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2� 17� 128� <br /> Payment of Pr��.c�pa�and Interes�; �ther�harg�s.Borro�ver shal�pr��np�ly pay�vhen due the princ�pal of and <br /> interes�on the de�t ow��under the�an�ra�t an�la�e charges or any other�cees and charges due under the��n�ract. <br /> Applicab�e L�w. As us�d in �h�s Security �n��rumen�, the term "App�icable Law" sha�l mean a11 controlling <br /> appl�cable federal, s�a�e and local sta.�utes, regulations� ordi.nances and ad.minis�ra�xve rules and order� �tha�have <br /> the effec�af�ativ� as we1�as a�l app�icable fna1,nfln-appeala�Ie judiGia�flps�n�ons. <br /> Ch�rges; Lfems. Borrowe� shall pay al� ta�es, assessments, chaxges, f��es and impositzons a�tributabl� ta the <br /> Property which may at�air�priority over thi� Se�urity Instrurnen�, and �easehold payments or ground ren�ss �f any. <br /> A�the request af Lender,Borrow�r shall p�-�mp�ly furnish�o Lender r���ipts e��dencing the payme�nts. <br /> Bqrrvvver shal� p��amp��y discharge an�lien whi�h has pri�r�ty�ver�h�s Security�nstrument un�ess�3arra�ver: �a} <br /> agrees in wr�t�n� t� th� pa�rm�nt af the �bl�ga��on secured by �h� Ii�n in a manner acceptabl� �o Lender; �b} <br /> con�ests in good fai�h the ��en by, or def�nds agaxnst enforc�men� of�he lien in, l�ga� proceedir�gs wh�c�i in �he <br /> Lender's opi�i�n operate to prevent the enfarcem�nt af�he �zen; �r ��} se�ures fr�m the holder of the lien an <br /> agreemen�satisfac�ory�o Lender subardinating the ���n to �a.zs 5ecurity Ins�rument. If Lender dete�nix�es�hat any <br /> par� of the Pr�perty is subj ec��a a Iien yvhich may attain priori� aver this Security Instrument, I�ender rr�ay gzve <br /> BarroWer a notic� iden�ifying the Iien. Borro�er sha1l sa�isfy the �i�n or�,�ke 4n� ar more of�ie �c�ifl�s set for�h <br /> abo�e vvithin I�clays of�he giving�f natice. <br /> IIa�ard or Prop�rty I�su�-an�e. Bo�-r�vver sha11 keep �he irr�pravexn�n�s�1fl�v existing ar hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insured�aga�ns��ass by fire,hazards�nc�uded wi�hin the teram"e��ended coverage" and ax�y Q�her hazards, <br /> including floods or flflod�ng, for vvhich Lender requires �nsurance. Thi.�s insurance sha�l be m�inta�ned in tihe <br /> amoun�s and for the peri��s t�.a�Lender requires. The insurance carrier pr��viding the insurance sh�.�1 be ch�sen by <br /> Borrov�rer subj ect to Lender's approval which shall not be unreasonably �wi�hheld. Yf Borrower fai�s �o maintain <br /> coverage descr�bed ab�ve, Lender may, a� L�nder's aptian, obtain cov�erage �o protec� L�nder's ri�h�s in �he <br /> Properfiy�n acc�r►dance with sect�on titled�'ra�e��i��.af Lender's I�.gh�s�n�he Praper�y. <br /> All insurance p��icies and renewa�s sha�I be ac�ep�ab�e to Ler�der and sha�� include a s�andard mor�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha1�ha���he r�ght�a hold the palicies and renewals. �f Lender re��uares, Borrovver shall�ro�np��y give�n <br /> Lender a��rec�ip�:s of pazd premiums an�ren�wal nvt�ces. In the even��f loss, Barro�rer shall giVe pr� natice <br /> t���e insuranc�carrzer and Lender.Len�er m�.y make praof of Ioss�f n�t�c�ade promp�ly by Barraw�r. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrower o�her�vis� agr�e in v�-��ing, insurance pr�ceeds shall be applied �� restora�i�n �r <br /> repair af�he Praperty damaged, if, in Lender's sole discre�ian, the res�or��.t�on or repair is econor�i�a��y feas�b�e <br /> and Lender's se�urity is n�� lessened. �f, �� Lender's sfl1� dis�re�ior�, �he r{es�orati�n ar repair is n�� econamically <br /> feasible�r Lende�'s secur��y vvould be�essened,�he insura.nce proceeds shall be applied�a the sum4 secured by this <br /> Se�ur��y Instrum�nt, �r not �he� due, �ith any excess paid �o Borra�wer. If Borr�w�r abar�dons �he <br /> Prop�rty,ar d�es nvt a�swer�ri�hin the nurnb�r�f days prescr�bed by App�ica�b�e Lavv as se�forth in a no�ice from <br /> Lender�a Barr�v�rer tha��he�nsura.