /> Environmental La.w. <br /> �A.s used in�his p�.ragraph, "Ha�ardous Subs�ances" are thflse subs�ances d�efined as�ox�c Qr hazar��us substances <br /> �y �nv�ronmen�a� Law and �he f�Ilawin� sub�tances: gaso�ine, k�r�sen�, a�her f�ammable or �ox�c petroleum <br /> prfldu�ts, �oxic pr�stic�des and herbicides, vala�ile solvents, mater�a�s cor.��aining asbestas or f�rmald�hyde, and <br /> radioactive ma�erRals. As used in this paragraph, "Environmen�al La�►�v" me��ns federal�aWs and�aws of 1:he��a�e of <br /> Ne�raska�ha�rela��e�o health,safe�❑r environmental pr��ection. <br /> .�A►.cce�eratian; l�.�med�es. Lende�r shali gxve no�rce t� I�orro�vver p�-��r ��o a�celerati�n f���ovv��g ��rr�wer's <br /> bre�.ch�f any�ovenant or agreement i�this�e�urity Instrx�ment or th��Contract under vvh��h �c��l�ra�ion <br /> ��p�rmitted �bu�not�rio�-to accQ�erat�an under the se�t��n t�tl�d Trmnsfer of the Pr�perty �r a Be�ef�cial <br /> Int�rest in �orrovver, unless Appl���lhie Law pravides a�herw�s�). The notYce sha�� spec�fy: �a� t�n� default; <br /> �b� the act�o� required t� cure the d�fault; �c� a dat�, nat l�s� �han the m�nf mum number �f days <br /> e�ta�lished by A�p��cable La�w from the�at�the nnti�e�s g��e�t��3or�rvwer,b�whi�h the def�u�t n�u5t be <br /> cur�d; ar�d �d� tlhat fai�ure to cure the defau�t �n ar bef�re �he date specified xn the natice rn�a� ��su�t zn <br /> a�c�leratio� of i:he surns secured by t��� S�curity Instr��nent a�d sal� �f the Pr�perty. Ta �he extent <br /> p�rxnit�ed l�y Iav��, the no�ice sha�l fur�h�r inf�rm Borrovt��r of th� riglht to reinsta�e af�er ac�e�.eration and <br /> the rfght to br�ng a�ourt acti�n to assert the�Qr�-existenc�of a defaul�:�r any vther defense of��rr�wer�o <br /> acc�Ieration a�d sale.If the defau���s nat cured �n or b�for� th� dat� 5pe�x�ed in �he not�c�,Lende�- at xts <br /> option may requ�ire imr�nediate paymen� xn full of a�l su�ns s��ured lby this Security Ins�rnmernt �xthvu� <br /> fur�her demand and may invoke the pnwer �f sale and any other r�med�es permit�ed by App��cabl� Lavv. <br /> To �he ex���� perm�tted by �aw, Lender shall b� entitled tfl c���ect a�� expenses �ncurred �� �ursu�ng the <br /> r�medies provid�d in �hx5 Se���on,in�luding,but no��im,���c�to,reasorna��e att�rn�ys' fees a�d cQsts�f t��Ie <br /> ev��ence. <br /> If the pvwer of s�le is�nvoked, Trustee �hall record a not�ce of def�uil:�n each coun�y in wh�ch amy part af <br /> the Property��loca�ed and shall ma�l c�p��s vf such notice�n �h�man�ner prescrib�d by Applic��le Law to <br /> Barrower ar�d t� the �ther pers�ns �rescr�bed �� Applicable La�v, A:�ter the �ime required by �ipp�i�cable <br /> I�avt�, Tru�te� sh���. giv� pub�ic notice of sa�e �o the pers�ns an� in the manner prescri�bed by �i�p�i�able <br /> La�,TruStee,w�thaut der�and on B�rr�w�r, sh���se��the Prap�rty a�pubZi� auCt�on �Q the hi�h�st�idder <br /> a�th�time ar�d pia�e and under the ter�x�s de5ignated in the na�i�e of s3�e in ane or more par��I�and�n any <br /> ord�r Trust�e determ�nes. Trustee may postp�ne 5aie �f ali vr an�� parcel of the Propert� by publ�c <br /> announc�ment�.�the��m�e and�Iace of�n�previausly sch�du�edl�a�e.:Lender or its designee may pu��hase <br /> the Prop�rty at any sa�e. <br /> Up�n re�e�pt of��ayment�f the price bid, '�r�xstee shall. del�ver- �� the purchaser Trustee's d�ed ��nveying <br /> the Prtiperty. The recita�s�n �he Truste�'s deed shall b�prirna f��i�e��idence of th�truth af�he stat�men�s <br /> C�2004-2415 CampiianGe Sys�ems,Tnc.d 1 SA-23T38 W Z415,I2.3.1.i�I S <br /> Cans�mer Real Estate-Se�urity Inst�ument DL2Q36 Pa�e 4 af 5 ww�:r,corr��liancesystems.cQm <br />