�ce carrier has affered to se�tle a.c�a�m, �hen Lender may calle���h� irisurance <br /> praceeds. Lender may use the praceeds ta re�a�r or res�are �he PraperCy or�o pay sums s�cured by t�is Security <br /> Instrument,�rh���er or not then due. The p�riod af time for Borrower�o ans�wer as set f�rt�i in the r�otic�tivi�l begin <br /> vvhen�he na��ce��gzven. <br /> Unless Lender�.nd B�rrflv�rer�therwise agree �n writing, any applic�.�ion�f praceeds to pr�ncipal�h�.Il no�extend <br /> or pas�pone the due date of�he payments due under the �on�ra��nr chang;e�h� amoun�af the pay�men�s. If under <br /> the se�tion t��t�ed Ac�eier�t�on; Ia.emedies, �he Property is ac�uired by Lender, Barrov�rer's right�� an�r�nsurance <br /> pfllicies and prflceeds resu��ing fr�m damage �� �he Property pritir �o ��e a�quisitian �hall pass t� Lender to the <br /> ex�ent�f the sum.�secured by�his Security Inst.rumen�immed�atel�priar�o�he acquisi�io�. <br /> Preservati�n, �Vla�ntenance and Pr�tec�i�n �f the Prop�r�y; B�rro`ver�s Loan Applicati��; Leaseh�lds. <br /> Bflrrower shall not des�r�y, damage or impazr�he�'roper�y, a�l��r�he ProperCy�fl deter�orate, or c�mm���raste on <br /> the Proper�y. Bvr��ower sha11 be�n default zf any farfei�ure actian or�rocee�ding,vvhether civil ar cr��n.�nal,��begun <br /> �ha� in Lend�r'� gflod faith judgment c�uld r�su�t in forfeitur� of�he Pr�p�erty ar o�herwise ma�erially�mpair th� <br /> I�en crea�ed by �]his Securi�y Instrument �r Lender's securi#�y interes#�. B Q�QW�r �71ay CU.r� 511Ch a c�efaul� and <br /> reinstate, as provxded in sect�on�i�led Borrfltive�'s Right to Re�nst�.te, by�causing the action Qr�ro�eed��.g�a b� <br /> dismisse��with�.ru�ing�that,�n Lender's gaod faith determinatifln,prec�uc�es f�rfeiture of�he Barrotiver's in��rest in <br /> the Property �r �a�her materia� impairmen� af th� Iien created by �his S��cur�ty �nstrumen� or L�nder's security <br /> interes�. Bflrrovver shali a�s�be zn default��Borrower,dur�ng the�o�n applica��ar�pracess,gave material�y�alse or <br /> inaccurate inform.ation �r statemen�s to Lender �or fa�led �� prov�de Lender u��th any material inf�r�ation} in <br /> c�nnect�on wi�h�he �aan evidenced by �he Contrac�. �f this S�curi�y Ins�rument is on a leaseh�ld, Borrou��r shall <br /> c�rriply w��h al�t�xe provis��ns nf the lease. Zf Borrovv�r acquir�s fee title ta�the Praper�y,�he leaseh��d an��he fee <br /> �i�le sha�l no�merge un��ss Lender agrees to�he merger in wri��.ng. <br /> Protection vf L�nder's R�ghts in the Praperty. If Borro�rer fa��s ta �aerform �he c�venants and agreements <br /> c�n�ained in�his aecuri�y Instrumen�, or there is a l�gal praceeding�hat m�.y signifi�an�ly affe��Lender's righ�s in <br /> �he Property �suc�� as a pro�eeding xn bankruptc�r, pro�bate, for condemnai�ion or forfeiture �r to enfarce laws or <br /> reg�.Ia�ians}, �en Lender may da and pay f�r �txrha�ever �s �ecess�.ry to protect �he value of��e Prnpe��ty and <br /> Lender's rights i�.the Pr�perty. Lender's actiflns�r�.ay includ�pay�ng any sums secured by a lien which has priority <br /> aver th�s Security�nstrume�.�,appearing in caurt,paying reas�nable at�orne.ys'fees and en�ering on th�Pr�perty�o <br /> make repairs.A��hough Lender may�ake action under this sect�on,L�r�d�r c�oes n�t have�a�io so. <br /> Any amoun�s di��rursed by Lender under this sec�ian shal� b�come ad�itiona� debt af Barrower �ecured by �h�s <br /> 5ecuri�y �ns�ru.ment. Unless B�rra�ver and Lender agree t� o�aer �erms o�'payment, �hese amvun�s shall bear <br /> fl 2D44-2fl�5 Comp]iance Systems,Tnc.6 l SA-23D8-2D <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Instrument DL2435 Pa�e 2 af S ww�v.� <br />